Chapter 187 Insect Repellent Tree

After saying that, the silkworm baby lowered its head and continued to eat, but found that after reaching into the pot with chopsticks several times, it found nothing. It looked over the pot and was dumbfounded. Where was the dish it had just eaten? Where was the meat?

Looking around with its eyes, it immediately realized what the problem was. It stared at the spirit dragon angrily, and was so angry that it wanted to fight it to the death.

But it still remembers what it said just now. If it takes action now, it will prove that what it said is a lie. Therefore, no matter how angry it is, it just stares at the spiritual dragon fiercely, eats it with the left hand as if it is angry, and picks it up with the right hand to eat. .

The spirit fish naturally noticed it, and it was also wary of the spirit dragon, and quickly dealt with it.

Only Zhang Chengyuan was thinking that when they finish eating, leave this pot to them and prepare some ingredients for the hot pot so that they can eat it by themselves if they want. She will go out later and have a meal by herself.

The two hundred baskets of ingredients were consumed in half an hour. The three pets obviously didn't eat enough. They were licking their mouths with unfinished content and looking at Zhang Chengyuan eagerly, looking forward to another meal.

Zhang Chengyuan showed a friendly smile: "Are you not eating well? I still have a lot of hot pot ingredients here. As for what you want to eat, you can prepare it yourself, as long as you don't eat it for me.

You've all seen what I just made, so just make it yourself, I haven't eaten anything yet. "

Silkworm baby flew over and rubbed Zhang Chengyuan's face in embarrassment: "Master, I'm sorry..."

Zhang Chengyuan cooperated with him and said in a gentle and tolerant tone: "No need to apologize. I was originally planning to apologize to you. You haven't eaten enough yet, so I can only let you do it by yourself."

The three of them all said it was okay and they could eat enough by themselves.

Zhang Chengyuan left the things for them, then went out and quickly prepared a portion for himself. He cooked a pot of hot pot for himself on the stove and ate it deliciously. Only then did he sigh with satisfaction at the beauty of life.

After resting for a while, she was no longer feeling so strong. She got up and packed away the pots and dishes she had just used, then went to wash up and go to bed.

After a good night's sleep, she woke up early the next morning and released the three little ones. The baby silkworms were in the shape of a colorful butterfly about half the size of a finger, which was very beautiful.

The spirit dragon still looks like a small red snake, and the spirit fish appears in the form of a red koi carp.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't have anything to do for them in a short period of time, and they wanted to stay with her all the time. She thought about it and built a nest for them.

Butterflies and snakes usually rest in flower leaves or tree holes, so she planned to dig a flower tree from the mountains and plant it in the yard.

As for the spirit fish, she planned to raise lotus flowers in a large tank to make a nest for it.

She informed the spirit fish of her thoughts and asked for their opinions: "Do you think this will work? If not, you can tell me your own ideas and I will try my best to satisfy you."

The three of them all said that her proposal was very good and they had no other objections.

Zhang Chengyuan was ready to do what she said, and she asked the three little ones: "I'm going to dig flowers and trees in the mountains, will you go?"

Silkworm babies danced back and forth around Zhang Chengyuan: "I want to go."

Although the spirit dragon made no sound, it proved its intention to go with its actions. It wrapped directly around Zhang Chengyuan's wrist and could not come down.

Lingyu looked at himself and felt a little inappropriate and followed him out: "Master, I will stay and look after the house."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded: "Okay, then I will make a nest for you first."

She moved out a large tank and placed it in the yard, then dug out two lotus plants and a few lotus leaves in the space, planted them in the tank, and then filled them with water.

After the water in the tank is clear, let the spirit fish enter and stay there by itself: "We are leaving, don't scare others."

After giving instructions, Zhang Chengyuan took the spiritual dragon and silkworm babies into the mountains. When she entered a farmland with a hoe, she was stopped by someone. She turned around and saw that the person calling her was Mrs. Wang. She stopped with a smile and waited for Mrs. Wang to come over.

Before anyone could get closer, a voice came: "Xiao Yuan, go up the mountain."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded in response: "Yes, Aunt Liu, are you going too?"

Mrs. Wang nodded and lifted the basket she was carrying. She was in a happy mood and said, "I'll go see if there are any mushrooms and go back and fry some meat for Han Shu."

Zhang Chengyuan chatted with her as they walked: "Brother Han Shu is back?"

Mrs. Wang replied with a smile on her face: "Not yet, I'm going in the afternoon. Xiao Yuan, why are you digging in the mountains?"

"It's not going to get hot right away. I'm thinking of planting a tree in the yard to get some shade in the future."

Mrs. Wang had seen Zhang Chengyuan's great efforts. She didn't think anything of it when she heard this. Instead, she said: "I'm afraid it's not good to plant trees in the yard. It's easy to attract insects, especially in hot weather. Ants, mosquitoes, flies, and snakes all come out." ”

Zhang Chengyuan nodded to express his understanding: "I will go look in the mountains to see if there is any insect repellent, which will be better."

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly clapped her hands: "I know two types of insect repellents. You can look for camphor trees and mountain pepper trees, both of which can repel insects."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and said: "Okay, I will pay attention."

She knows all about the trees that can repel insects. Not only the camphor tree and mountain pepper tree repel insects, but also the night scented tree, seven-mile tree, sycamore tree, etc.

These trees contain aromatic substances that can repel mosquitoes, which can effectively repel mosquitoes. Planted in the courtyard, they can play a certain role in preventing mosquitoes in people's home life, and they are also relatively easy to survive.

Among them, her favorite is the sycamore tree. This kind of tree is tall and lush and is the best for enjoying the shade.

Although the camphor tree has a wide range of uses, it can not only be used as medicine, but also extract aromatic essential oils. In addition, camphor wood is hard and corrosion-resistant, and is not easily deformed by moisture. It is a good material for making furniture.

Furniture made from camphor trees is not only durable, but also emits a light fragrance, helping to purify indoor air.

But it does not have only advantages and no disadvantages. Camphor tree actually has a certain degree of toxicity. This toxicity will have a certain impact on the human body. It is necessary to avoid prolonged contact with its leaves, let alone eat them.

The sycamore tree not only has all the advantages of the camphor tree, but is also non-toxic.

The two of them started talking about other things, and they didn't separate until they went up the mountain.

Zhang Chengyuan's consciousness instantly enveloped the entire mountain, searching for tall and dense sycamore trees.

In just three breaths, she already had a goal she was happy with, retracted her consciousness, and headed over with the hoe.

After arriving, Zhang Chengyuan quickly dug around the roots of the tree and loosened the soil around the roots of the sycamore tree. She put down the hoe, hugged the trunk, which was as thick as an adult man's waist, and pulled it out easily.

She carried the sycamore tree, picked up the hoe and prepared to go home.

The spirit dragon suddenly spoke: "Master, there is a century-old ginseng plant two steps to your left."

Zhang Chengyuan paused, put down her things, and went over to dig out the ginseng. With the addition, she had six ginseng roots in an instant.

She pulled a long vine casually, and a rough basket quickly took shape under her hands with a flick of her fingers.

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