When people get along with each other, the first impression is very important. She can only make up for her current situation in the future. But how many things will she have to do in the future to erase the impact of the first impression? Just think about it. Headache.

However, you don’t have to conquer him, that’s all, just let it happen.

The next day, Zhang Chengyuan was still dressed very simply and did not dress up deliberately. She knocked on Jiang Siyou's door and asked him what he wanted for breakfast. Jiang Siyou said shyly and politely that he could do whatever he wanted.

However, she saw in his mental activities that he loved to eat steamed buns and porridge, so he naturally liked him, but she didn't make it so obvious. She made a little of everything for breakfast before calling him to eat.

After he saw a large table of breakfast, he explained to him with a smile: "You said whatever you want, I won't be sure to pay attention. I was afraid that you wouldn't like to eat, so I cooked a little of everything, wasted some time, and was so hungry. Come on, eat it while it's hot and try my handiwork.

I make these by mixing ordinary ingredients and spiritual materials. If you eat them, they will only be good for your body and you will not feel any discomfort. "

Jiang Siyou smiled and thanked him. He took a bite of everything and thought they were all delicious. He also slightly changed his view of Zhang Chengyuan.

After breakfast, Zhang Chengyuan asked Jiang Siyou: "Want to go out for a walk?"

Jiang Si nodded, and Zhang Chengyuan took his hoe to work in the fields, and sent a message to Xi Aileen asking her to come over.

When they reached the field, Xi Aileen just arrived. Zhang Chengyuan introduced each other to the two of them, and then asked Xi Aileen to take Jiang Siyou around as he really wanted to work.

Yesterday, because Jiang Siyou was dug out, she didn't come after halfway through the work. She still had today's task, so she had to speed up.

Xi Aileen took Jiang Siyou around obediently, but she was somewhat unhappy.

Jiang Siyou naturally saw it, and he asked hesitantly: "Did I offend you? You seem to have a problem with me."

Xi Aileen originally didn't want to pay attention to him, but as soon as she rolled her eyes, she had a good idea: "You didn't offend me, but I just feel unhappy with you. How can you deserve to interfere with someone like my little aunt who is as bright as the moon? She is still a human being." Mortal, I really don’t know how you can please my little aunt..."

The more he talked about Xi Aileen, the more he felt that he was not worthy of his little aunt. As for Jiang Siyou, he urgently asked Bazai to exchange it for him for mind-reading equipment to see if he could hear any secrets. In the end, he just heard what she said. If you do, you feel unworthy and belittle yourself.

Jiang Siyou endured and endured it before he had an attack. He deliberately made himself look sad and said nothing.

Xi Aileen seemed to realize that she had said the wrong thing. She shut up but she was still complaining in her heart. How could a grown man be so fragile? He retorted when he was angry and actually felt wronged. Oh my God, this is what my little aunt would not like. I really don’t understand, what’s so good about this? It’s just zero! !

Xi Aileen was shocked by her own thoughts, and she eagerly asked for confirmation: "Do you like women or men?"

Jiang Siyou resisted the urge to curse, gritted his teeth and said, "Women, I like women."

Of course he doesn't even know what zero is. He is fair and a little thin, but he is definitely straight.

Xi Aileen breathed a sigh of relief, okay, okay, if it was really Zero, she would have to persuade her little aunt to let it go and think about it clearly: "Do you still want to go shopping?"

Jiang Siyou shook his head without hesitation. He didn't want to stay with Xi Aileen for a moment. It was really poisonous and had no useful information. It was a pure waste of his points.

Xi Aileen took him back to find Zhang Chengyuan. Jiang Siyou thought for a while and chose to ask. After spending all the points, he finally got some useful information.

"What kind of person is your little aunt?" Xi Aileen didn't think much about it. She liked talking about her little aunt very much. She always had endless things to say when talking about her little aunt. On the way back, Xi Aileen kept talking. It didn't stop and kept going all the way. Jiang Si's head was buzzing when he heard it, and all he could think about was what my little aunt was doing.

When he saw Zhang Chengyuan hoeing the ground from a distance, Jiang Siyou seemed to have seen a savior, and his eyes almost shone.

Zhang Chengyuan noticed that they were back, straightened up and looked at them, and met a pair of excited eyes. She was a little surprised but did not judge his mental activities.

"Why are you back so soon? Isn't it fun?"

Jiang Siyou shook his head and seemed hesitant to speak. He glanced at Xi Aileen secretly. Zhang Chengyuan looked at it and asked, "Are you unhappy with Aileen? Aileen is a very nice person, but you just speak a little more straightforwardly." Never mind."

Jiang Siyou felt a little uncomfortable hearing this, but he also envied his family's unhesitating preference. He nodded a little disappointed.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't know how to enlighten him for a while, so he decided to evaluate it. The next second, he heard Jiang Siyou asking Ba Zai: "See how much Xi Xinyue likes me?" ]

"It was 35 just now and now it's 30."

[This is too protective of her family. This is slandering her family in front of her. This good impression cannot be cleared directly...]
Jiang Siyou was at a loss for words. It seemed that in order to defeat her, he had to start with her family.

Previously, I had thirty favorability points in the first meeting. This has finally increased by five points. Now I am back to before liberation.

Is her favorability so high? Zhang Chengyuan thought about whether she could control her favorability. She silently thought that she liked this person because he was so good-looking. Then she heard Jiang Siyou's voice: Why did he add it again inexplicably? Could it be? Because I was obedient and didn't make trouble?

It turns out that this is the principle. This favorability is really unstable. The favorability determined by oneself is more stable. It is always based on the lowest point of favorability. This kind of problem of high and low will not occur.

Zhang Chengyuan invited: "Want to try turning the soil? It's very interesting."

Jiang Siyou and Xi Aileen took a step back together, showing resistance. Xi Aileen had suffered enough from farming in the past few decades, and she finally stopped practicing so as not to find a job for herself.

As for Jiang Siyou, he has also been to the world of the times. Sometimes farming takes a lifetime, but he doesn't see the fun in digging the soil. Besides, he is here as an undercover agent, so he can't do any of this work.

Regarding Jiang Si's unreasonable behavior, Zhang Chengyuan did not point it out. He waved to them and took out some spiritual fruit tea and placed it next to them: "Then you go and eat some fruit. I have to turn over this piece."

Xi Aileen went over first. Jiang Siyou looked at Zhang Chengyuan before following him. He was very confused about Zhang Chengyuan's attitude before and after.

Judging from her perverted and obscene behavior at the beginning, she should be very greedy for his body, but she was very polite to him from yesterday to today, which made him feel very separated, as if they were two people...

Zhang Chengyuan worked until the evening. In the middle, Xi Aileen said she wanted to leave, so she asked Xi Aileen to take Jiang Siyou back with her and make arrangements for meals.

She had already thought about it before, whether she could work out her feelings and just let it happen. She didn't force it, because she really didn't want to deliberately please others.

(End of this chapter)

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