Chapter 169 Chaos Hunting Ground

This is no worse than Zhou Papi, but again, she has no ability to resist now, so she can only accept this unfairness.

After closing it again, nothing else popped up. She planned to get familiar with the forum first.

The public section is very clean, with only a few help messages, such as what resources are missing.

The entertainment section is much more active. They are either complaining, talking about their tragic experiences, or showing off, etc.

The final Chaos Hunting Grounds tile is also very clean:

Chaos Hunting Ground

Chaos Origin Crystal 0/5
Countdown: 29 days

Random entry (free)
Choose to enter (1 source crystal)
There was nothing else. After Zhang Chengyuan closed it, Chao Zhi thought: "I want to choose a task."

"Master, you do not have permission to enter the mission world."

Sure enough, as she thought, she had just been lucky, but now she recognized the reality.

She got up to cook and eat. After eating, she asked if there was any news about Qianqianyue. After Zhinao said no, she directly entered the forum and tried to find useful information among other people's complaints in the entertainment section.

After peeking at the screen for a long time, she summarized some useful information:
The first one is that you cannot choose the level you enter the world at, you can only choose the era background of the world.

Article 2: After entering the world, you cannot bring anything else with you except what you carry, and it cannot be noticed by anyone or other beings. If you are not a person in that world, you will be killed.

Article 3: Chaos Origin Crystals are the hard currency here.

Article 4: There are various worlds inside, and there is a high probability that you will encounter a world where the plot is going on.

After having an idea in his mind, Zhang Chengyuan decided to enter the Chaos Hunting Ground.

She prayed nervously, hoping that she would be lucky, and then chose to enter randomly.

When she opened her eyes, she met someone's eyes. She was stunned for a moment, and the skinny and dirty person opposite was also stunned for a moment. In a very short period of time, Zhang Chengyuan made two appraisals in a row:
Identification successful!

Character: Mumeiko
Gender: Female
Age: 26 years old

Favorite: 67
HP: 49/100
Attack: 9~100
Skills: None

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Qualification: 23
Lifespan: 26/50
Identity: Mu Yuanyuan’s second sister

Personality: Numb, determined

Characteristics: Desire to survive, but live numbly
Luck: 6
Soul: primary soul

Fate: unknown

Status: Deficient in Qi and blood, polluted

Contamination: 71/100 (alienation)
Equipment: none
Pets: None
Talent: Cannibalism

Introduction: I was originally a carefree college student, but suddenly something happened in the world. Everything changed. Cannibalism became the norm. Everyone awakened their talents, but they still struggled to survive. The family stayed together to survive, but there was no pollution. Without him, no one knows what kind of monsters the people around him will turn into in the next moment...

Psychology: Is my sister still my sister? I'm so hungry, I feel like I'll eat her. She's not my sister. Eat her, eat her...

Identification successful!

Character: Mu Yuanyuan (Zhang Chengyuan)

Gender: Female
Age: 21 years old

HP: 19/100
Attack: 1~5000
Skills: Gathering, hunting, production... Skill: "Secret of Immortality"...

Realm: mortal

Qualification: 31 (full value 100)

Lifespan: 21/60
Identity: The fourth child of the Mu family (task person/Tiandao master)
Personality: indifferent, selfish, kind

Characteristics: A little indifferent, an egoist, showing kindness without touching his own interests.
Luck: 14
Soul: Level 3 Soul

Destiny: Revival/Unknown
Status: Weak, heavily polluted

Contamination: 89/100 (alienation)
Equipment: Defense Xuanyi, Quick Boots, Ruyi Hairpin, Soul Gourd

Pets: Spirit fish, spirit dragon, silkworm baby
Talent: Planting

Introduction: The father is a carpenter, the mother is Yao Ping, the eldest sister Mu Guoer and the third brother Mutao have all been contaminated and eaten by the second sister Mu Meizi. The time when they were converted into energy delayed the time when they were contaminated and turned into monsters. The original owner Mu Yuanyuan was completely contaminated and was about to transform. When you are a monster, your body is taken over...

Psychology: So dangerous...

Zhang Chengyuan instantly understood. She shrank back and her voice trembled in fear: "Second sister, don't eat me, I want to live."

Privately, she was trying to take out the Ruyi Hairpin. If she couldn't get through it, she would never get into trouble again. She felt a very dangerous atmosphere just by looking at the appraisals of the two people.

She was constantly on the lookout for Mumeiko's psychological activities, and at a certain moment she realized that as long as the identification panel didn't disappear, she could always see Mumeiko's changing mental activities, without having to keep checking.

Zhang Chengyuan watched Mu Meizi slowly turn from questioning to believing, and finally left silently and sat next to him, leaning against the wall with eyes blank.

Zhang Chengyuan quietly took back the wishful hairpin, slowly supported the wall and moved himself up bit by bit, leaning against the wall, staring ahead without speaking.

According to her analysis, the original owner would be very frightened when she knew that her second sister had eaten her parents, sisters, and brother. But in this situation, she was even more afraid to be alone, so she could only follow her sister, but that incident always made her She can't forget it, so she will be frightened and unconsciously close to her sister.

Her eyes did not let go, and she did not stop identifying Mu Meizi. She did not dare to relax at all. Based on their complaints, Zhang Chengyuan knew that he must not relax, otherwise he would be killed unknowingly.

Sure enough, Zhang Chengyuan saw that her mental activity was very active. One moment he wanted to eat her, and the next moment he firmly believed that she was the original owner.

In order to survive, Zhang Chengyuan multitasked, paying attention to the plum blossoms and observing where there were plants.

In the area where they were, she and Mumeiko were alone in ruins, and they were leaning against the only good wall that had not collapsed.

There are trees and plants outside, but these plants seem to be alive and squirming, and they are also leaking dark green sap. They have a sticky and stringy appearance, which makes them look particularly scary.

Zhang Chengyuan wanted to try the new passive talent skill planting to see if it affected the talent planting of the original owner's awakening.

The original owner's talent for planting is to have a probability of growing food that can reduce pollution. This is also the biggest reason why she can survive until now. However, the probability is relatively low. She can also guarantee that she will not starve to death, so after persisting for so long Finally, he couldn't hold on anymore, and his body was taken over by Zhang Chengyuan.

She looked at her current state and Mumeiko's desire to eat her more and more. She decided to find something for Mumeiko to do so that she wouldn't have to think about eating her all the time.

Weakly and scared, she tried: "Second sister, can you help me get some plants?"

Mumeiko turned to her with numb and empty eyes, stared at her for a long time, and then revealed a creepy stiff smile on her lips, especially on her skinny face.

Zhang Chengyuan seemed to be frightened and moved to the side bit by bit.

As if she thought her reaction was too normal, Mumezi returned to her expressionless expression, stood up slowly and went out.

Zhang Chengyuan still looked cowered and scared, not daring to move at all. If she hadn't kept checking that it was true, she would have relaxed.

Just now, she had inferred her own reaction based on Mumeiko's psychology, which allowed Mumeiko to dispel some of her doubts.

But from beginning to end, Mu Meizi never gave up his doubts about her and his desire to eat her.

(End of this chapter)

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