The whole process was completed in one go and went very smoothly. Tian Qing quickly signed the contract, and then happily returned to Zhang Chengyuan and returned to the Tian Qing world with her.

Zhang Chengyuan saw that it did not let the energy group transfer its big world to itself, so he subconsciously acquiesced that Tianqing had gathered enough big worlds for promotion: "Since we have gathered enough, let's go back and advance to the big world. The promotion was successful.”

Tian Qing was shocked and blurted out: "So fast? I just got to the eight thousand worlds."

Zhang Chengyuan was confused for a moment and asked hesitantly: "You won't never ask for the big world owned by the contracted big world?"

Tian Qing suddenly turned around, feeling a little ashamed.

Zhang Chengyuan looked at it speechlessly: "I don't even want to admit that I brought you out by myself."

Tian Qing didn't say anything, and directly summoned the big worlds under his command, asking them to gather two thousand big worlds for him, and then took Zhang Chengyuan back for promotion.

After the promotion, Zhang Chengyuan said goodbye to Tianqing and went to the Chixin Realm. The little girl Chixin was wondering whether to notify Zhang Chengyuan. It had met the promotion conditions and could be promoted.

It is still as timid and fearful as ever. Even if it is familiar with it now, it will still get entangled when encountering things and is afraid of trouble others.

Zhang Chengyuan's sudden appearance surprised and delighted it. It coyly tried to control its emotions: "I can be promoted."

Zhang Chengyuan was really helpless about its temperament, so he nodded and said: "Then let's get started."

The same arrangement as before, promotion to the world began, and the promotion was completed in one day. Before Zhang Chengyuan left, he couldn't help but remind him again: "Don't think too much about anything, just come to me directly, you know? I won't think you have any Nothing bad.”

Little Aunt Chixin nodded, mustered up her courage and said, "I will change it."

Zhang Chengyuan touched her head: "Don't force yourself, just take your time."

After explaining, she left for the ink and wash world. Ink and wash was in a group of energy groups, being held in the moonlight by the stars, and she didn't know what she was doing.


After hearing this, Shui Mo turned around and saw Zhang Chengyuan asking his younger brothers to leave. Then he came over and said, "You are here, and you will be promoted to the world with me."

Zhang Chengyuan frowned: "Have you met the conditions?"


Zhang Chengyuan asked: "Why didn't you notify me?"

"If you don't want to be the first, you will always come, right?"

Okay, Zhang Chengyuan didn’t have much to say: “Let’s get promoted.”

After Shui Mo was promoted, it became the world of ancient cultivators. As soon as she went to the ancient cultivators, she came out to greet her. However, when she asked if she could be promoted, the ancient cultivators said it was not possible.

After asking the reason, she found out that Gu Xiu planned to strive for excellence. Each big world selected the world with the most potential, and it had various development directions.

There are only two big worlds left. Zhang Chengyuan didn't say anything. She chose to stay in the ancient cultivation world for a while and wait for it to be promoted before leaving.

After waiting for fifty years, Gu Xiu came to tell her that she could be promoted. After the promotion was completed, Zhang Chengyuan stayed in this world for another fifty years before leaving and returning to the mission world.

More than eighty years have passed in the mission world, and Jiang Siyou has also left. He waited for her for thirty years before leaving in disappointment.

After Zhang Chengyuan came back and left the quarantine, he didn't see Jiang Siyou and casually asked Xi Aileen. When she learned that Jiang Siyou was dead, she knew that he had escaped.

Then she ignored him. Decades were enough time to blur those five years together. Her life returned to peace, and she continued to live a life of farming and retiring. Now it is no longer easy for her five affiliated worlds to be promoted again. It will take time to slowly grind down.

However, resources must continue to be supplied.

Zhang Chengyuan suddenly realized a question. Did the Chaos World of Stars advance independently? Why hasn't he heard of any master?

This question was destined to get no answer, so she could only give up after thinking about it.

In the calm days, Zhang Chengyuan's cultivation steadily increased, and her lifespan grew longer day by day. When she was more than 5,000 years old, her cultivation could no longer improve because she had reached the limit of this world and could live as long as heaven.

Wan Zitan looked at the people in her world, feeling angry but unable to do anything about her. Ever since she left this world for the last time and came back, the pressure on her body had become heavier than hers. She could only continue to support and coax her. .

Fortunately, she didn't cause any trouble. She was often either cultivating or farming. But looking at her attitude now, it seems that she means to keep living.

Her life span is so long now, she will outlast everyone.

Wan Zitan must let her leave today, otherwise she will be frightened every day, fearing that she will do something.

Zhang Chengyuan was interviewed by Tiandao again. At that time, she was weeding, and her eyes changed places as soon as her eyes wandered. She looked around blankly, and when she met thousands of red sandalwood eyes, she put down the hoe she held as if nothing had happened: "Something's wrong. ?”

Wan Zitan stared at her with an unhappy expression: "Is it time for you to leave?"

Zhang Chengyuan said confidently: "I still have a long life, so I won't leave."

Wan Zitan's face became darker and darker: "It's not up to you."

The next second, Zhang Chengyuan was thrown directly back into the field where she was hoeing. She sighed and got up, muttering: "Young people are just irritable."

She continued to weed, not caring what Wan Zitan would do.

A few days later, Zhang Chengyuan suddenly felt unwell. She checked herself out, and her condition actually showed that she had been stripped of her life by heaven.

She fell into silence for a while. It seemed that she had to leave. She was a little regretful. She originally planned to live like this until the end of her life, so that she could make a big fortune and earn enough points.

It was no longer possible. She looked at the rapidly decreasing life span and sighed helplessly, choosing to lie down and wait for death. In fact, she sometimes felt that living was meaningless and wanted to change the world to play, but now she didn't have to make a choice.

She didn't know whether it was because she knew she was leaving, or it was the sequelae caused by the passage of life. From time to time, she would think of her mother Xi Baozhu and Xi Aileen, as well as the rest of the Xi family.

Because her mother, Xi Baozhu, kept accumulating her own elixirs, her strength also increased by leaps and bounds, her life span was extended indefinitely, and she became younger and younger.

I had nothing to do and didn't have any other hobbies, so I remembered the love affair I had when I was young, so I ran to chase the love I had, and yes, it was my biological father.

It's been over a hundred years, and she still hasn't seen her biological father, but it doesn't matter anymore, as long as her mother is doing well.

As for Xi Aileen, the eldest niece, she was not idle either. After her cultivation reached a certain level, she went to wander around the world. To put it bluntly, this little girl was in love with her.

Everyone in the Xi family that she is familiar with, big or small, is busy with their own affairs, and they get wonderful things every day. She is probably the only one who likes farming to be self-sufficient and spends her time here.

She thought about it and decided not to notify others. If she left quietly, they might not be sad. After a long time, they would realize it and they would not feel too uncomfortable when they are sad.

(End of this chapter)

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