Kumiko, who was walking forward, suddenly turned around, only to see her sister cowering as always. She instantly lost interest, and then she actually went to get plants for her.

She knew how dangerous these plants were, so she couldn't take risks just for the sake of her sister. She pulled two handfuls of weeds from a distance and hurried back.

She threw the weeds next to her sister and did not want to get close to her. After confirming that she was really her sister, she did not want to do anything to her remaining relatives until she was in a desperate situation, even though she no longer had much humanity.

Kumeko casually wiped off the stained green mucus on the dirty clothes that couldn't tell the original color and looked greasy, and slowly returned to the original position.

Zhang Chengyuan stared at her timidly, his eyes full of fear. She waited timidly until Mu Meizi sat away from her, then she moved over with difficulty as if treating a treasure, and picked up the weeds covered in green mucus one by one. Pick it up and organize it.

Moving back to the wall, she closed her eyes and rested for a while before starting to toss with some disgusting weeds.

She struggled to dig out a handful of soil from the ground, endured nausea, and wiped the mucus off the weeds, then mixed it with the soil until it was evenly moist.

Then she picked up two weeds and used the original owner's talent. She did not stop identifying Mu Meizi, knowing that she was staring at her.

Zhang Chengyuan's hands began to glow with green light. Against this light, the two weeds that continued to leak green mucus looked particularly strange.

But in Zhang Chengyuan's eyes, an information box like this appeared [Domestication into improved breeds 20%], and she could also see two green light spots, which she seemed to be able to control to extract.

The moment she extracted the two light spots, the two weeds withered immediately. She quickly picked up two more. After extracting them again, she got two withered weeds.

She looked at the four light spots that were much larger when combined, and decided to see what would happen.

When she picked up two plants again and prepared to extract them, she got a prompt [20% chance of domesticating into improved varieties can be increased to 40%]. She continued the operation just now, and the experiments had to be done one by one.

After collecting ten light spots one after another, she found that there was no change in the light spots together. She wondered if there was a lack of carriers. This all required experimentation.

There were a total of 41 weeds that Mu Meizi brought back to her. Now ten of them have been consumed, leaving 31 weeds left, which can support her several failures.

She changed the experiment to one plant at a time, and the information prompt changed to [10% chance of adding 100% to domesticated improved varieties]. She tried to put a light point into the weeds in her hands. As a result, the weeds did not change. The probability of information prompts is increased by 10%.

She continued to put light points into the weed in her hand, and the probability also increased steadily. When the probability reached 50%, it suddenly expanded and exploded with a "bang", and the green mucus covered Zhang Chengyuan's face.

Zhang Chengyuan was stunned for a moment and wiped the mucus off his face, but he was thinking in his heart that it would explode. Maybe it was his good luck that prevented this situation from happening before.

It is not difficult to know whether this is the case. After a few experiments, she can basically confirm it. She took two more plants, one in each hand, and added one light point to one and two light points to the other, but nothing happened. .

It seems that the previous guess was wrong. Could it be because the more light spots there are, the worse the stability.

Add a light spot to the weeds on each hand and wait for the effect, but nothing happens.

There was only one light spot left, so she added it to the weed with a probability of 40%. As expected, it exploded again. Zhang Chengyuan was prepared in advance and was not affected this time.

It seems that reaching 50% is a hurdle, but judging from the probability, if we succeed and can obtain improved seeds, planting them will reduce the degree of pollution.

She quickly checked herself and saw that her alienation level had changed from 89 to 90.

After identifying herself, she continued to identify Kumeiko, but her level of contamination did not change.

Zhang Chengyuan began to peel off the light spots in each weed at a faster speed, and finally left ten weeds, and started experimenting with five weeds together. Twenty-one light spots, four were added to each plant, leaving one light spot. She stared closely at the weeds not far in front of her, praying in her heart.

Three plants were exploded one after another, leaving two plants, one without any change, and the other with slight changes.

Zhang Chengyuan identified it and found that the pollution in the weeds was just a little lighter, and it did not become improved seeds.

She extracted the light spots from the remaining five weeds and added one light spot to each of the two weeds. Unexpectedly, none of them exploded. She continued to add, and luckily again, none of them exploded.

The last two lights were gone. If she didn't succeed, she would have to crawl out and find a way. Kimiko probably wouldn't help her anymore.

Maybe it was a desperate situation. After adding light spots this time, one of the two weeds exploded, and the other one returned to normal, but it was still not considered a good species.

Zhang Chengyuan carefully planted the remaining single seedling into the previously mixed soil. In an instant, she saw three information prompts hanging on it: [Health value 56%] [Alienation value 1%] [Growth value 31 %].

After she identified the weed and determined that it could reduce pollution, she quickly decided to trade it with Mumeiko.

So far, she has no memory information or anything, and she has basically determined another reason why the mortality rate is so high.

The upper limit of each person's talent skills is ten. One of the two extra skills she got was given to her because she was asked to help test her talent skills. The other one was tailor-made for her, mainly for the sake of betterment.

There are restrictions on the ten talent skills. It is impossible for many people to choose to identify talent skills.

This has resulted in many people being blinded when they first arrived. They were completely unaware of the situation and did not know anything. They were discovered and died.

Zhang Chengyuan seemed to have summoned the courage to speak, her voice trembling so that everyone who heard her could detect her fear: "Second sister, can you bring me some more plants?"

She carefully raised her eyes to look at Mumeiko, and the moment she looked over, she quickly lowered her head and explained: "I have grown plants that can reduce pollution. I will trade this with you."

Mu Meizi looked at the weed and didn't know what she was thinking. There was no response for a long time. Zhang Chengyuan looked at her carefully again. As soon as he called "Second Sister", Mu Meizi spoke.

"I want five."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded hurriedly, for fear that she would regret it.

Seeing that she was as sensible as ever, Mu Meizi stood up and strode off to pull weeds for her.

As long as you don't go near those tall plants, there is basically no danger. She is very happy to exchange for five plants that can reduce pollution and fill her stomach. It takes little effort.

However, if the little girl is unlucky, she will have no choice but to go hungry. She wants to get what she wants at the limit of her ability.

Mu Meizi thought with some wickedness. She pulled out two arms of grass for Zhang Chengyuan, then returned to the wall where she was sitting and stared closely at her movements.

Zhang Chengyuan flicked off the mucus from a weed, piled it at the root of the improved grass that had returned to normal after being planted in the soil, and stared at the three information prompts.

(End of this chapter)

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