Chapter 186 Hot Pot
But for a while, I didn't know what to eat. I rummaged around in the kitchen and found that there were quite a lot of ingredients. I suddenly felt a little greedy and wanted to eat hot pot.

Zhang Chengyuan is not a person who will aggrieve herself. She can eat whatever she wants. She washes the vegetables quickly and prepares all the ingredients for hot pot.

Suddenly, I thought that the silkworms had not been out for a long time, and they still needed to work in this world. I couldn't let them work in vain, and I still needed to reward them.

Therefore, Zhang Chengyuan planned to let them eat together, and the ingredients were counted directly in the basket. Although they still could not be full in their original form, they could still satisfy their appetite in the transformed form.

She has prepared a total of fifty kinds of dishes, which can be said to be very rich. At the bottom of the pot, she is going to make a clear soup and a spicy one. The two flavors are more refreshing and enjoyable to eat.

But looking at the two hundred baskets of ingredients, Zhang Chengyuan had to consider what to use to cook hot pot first. She didn't have such a big pot.

But if she cooks in a smaller pot, she won’t be sure whether she’s full or not, and she can’t keep up with the cooking. In addition, she doesn’t know when she’ll finish eating if she takes her time like that. After thinking about it, she I decided to make a pot that can be big or small, so that I can eat it any way I want in the future.

This world has no suppression on her, and she can do whatever she wants. Although this world has no spiritual power or anything like that, her grid space can. Besides, she is not trying to refine anything against the heavens.

Entering the grid space, she quickly refined a magic pot, and then took two hundred baskets of ingredients into the grid space where the silkworm babies were staying.

Today's grid space has grown a lot, the area alone has increased five times, and the plants and animals in it also have their own groups.

After entering, she didn't see the pets at first sight. She discovered them after scanning her consciousness. They were actually practicing in one direction, forming a tripartite posture.

Moreover, the animals in this grid space were actually divided into four waves. Three of the waves were near three animals each, as if they were their vassals. The remaining small wave looked like strays and abandoned ones, in twos and threes or only one, very vigilant. appearance.

Zhang Chengyuan had some guesses in his mind. It couldn't be that the three pets didn't get along, so if she put them together, sooner or later something would happen and they would start to fight.

These three are all very good helpers for her, and she will be heartbroken if something happens to any one of them. No, she will have to try it out for a while. If there is a conflict, she will see if she can mediate it.

If that doesn't work, move them to another place, keep each person in a square space, and find something to do for them to avoid any trouble.

Zhang Chengyuan's spiritual consciousness immediately alerted the three silkworm babies. They came over with joy on their faces. They hadn't seen her for a long time.

It seems that she has less and less need for them. They are a little lonely and unwilling, and they still want to fight alongside her.

Zhang Chengyuan has been taking turns to evaluate the psychology of the silkworm babies, and when she saw this, she also realized her mistake. It was not that she did not pay attention to them, but in her concept, they were one with her.

Feelings are there and never change. She doesn't need to maintain feelings from time to time like people do. Because she knows that people's hearts are fickle, she subconsciously believes that animal feelings are the longest lasting.

But she forgot that she was making progress, but they only had her. Not seeing each other for a long time would only make them feel that they were eliminated and useless. This is the rule and instinct of animals.

They are indeed affectionate, but that doesn't mean they won't have mood swings.

The three pets shouted in unison: "Master."

Zhang Chengyuan touched everyone's heads, and then apologized guiltily: "I'm sorry, I haven't seen you for so long. Are you all okay?"

Almost as soon as she spoke, the spirit fish spoke first: "We are all very good, but I miss you a little. Master, can you let us accompany you more often in the future? We are all very useful."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded in agreement. She adjusted the grid space time. Because the grid space was developing and growing, she did not control its time. She always followed the time flow rate of the micro world. This is why she said she hadn't seen them for a long time. reason. One year in the medium world is three to four hundred years in the small world, and one hundred and forty thousand in the microworld.

So, since she hasn't looked for them for 140,000 to 50,000 years, they will naturally feel abandoned and have doubts about whether they are useless.

Zhang Chengyuan did not choose to comfort them too much. She smiled and said: "Let's go eat hot pot. After we finish eating, I will take you with me when I go out. Remember to transform."

The spirit fish were so surprised that they even couldn't wait to follow him out, but depending on their master's wishes, they had to wait patiently.

Zhang Chengyuan took out the newly made magic pot and let it grow bigger. When it was three or four meters big, she stopped thinking and turned around to control the flame to burn. After putting the hot pot ingredients in, she added water and waited for the water to boil.

After the water boils, put the side dishes down, and at the same time call the silkworms who have turned into human shapes, and ask them to add the dishes to the pot.

Silkworm babies and the others haven't had hot pot yet, so they all imitated Zhang Chengyuan and cooked the same dish.

Zhang Chengyuan felt more and more that she had less companionship with them, and secretly decided to take them with her in the future. They were her only friends and companions.

Zhang Chengyuan waited for a while and felt that the vegetables were almost ready to eat, so he ate what he had fished out. The silkworms also followed suit.

After taking the first bite, it was obvious that they all fell in love with it and couldn't stop eating bite after bite.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't even take a few bites. He finished all the dishes that had just been served. The silkworms didn't need Zhang Chengyuan to greet them anymore. They just poured the whole basket into the pot.

Seeing that the pot could no longer be filled and they continued, Zhang Chengyuan had to stop them quickly.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they started eating eagerly, regardless of whether it was cooked or not, whether it was hot or not.

Each of them looks like a seven or eight-year-old child, and the appearance of eating is really ugly, which shows how much they like to eat hot pot.

Zhang Chengyuan saw that they were grabbing too much, so he put down his chopsticks to watch them eat, and by the way, he tried to find out why they did not interfere with each other and did their own thing.

"Why did I just come in and see you three staying in the same direction?"

While asking questions, Zhang Chengyuan continued to take turns to identify the voices of the three silkworm babies, pieced together and finally figured out the reason for this.

It turned out that the spirit fish was bored, so it colluded with the spirit dragon and the silkworm baby, and the three of them started to cause trouble, hoping that some species of their own would be born quickly in this grid space.

Zhang Chengyuan was relieved, it was not just a matter of antagonism between them: "As long as you are fine, I am worried that there is a disagreement between you."

This time, Silkworm Baby was the first to speak: "Master, don't worry, we will never have any conflicts."

The spirit fish was still a little unhappy, and the spirit dragon was as quiet as ever, but it was probably trying to eat more at this time.

While the spirit fish was talking to the silkworm baby, it took off the chopsticks significantly faster.

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