Chapter 188 Ointment
She put the ginseng casually into the basket and carried it to pick up the sycamore tree and the hoe.

It was not unusual for her to have human lobsters, but with the talent of collecting, she felt that it was necessary to collect them. One root could be turned into six. It was cost-effective no matter what.

Even if she doesn't use it, she can still sell it to the drug store.

She arrived home on the front foot and was digging a hole when Su Su came on the back foot. Zhang Chengyuan was quite surprised as to why she came again.

After inviting people in, Zhang Chengyuan brought them peanuts and chestnuts to eat, and then went to pour water. Then he continued busy and casually asked her the purpose of coming.

Su Su didn't do anything. She stood aside and watched Zhang Chengyuan dig the hole: "I have nothing to do, I just came to see you."

Zhang Chengyuan became more and more strange. Logically speaking, Su Su should be cultivating a relationship with the male protagonist Dongfang Chen, so why did she come to find him?

She couldn't figure it out and didn't bother to guess. She took the time to raise her eyes to identify Su Su, and soon understood the real purpose of her visit.

It turned out that he wanted to discuss business with her for the scar removal ointment she had given him before.

Zhang Chengyuan couldn't help but look at her with a sigh. She was indeed the heroine. She was really strong. Their family had no time to spare now. They had tofu, food stalls, preserved eggs, braised pork, and seven or eight other businesses.

She personally has to take care of the male protagonist, and now she comes to her to discuss the ointment business. She really doesn't feel tired at all.

Zhang Chengyuan knew her purpose and stopped caring about her. She continued digging the hole. She dug a hole two meters deep and one meter five wide, and then she carried the sycamore tree into the hole.

Su Su was originally ready to help, but seeing how easily Zhang Chengyuan looked, she silently retracted her outstretched hand. She felt that if she helped, she might be seen as causing trouble.

Zhang Chengyuan planted the sycamore tree and then went to wash his hands and change clothes, but Su Su hadn't said a word about the ointment until now.

After changing his clothes, Zhang Chengyuan took a stool and sat next to Su Su. He grabbed a handful of peanuts and ate them: "Let's talk now."

Su Su nodded: "Xiao Yuan, the main reason I came here is to ask if you have any plans to sell scar removal ointment. I feel it will be very easy to sell."

Zhang Chengyuan looked up and saw that she was very single and said, "No, I'm too lazy to do that. I'm not afraid of starving to death if I have skills."

Su Su organized the need for a long time, but she didn't know how to persuade her. She was embarrassed to speak out about the moral kidnapping, and she felt that it would be useless for her to speak out. She was not a person who followed the rules.

As for other things, she just said she was lazy and blocked them all, but she loves money and she doesn't want to give up.

When Su Su was thinking hard about how to persuade Zhang Chengyuan to sell the ointment or formula, Zhang Chengyuan suddenly said: "You want to sell the ointment?"

Surprised, Su Su nodded quickly for fear that she would disagree: "Girls have tender skin and always have more or less scars. This ointment will definitely be a hit once it appears. It can make many girls with low self-esteem feel more confident..."

"Stop, I didn't say it's not possible. You can get the prescription yourself, as long as you don't trouble me."

Su Su couldn't believe that such a precious formula was given to her directly without any conditions.

Zhang Chengyuan didn't say that he didn't care about the scar-removing ointment at all. What he could do if he did care was that the world was destined to have no future and was headed for destruction.

No matter how good she was with Su Su, after a few years, the plot would come to an end and the world would be destroyed. What would she be left with?

Besides, she came here for the Chaos Origin Crystal, so she just gave away those unimportant things.

Zhang Chengyuan got up and went back to the room to write the prescription. He quickly came out with the paper still wet with ink marks and handed it to Su Su: "Here, what you want." Su Su took it and looked at it, and found that the medicinal materials inside were quite common. , there are many in her space, and the preparation proportions are also marked very clearly.

Su Su carefully dried it and made sure it wouldn't get stained, then carefully folded it and put it in her arms, preparing to discuss profit sharing with Zhang Chengyuan.

Zhang Chengyuan interrupted her before she could say anything: "If you have nothing to do, you can go back first. I have something else to do."

Su Su heard that he was trying to drive her away, so she had no choice but to get up and leave.

The silkworms and the others waited for Su Su to leave, and then came out one after another to join Zhang Chengyuan and ate all the peanuts and chestnuts they had just taken out before they each found a place to settle down.

The silkworm baby rested on the leaves, and the spiritual dragon dug a hole in the sycamore tree and entered.

Zhang Chengyuan watched them eating for a while, then stood up and prepared to cook: "Do you have anything you want to eat? Do you want to eat three meals a day with me in the future?"

The three little ones all said yes, but when it came to eating, the three little ones just unanimously asked for hot pot.

Zhang Chengyuan doesn't want to prepare ingredients for them: "You can eat hot pot, but you have to prepare the ingredients yourself."

Naturally, the three little spirit dragons would not be troubled by this trivial matter. They continued to take out a lot of ingredients from their respective spaces.

Zhang Chengyuan threw an isolation plate outside the door, and then cooked hot pot for them in the yard...

With the company of three little ones, time seems to pass faster. Although the days of salted fish are fewer, they are also more interesting.

Su Su, whom she hadn't seen for half a month, appeared again. Zhang Chengyuan had been staying at home during this period, so Su Su came to Zhang Chengyuan's house to find her.

When they first met, Su Su excitedly pulled Zhang Chengyuan to share her experience of selling scar removal ointment during this period, leaving her completely speechless.

She was afraid that Su Su would get thirsty if she talked too much, so she poured a bowl of water and put it there. When Su Su finished speaking, she pushed the water over to her and said, "Drink some."

Su Su nodded and was not polite to her. She felt that they were already friends and there was no need to be so polite.

After finishing the drink in one gulp, she put down the bowl and said proudly with a smile: "You can't believe how much money I've made in the past half month." After saying that, she raised her eyebrows at Zhang Chengyuan and asked, "Would you like to take a guess?"

Zhang Chengyuan already knew the answer from the appraisal just now. Regarding the things she already knew, she was not interested in acting for the time being, so naturally she would not guess.

She just smiled gently and said, "I don't know, I don't understand business."

Su Su complained to her: "It's boring," but it didn't affect her good mood, "One thousand six hundred and seventy taels, it's awesome."

Zhang Chengyuan didn't feel any shock, but he still needed to cooperate: "So many? It's amazing."

Su Su got the response she wanted and her mood became better and better, but she did not forget to take care of Zhang Xiaoyuan's mood: "I also feel that I am super powerful, but you are more powerful. I wouldn't be able to sell so much without the prescription you provided." silver."

After complimenting each other, Zhang Chengyuan already had a lot of experience: "The prescription I provide is one thing, but the most important thing is that you have the ability to do business to sell so well. If I were to do it myself, how would I even let people know about it?" I don’t even know what to do with this thing.”

Su Su smiled even more and said modestly: "It's not as outrageous as what you said. At best, we can only have our own strengths. Oh, let's not brag about each other."

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