When it got dark, Zhang Chengyuan went back to rest with the hoe. With her current cultivation level, it didn't matter whether she ate or not, but she was used to eating, so she ate every meal, but sometimes she was too busy to eat.

After that, it seemed that there was just one more person, and nothing changed much. Zhang Chengyuan and the three of them were still doing what they were supposed to do.

Zhang Chengyuan occasionally came to chat with Jiang Siyou when he was interested, and went out together. During this period, she also taught Jiang Siyou how to practice.

They get along more and more happily, and they have some interest in each other. He is really the one Zhang Chengyuan likes.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't care if Jiang Siyou was faking it, as long as that was what she saw.

She has lived long enough to know clearly that whether she loves someone or not is false, and the consequences of persistence will only hurt others and herself.

So she only cares about her own feelings, such as whether she is interested in him, whether he likes him, and whether he can make her happy.

Liking is enough, but love is too hurtful, so she will not give out her love. She will only love herself.

Five years passed in a blink of an eye. That day, she and Jiang Siyou went to pick fruits together and came back. They also said that they would make sweet soup with the fruits in the afternoon. However, they received a message from Xuan Qing, saying that it was going to be promoted to the world and asked her to past.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately put down everything, told him to retreat, and then went to find Tiandao. He was able to leave after paying five high-level energy beads.

The moment she left this world, Jiang Siyou was reminded by Ba Zai: "Xi Xinyue's breath has completely disappeared."

[What's the meaning? ]

"Xi Xinyue should have left this world."

Jiang Siyou's fists clenched unconsciously: [Isn't she in seclusion? ]
Ba Zai watched helplessly as he gradually became attracted to Xi Xinyue. It reminded him several times, but he still couldn't restrain his feelings. It sighed helplessly: "You will know for yourself if you go and see."

Jiang Siyou stood up eagerly, trying his best to look normal. He walked heavily to the place where she was retreating. He reached out and touched the wall to feel the situation inside. There was really no one inside.

He returned to his residence with some staggering steps and felt dazed, with every detail of the past five years in his mind.

The room was silent for a long time before Jiang Siyou's hoarse voice came: "Bazi, how much does she like me?"


Jiang Siyou came out of the darkness with a nasal voice: "She must have liked me."

Bazai's sigh became more and more obvious. Just looking at his partner who had been with him for more than a thousand years, he still felt soft-hearted, but he was not willing to admit it personally: "When you reach sixty, you like it, and when you reach seventy, you love it."

"Seventy is love, but it's a pity that it's still just a little bit different."

Jiang Siyou suppressed his sadness with a trembling voice and slumped on the ground, a little decadent.

Ba Zai didn't want to see him like this: "Let's leave too."

Jiang Siyou's hoarse voice revealed his prayer: "Bazi, I want to wait, maybe she will come back."

Ba Zai wants to persuade him to wake up and stop being obsessed with love...

Zhang Chengyuan may have thought about what would happen if she left Jiang Siyou, or maybe it wasn't important. Her heart was set on Xuan Qing's promotion.

When I came to Xuanqing Realm, I found Xuanqing. She was fighting with other energy groups. Zhang Chengyuan didn't dare to disturb her and just watched the battle, waiting for the battle to end.

Xuan Qing became stronger and captured her opponent in just a few rounds. She threw it to the energy groups that were also watching. One of the red energy groups, which was obviously larger than the other energy groups, caught it and contracted it directly.

Xuan Qing appeared next to Zhang Chengyuan: "Let's go." Zhang Chengyuan followed with a smile on his face, full of expectations.

Xuan Qing turned into an energy ball and rushed into the Xuan Qing world, followed closely by Zhang Chengyuan. They stayed on the sky, Xuan Qing asked: "Start?"

"Wait a minute, I'll let the silkworm baby come out, and we'll try our best to absorb it in a while. If there is any escape, let the silkworm baby absorb it, okay?"

Xuan Qing looked like an energy ball, and Zhang Chengyuan couldn't see its expression. He just heard it say: "Okay, but don't go too far, leave some for the creatures in the world."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded, released the silkworm baby and explained what Xuan Qing meant, and then said to Xuan Qing: "Let's get started."

Xuan Qing chose to be promoted, and the whole world began to shake and tremble. The ancient and majestic aura came immediately, and a large amount of the source of luck was poured in. Xuan Qing immediately absorbed it crazily. Zhang Chengyuan did not give in, and quickly stuffed it into his mouth. Beside him, he swallowed up some escaped sources of luck from time to time.

Time passed by minute by second. Zhang Chengyuan had been watching for so long, but he had absorbed less than one-tenth. He was anxious and directly used all the power of the world's authority to absorb it.

As a result, the absorption speed has doubled.

The day passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was not until noon the next day that they absorbed all the sources of luck. During this time, the world continued to expand and expand, and it slowly stabilized until the promotion was successful.

Zhang Chengyuan was a little tired, but Xuan Qing was full of energy, and his energy ball had gained a lot of weight.

After she regained her composure, she took a closer look at her own world. She felt that it was much stronger than the world of Wanzitan, and she felt more and more satisfied.

But she wanted to know more about the conditions for promotion to the world of chaos: "Xuan Qing, can you sense the conditions for promotion to the world of chaos now?"

Xuan Qing's answer was still so concise and clear: "One million top combat powers, at least thirty thousand worlds."

Zhang Chengyuan asked: "What about the limit?"

"one million."

Although it sounded difficult, Zhang Chengyuan had confidence in Xuan Qing and she didn't say much. Xuan Qing should have his own plans and she just had to wait for the final result.

She turned to look at Silkworm Baby: "How many energy beads have Silkworm Baby purified?"

Silkworm baby spit out all the energy beads to Zhang Chengyuan. Zhang Chengyuan knew how many there were with a scan of his spiritual consciousness. She handed them all to Xuan Qing: "You can decide how to arrange it yourself."

Xuan Qing thanked him and put these things into the world with his hand, waiting for the right person.

Zhang Chengyuan waved his hand to summon a cloud to solidify, and then lay down on it to rest. Silkworm babies also landed on the cloud, stomping here and there curiously.

After she had rested, she drove the clouds to wander around, inspecting the rivers and mountains of the Xuanqing Realm inch by inch, and enriching her collection of species along the way.

The leisurely days always passed by in a blink of an eye, and more than a month passed in a flash. She planned to leave and go to the Azure World to have a look.

Tianqing was not in the Tianqing world when she went there. She followed the connection of the world's authorities and found it. It was fighting everywhere. It turned out that it also worked so hard.

In Zhang Chengyuan's heart, it has always looked like a leisurely fish. It was the first time she saw it working so hard, and she was quite surprised.

Tian Qing collided with the opponent's energy group and flew backwards. Tian Qing braked and rushed towards the opponent again, shouting: "Zhang Chengyuan, if you don't hurry up and help me, I won't be able to hold on anymore."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't see at all that it couldn't hold on, but still chose to help. With half of the power in Xuan Qing's world, she directly frightened it, giving Tian Qing a chance to take it.

(End of this chapter)

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