Chapter 163 Beauty Trap

And she couldn't figure out why even when using her decision talent skill, so she submitted it without hesitation.

Sure enough, she felt much more at ease as soon as the beads disappeared. Apart from the lingering fear, she no longer felt panicked at all.

After calming down, she thought about the reason. After thinking about it again, she came up with a guess. She heard Qiao Qianyue mentioned before that there are other chaotic worlds and they often have friction. Could the golden finger on the panel come from another world? From the world of chaos.

The Chaos World of Stars has a quick escape bureau, so other chaotic worlds should have organizations similar to the quick escape bureau.

If you think according to the logic of this guess, it makes sense that she would be so flustered and palpitated when she got the plug-in. After all, it is something of the same level as the main god. It is normal for a small minion like her to be like that.

As for why the chaotic world of stars appears, it is easier to explain. As a competitor, she might use some tricks. Otherwise, how can she explain that her full-level talents and skills are not effective, and she still has such a strong one? There is a sense of crisis, and the most important thing is to recover the quick travel bureau.

The existence of various signs made Zhang Chengyuan more and more sure of his guess.

She also coveted that plug-in, but in that case she could only protect herself first. It's not that she regrets it now, it's just a pity.

Although your own plug-in hunting passive talent skill can be copied, it is not permanent and you have to draw a lottery to use it.

Regardless of whether it can be drawn, just pretend it can be drawn. It can only use one world. The difference between the two is huge.

But it’s useless to think too much, just sigh with emotion, life must go on.

The hidden mission has been completed. She no longer has any constraints. She only needs to live honestly until death. By the way, she hopes that Xuan Qing will join the big world to advance to the great world, and then help the other four worlds.

Although she wasn't sure how far she could take the other four worlds, she still wanted to try to take them with her as soon as she could.

She has feelings for those four worlds, and she doesn't want to give them up.

Time flies by, and Zhang Chengyuan is farming and retiring as usual.

Suddenly, one day Xi Aileen told her that she had met the person she wanted to live with for the rest of her life. She looked at her eldest niece in confusion and couldn't understand. She only had three women here. Why did her eldest niece fall in love with her mother?

No, absolutely not, she would never agree to it even if she died.

Fortunately, Xi Aileen's next words made her breathe a sigh of relief: "Little aunt, I heard him say that he is from Nancheng. Do you think I can ask him to stay here with me in order to save his life?"

Zhang Chengyuan frowned and grasped the key point: "You didn't even come down from the mountain, where did you save the people?"

Xi Aileen also frowned for a moment: "It's halfway up the mountain, little aunt, didn't you notice?"

Zhang Chengyuan became wary: "Where is he now?"

Xi Aileen immediately stood up and led the way for her little aunt: "Little aunt, follow me. He is still halfway up the mountain. He even built a wooden house. I always thought he dared to treat you so unscrupulously with your permission. There it is.”

Because the Xi family often came over, and there were many people coming and going, she thought it was her aunt's acquiescence, and there was also the man's guidance, which convinced her that she had never suspected that he was lying. .

It is no wonder that the people specially sent here are so suitable to her, as if they are tailor-made for her, and they have been waiting for a long time to create a beauty trap for her.

The more Xi Aileen thought about it, the angrier she became. Of course, the heart-pounding moment she had before was gone. When the two of them dared to arrive, the person had already run away. Xi Aileen stamped her feet angrily, but Zhang Chengyuan looked very calm. This person could be invisible under his own consciousness. She was not surprised if people knew they were coming in advance and ran away early. .

Zhang Chengyuan patted Xi Aileen on the shoulder and walked back first: "There's no need to be so angry. Just be more cautious next time."

Xi Aileen was particularly unwilling, but her little aunt had said so, so she could only secretly make up her mind to dig out three feet of the ground for him.

This episode just passed, and even Zhang Chengyuan let it go after thinking hard about it.

More than twenty years passed safely and unharmed. Zhang Chengyuan was digging the soil that day, but unexpectedly dug out a living dead person in the soil. She stared in disbelief at the well-behaved and beautiful boy in front of her, who seemed to have grown up in her heart, and fell into long memories. .

After a long time, she remembered that Xi Aileen seemed to have been set up in a beauty trap more than 20 years ago. Is it her turn now? Why are you still a little happy?

She squatted next to the beautiful boy and poked the handsome boy's face with her dirt-stained fingers. Her hands felt warm and soft, just like a child's skin. It was so tender that she could pinch water out of it. She couldn't help but stretch out her hands. Touched two more times.

It felt like it was quite high. She pinched it again and again, showing a crazy smile, which was a bit scary.

The beautiful young man who remained motionless even after being dug up by his own hoe, seemed not to have enough concentration. He started to move because of this seemingly perverted behavior, and his eyelids moved slightly as if he could not bear it anymore, as if he was about to wake up.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't have any guilty conscience, and continued to ravage him with a lewd smile. This was a beauty trap tailor-made for her, specifically designed to deceive her. It wasn't too much for her to touch her cheeks.

Perhaps it was because she was unmoved when she saw someone about to wake up. When the beautiful boy opened his eyes, he pinched Zhang Chengyuan's wrist and asked weakly: "Who are you?"

Zhang Chengyuan's eyes showed regret, but he still squeezed again unwillingly, and then stopped. Looking at the clean and clear eyes of the beautiful boy, she felt that he liked her even more with his eyes open.

"Why are you buried in the ground? I am your savior."

The beautiful boy shook his head as if he was confused: "I don't know."

Zhang Chengyuan did not doubt him at all, and even looked at him lovingly: "What a poor child, let me tell you, the life-saving grace here must be promised with your own body. In other words, if I save you, you must Come with me, do you understand?”

The beautiful boy hesitated for a second and then nodded obediently. Zhang Chengyuan reached out and hugged the princess directly, and took her back happily.

When she was met by Xi Aileen on the road, Xi Aileen's eyes almost went straight. She looked at her little aunt who was smiling stupidly in surprise, and then looked at the man in her arms, her mind went into a state of shut down.

Is it because I was dazzled or because my aunt was penetrated by someone? My aunt, who has never been a manly woman, actually hugged a man.

After she was surprised, she hurriedly caught up and asked, "Little aunt, who is this?"

Zhang Chengyuan didn't stop: "The one dug out of the soil is just like yours. I'm going to marry him."

Xi Aileen understood the information revealed in these simple words as soon as she heard it. Her expression changed immediately. She asked with a smile: "When will my little aunt plan to do it?"

Zhang Chengyuan answered her question and started to drive people away: "It's not decided yet, you should go back first. I want to be alone with him."

Xi Aileen made an "OK" gesture, stopped chasing them, and watched them leave.

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