Now that she thinks about that man, Xi Aileen is still angry, and she doesn't know who sent him. She still doesn't have any clues.

However, it would be unlucky for this man to meet his little aunt. She was happy to watch the show, but she was always worried about that incident.

Zhang Chengyuan took the person back to his room and asked him to quickly take a shower and clean up while she went to another room to take a shower.

The beautiful young man felt as if ten thousand mud horses were galloping past him. He didn't expect this damn woman to be so anxious and shameless. He was really speechless...

Zhang Chengyuan, who was misunderstood as being anxious, did not have any ambiguous thoughts. She was checking the results of the appraisal of the beautiful boy:

Identification successful!

Character: Jiang Siyou
Sex: Male
Age: 24 (24~3871) years old
Favorability: -25
HP: 2800/2800
Attack: 810~1200
Skills: Freezing, Evil Killing, Charm, Wind Control...

Kung Fu: "Soul-Destroying Spear", "Wuji Creation", "Golden Body Art", "Ice Art", "Five Phases and Five Elements"

Realm: mortal

Qualification: 89 (full value 100)

Lifespan: 24/80
Identity: Quick Traveler No. 91912 of Biluo Chaos World Quick Travel Bureau

Personality: Perseverance and resilience, indifference, self-interest

Characteristics: Unyielding, able to be calm and patient in the face of difficulties, and never give up, but has experienced so much that he is very indifferent and egoistic.
Luck: 15
Soul: Second level soul

Fate: unknown

Status: Full of qi and blood, healthy

Equipment: portable space

Pets: None
Plug-in: Quick wear male role playing system

Introduction: A college student who had just left school had never seen the sinister nature of people because of his relatively good family conditions. He was accidentally targeted by a human trafficker organization and was eventually abducted and died at a young age. But luckily, he was captured on the verge of death. Captured and bound by the quick-travel male supporting role-playing system, he regained his life...

Psychology: Disgusting, shameless, lecherous...

The quick traveler number 91912 of the Biluo Chaos World Quick Travel Bureau, indeed his guess was correct, he could send someone to use a honey trap for him.

Hmm, let’s go through the male supporting role-playing system and continue to look at it.

He's still a poor kid, but hey, he's so good at playing this psychological activity? Or maybe you are a bit perverted yourself, and when you add the element of acting, it becomes even more obscene and perverted?

Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but chuckle and speed up the bath.

After taking a bath, she dried the moisture on her body, then went to find Jiang Siyou with her hair loose.

Jiang Si had the mentality to curse, but he quickly took a shower and took care of himself. After so many years of playing the role of male supporting actor, he has been able to be different from what he looks like.

Zhang Chengyuan knocked on the door and reminded: "Can I come in?" Jiang Siyou began to scold her again in his heart, but he looked well-behaved, and his voice was gentle and sweet, with the clearness unique to a young man: "Okay, Please come in."

Zhang Chengyuan gently opened the door and stepped in. As soon as he raised his feet, he heard a mellow voice with a strong sense of disgust. It seemed to be a little sexy, but it was not particularly obvious: "Bazai, give me your mind-reading skills." ]
Ba Zai's voice was like that of a little boy with squirting milk. He sounded sweet and cute: "Copy that, how many hours?"

[Come for an hour first. ]
Zhang Chengyuan just pretended that he couldn't hear it and continued to walk, but his mental activities were suppressed again and again, ensuring that he didn't want to think about anything else.

Just as he walked to the table, Bazi's voice appeared: "The equipment is ready."

Jiang Si did not respond, but stared at Zhang Chengyuan, wanting to hear her thoughts, but Zhang Chengyuan had already walked up to him, and he still didn't hear anything.

But Zhang Chengyuan could see his mental activities clearly. In order to test whether this mind-reading skill was useful to her, she tried to reveal a little bit of her heart. She thought that the boy was so cute and she liked him so much. It was like he had grown up in her heart.

Then she kept checking the appraisal, but suddenly found that she could hear Jiang Siyou's voice. She also appraised herself in confusion, and saw that her status showed: Trigger the passive defense talent skill to double the damage. (Two hours of mind reading).

Zhang Chengyuan wanted to laugh, but then he heard the conversation between Jiang Siyou and the system started again: "Why is it that Bazai's mind-reading skills are useless to her? Why can't I hear her voice at all?" ]

Ba Zai was also very confused when he heard this. This was the first time he used it in this situation: "How about I ask the superiors?"

Jiang Siyou was a little anxious: "Hurry up, I don't want to be molested by her." ]
Zhang Chengyuan's face twitched. What does it mean to be obscene? She's not that open.

Jiang Siyou saw Zhang Chengyuan staring at him, and he felt goosebumps all over his body. He felt that this man's eyes looked like he was naked and was being looked at by her.

Zhang Chengyuan pursed her lips tightly. With this mind-reading ability, she couldn't act at all. Can't a good-looking young man be the same on the outside as he is on the outside?
She lost her interest in acting, so she didn't embarrass herself. She didn't even bother to pretend: "Have a good rest. We'll talk about anything tomorrow."

The moment Zhang Chengyuan turned around and left and closed the door, she heard Ba Zai's voice: "It said it's not a matter of mind reading. In addition, if you find out her true identity, I will give you double the reward. If you can get her soul If you keep them all, the reward will be doubled.”

[So rich? ]

Ba Zai explained: "It was said above that she is on the list of Lords of Heaven. She is a recent newcomer with great potential and is expected to become the Lord of Heaven in the world. The most important thing is that she is from a grassroots background without any background."

Jiang Siyou was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. He also had no background. How come he had only entered the world now, when others were expected to be promoted to the world, but she actually had so much more potential than him.

Ba Zai continued: "So you are asked to get rid of her." Ba Zai paused and persuaded seriously. It felt that it was quite pleasant to cooperate with him and had no plans to replace her for the time being: "But I think you should do your best. That’s good. People who don’t have any background to get to that point in a short period of time are either ruthless or very lucky. No matter what kind of person they are, you’d better not mess with them.”

Jiang Siyou listened very much to the advice. He knew that Ba Zai was doing this for his own good: [Ba Zai, I listen to you. I will just find out the disappearance of the proficiency panel. ]
Hearing this, Zhang Chengyuan didn't intend to listen anymore. The matter was completely clear. The proficiency panel was the nail planted by the Biluo Chaos World in the Star Chaos World, and his hasty interception made others realize that something was wrong, and they used a higher level. Hidden stakes, and then a situation like this occurs, and someone is sent to get rid of him.

However, this is not without its benefits. If you can capture Jiang Siyou and instigate rebellion against him and the System Eight Chai, then you will have a way to understand the chaotic world of Biluo.

But this matter must be considered in the long term, otherwise she may accidentally trigger the passive defense counter-injury and obtain the mind-reading skill, and she may miss this important news.

Back in the room, Zhang Chengyuan began to figure out how to capture Jiang Siyou. He often played male supporting roles, so he must have met many female protagonists. I wonder if he has someone he likes. It would be much easier if he didn't.

Zhang Chengyuan suddenly remembered that Jiang Siyou's favorability score for her seemed to have dropped to 30 points. She was immediately discouraged, and she messed up her first impression.

(End of this chapter)

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