Chapter 162 Proficiency Panel

She was somewhat grateful that she had the passive talent skill of cheat hunting, but while she was happy, she couldn't help but wonder if it was a trap. After all, the talent skills were given to her by others, and the tasks were also issued by others. She could only be troubled for a moment. She thought about it in an instant.

There is no need for her to bother herself now. She probably doesn't have the qualifications to let people take such a big detour to plot against her. Besides, what can she do if they plot against her? She has to just accept it.

It's better not to think too much, as thinking too much will only lead to trouble.

Zhang Chengyuan decided to wait until the end of the deadline to collect Jiang Lin's golden finger. Seeing that his master seemed to have finished his work, Silkworm Baby said: "Master, the energy beads purified from the plot power and luck and origin that were devoured before are now going to be spit out." come out?"

Zhang Chengyuan nodded, and Silkworm Baby spit out a lot of energy beads. When she took a quick look, she saw that there were energy beads of three other colors.

In addition to the primary sea blue and the intermediate black, there are also advanced dazzling colors. The three extra colors of energy beads are yellow, purple, and red.

After identification, Zhang Chengyuan learned that the yellow ones were plot power energy beads, the red ones were luck energy beads, and the purple ones were origin energy beads.

But in essence, energy beads formed from pure energy purified by silkworms can be used without much difference.

Although this pile of energy beads doesn't look like many, they are all high-level energy beads or special energy beads, and there are more than 17,000 of them, which translates to 800,000 to 900,000 intermediate energy beads.

Zhang Chengyuan's first reaction was to send it to his own world, but now that Wan Zitan is the Lord of Heaven in the world, he doesn't know if he can leave so easily.

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to give it a try, otherwise when she left, this thing would be forced to be left to Wan Zitan. She felt heartbroken just thinking about it.

So she decided to give it a try. The worst thing she could do was to pay a little more, which was better than leaving it all to her. Although she could get points, she would still feel like she was losing blood.

What's more, he was deceiving her. This was considered enmity. If he left it to her, he would be making an enemy.

She came to Tiandao again. Wan Zitan looked at Zhang Chengyuan with a displeased face and said in a very rude tone: "Why are you here again?"

Zhang Chengyuan said in the same rude tone: "Why, it was okay to come before, but not now? After being promoted to the Lord of Heaven in the Great Thousand World, have you been so arrogant?"

Wan Zitan's pretty face was frosty and her tone was cold: "If you have nothing to do, leave as soon as possible, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Zhang Chengyuan rolled his eyes at her: "I want to leave."

Wan Zitan was no longer in urgent need at the moment, and she still had a lot in her hands, so naturally she was unwilling to lower her head any more, and refused very simply: "No."

Zhang Chengyuan was a little angry and almost blurted out a question, but she held it back, took out a high-level energy bead with her backhand and threw it to her and said, "It's okay now."

As she said this, she couldn't help but glare at Wan Zitan, with a look of pain on her face.

Wan Zitan then looked at the energy bead thrown at her with a different eye. She held it in her hand and felt it carefully. It turned out to be a higher-level existence than the intermediate energy bead. The power contained in it was more pure and huge. For her now, That said, it's also very useful.

She quickly put on a smile and apologized softly: "It's my fault. This is not because I think I'm superior to others because I'm successful. You just thought I was farting just now. I'm really sorry for dirtying your ears. You, sir, have a lot of unnecessary things." Meet someone like me who lives in the mud."

These words really reduced herself to the mud, but made Zhang Chengyuan clearly feel the sadness of being powerless, but she was not greatly touched.

She is just lucky. When she is not lucky, it is her normal state to stay low and do nothing, but she does not resonate with her. People's choices are their own. How they live their lives is their own business. If you tell your own sufferings, you will only get temporary pity and disgust. No one will really feel the same.

Since it is useless, why bother exposing your scars to others? In the end, it will just make yourself suffer over and over again.

However, she is not a fussy person. Wan Zitan is just someone she can use. Naturally, she will not take her words to heart. He glanced at her coldly: "Do you have any objection if I leave now?"

Wan Zitan shook her head repeatedly: "Please, please."

Zhang Chengyuan disappeared directly to distribute these resources to the five major worlds, and to understand the extent of the world's development so that he had a clear idea.

Xuan Qing is indeed her favorite. In this short period of time, he has gathered more than 7,000 big worlds, and Zhang Chengyuan is looking forward to it even more.

Returning to the mission world again, she opened the door and went out.

She was planning to go to the countryside to farm and retire. Now there was only one hidden mission left. The deadline was quite long. She couldn't wait forever.

What's more, she directly announced that she had severed ties with the Xi family. It would be inappropriate to live in the Xi family anymore.

The Xi family were very reluctant to leave when she wanted to leave, but Zhang Chengyuan insisted and had to compromise in the end.

When Zhang Chengyuan left, his mother, Xi Baozhu, would naturally not be absent, and Xi Aileen insisted on following because she had severed ties with the family and was not suitable to live in the Xi family.

When they finally left, it was their mother Xi Baozhu, eldest niece Xi Aileen and her.

Zhang Chengyuan was not short of money. She picked a hilltop, bought it, and built the house by herself. With the help of her mother and eldest niece, she completed the house in just one day.

The three of them moved in directly and rested for one night. The next day, Zhang Chengyuan went out to tidy up the mountain with a hoe and other tools.

She planned to plow the entire mountain and then plan how to plant and breed it.

Her goal is to create a self-sufficient living environment. Of course, what she plans to plant and raise will not be ordinary things, but natural and earthly treasures.

She mainly eats it for herself. Some of the excess will be provided to her family, and the rest is to be exchanged for points in the future.

It was a little difficult to be self-sufficient at first, but after half a year, I became more leisurely. I ate, drank, played and slept every day. My little life was very happy.

It seemed that the deadline was approaching in an instant. Zhang Chengyuan said on the surface that he was going into seclusion, but in fact he secretly went to find Jiang Lin.

But she didn't appear in front of Jiang Lin. She sneaked near him. To be on the safe side, she waited until he fell asleep at night before taking action.

As she thought, the passive talent skill of cheat hunting was activated naturally. An invisible circle of light fell on Jiang Lin, as if it touched him from head to toe, and then flew back to Zhang Chengyuan's hand wrapped in a bead. .

The moment she got it, Zhang Chengyuan left immediately. As soon as she ran a few hundred meters away, Jiang Lin yelled, and she disappeared without even blinking her head and returned to her house.

Opening the panel, putting the bead on and clicking submit, she felt relieved. She didn't know why, but when she held the bead, she felt very panicked and had palpitations from time to time. The sense of crisis was stronger than ever before.

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