Chapter 194 Dumb Medicine
Anyway, she can live for a long time and can learn everything. There is no need to worry.

Bored, she slowly fell asleep, and when she woke up she was greeted by a bowl of dark medicine that looked very bitter.

How could she really take it if she wasn't sick? She asked Xia Cao to put down the medicine, drank some water to moisten her throat, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Xia Cao, please go buy me some food and come back. The money is on the dressing table over there. It’s in the box, you can get it yourself.”

Xia Cao took the money and went out obediently. Zhang Chengyuan waited for a while and directly put the medicine into the grid space.

It was like this for two days in a row. During this period, Zhang Yuzhi never came again, and Zhang Chengyuan was not disappointed.

After all, her current status is just that of a slave. If the master comes to see her once when she is sick, she should be grateful and wish she could shed her blood for him.

Today is the third day since I saw her before, and her high fever should have gone away.

She took some medicine for herself again, so that her body no longer had fever symptoms, but the cough symptoms still remained, and her throat was so hoarse that she could hardly make any sound.

As a person who has had a high fever for three days, her face must not look too good. Although her face was pale and weak before, it was not enough. She had to feel a little sick and weak. For example, her cheeks were sunken and darker, her mouth was colorless and peeling, and her body was still a little bit... Weak.

After preparing these, she dressed up and went to greet Zhang Yuzhi.

Opening the door, the second-class maids in green clothes were walking around in the yard giving instructions, while the third-class maids were doing their work seriously.

Her movements here were heard by everyone in the not too noisy courtyard, but none of the third-class maids looked up, but the second-class maids in green all looked over.

The few people gathered together couldn't help but whisper, but Zhang Chengyuan didn't want to pay attention to it. She took a cursory glance and headed towards the eldest lady's house.

She didn't dare to randomly use her talent skills to check on these people. She didn't know if there were any Heavenly Dao Masters among those people who weren't mentioned in the plot, so she planned to try her best.

Walking to the open door, Zhang Chengyuan looked inside. As soon as he could clearly see the situation inside, he met Linglong's eyes.

The eldest lady Zhang Yuzhi has four personal maids. In addition to her and Linglong, there are also Ruyi and Liuzhu.

In the room, the eldest lady was lying on her side and reading a book. Next to her, Linglong was fanning herself, Ruyi was beating her legs, and Liuzhu was peeling grapes for the eldest lady. The scene was very beautiful.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately smiled at Linglong, made a gesture with his eyes, and waited quietly.

Linglong leaned slightly and whispered in the eldest lady's ear: "Miss, Xiao Yuan is at the door."

Zhang Yuzhi looked up after hearing this and saw Zhang Xiaoyuan who was waiting quietly with his head lowered. Then he remembered that she was sick before and called her in in surprise: "Xiao Yuan, come in quickly."

Zhang Chengyuan continued to maintain a humble and respectful posture, walked past her in a decent manner, walked to a place three meters away from her, stopped, knelt down without any pretense, and kowtowed to Zhang Yuzhi firmly. When he raised his head, There were already tears in his eyes.

She opened her mouth, but she could only produce a few hoarse syllables, but she couldn't speak. She was obviously mute.

Zhang Yuzhi looked at her in disbelief. She had obviously hired a doctor for her, but why was she still mute?

Zhang Chengyuan started appraising Zhang Yuzhi as soon as he arrived, and naturally he did not miss her psychological activities.

She wasn't really a complete loser these days. She asked Xia Cao to help her find out about her parents and made a reasonable guess.

The original owner was able to get through it probably because the original owner's parents hired a doctor for the original owner, and because of the effect of Zhang Yuzhi, the butterfly, there was no problem with the original owner's parents in this life.

Zhang Yuzhi felt a little guilty, so she stood up and personally helped Zhang Chengyuan up, saying warmly: "No matter what happens to you, you are still my maid."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at her in surprise, but for a moment he shook his head, tears rolling out. He wanted to speak but couldn't. She tried to make gestures to make the eldest lady understand, but it obviously didn't work.

The eldest lady frowned slightly and felt a little unhappy in her heart. Zhang Chengyuan noticed it. She tried to calm down her emotions and gestured with her pen to write. The eldest lady finally understood.

Zhang Yuzhi glanced at Linglong beside her and ordered: "Linglong, go get paper and pen."

Linglong saluted with "yes" and quickly went to have someone find her. Zhang Chengyuan held his hand nervously and looked at Zhang Yuzhi eagerly.

After a while, Linglong left and came back again, with a maid in green following behind her.

She brought a stool and asked the maid to put the tray on the stool. Zhang Chengyuan glanced at her gratefully and continued to look at Zhang Yuzhi.

Zhang Yuzhi raised her chin and said somewhat generously: "Write it."

Zhang Chengyuan knelt beside the stool and started writing:

Thank you very much for your kindness, but your throat is burnt. If you are still serving as your personal maid, if others find out, it will damage your face.

After writing, Zhang Chengyuan blew on the ink in the hope that it would dry faster. Then he held it in his hands and raised it above his head, respectfully waiting for the eldest lady to read it.

Zhang Yuzhi didn't take it, she leaned over slightly and started to read it. When she saw that she was thinking about herself in every word, the displeasure just now dissipated.

"Get up, don't worry about me. I know you are loyal, so I won't treat you badly. There is no need to say more about this matter."

Although Zhang Chengyuan still hesitated, she still chose to listen to her master. After she got up, she saluted Zhang Yuzhi before standing up straight.

Zhang Yuzhi looked at her face and ordered: "Ruyi, please send Xiao Yuan back to rest. It won't be too late for Xiao Yuan to come and take care of you when you are well."

Zhang Chengyuan looked at her movedly after hearing this, saluted again before following Ruyi and leaving.

On the way to send her back, Ruyi kept saying good things about Zhang Yuzhi and how much Zhang Yuzhi cared about her.

Zhang Chengyuan knew whether Zhang Yuzhi was good to her or not, but she didn't refute it. In her heart at the moment, she was not thinking about this matter. She was wondering whether this Ruyi was an aborigine.

Judging from various signs, it is no accident that she must be an aborigine, but what if, what if she is an actor like her.

Zhang Chengyuan hesitated for a long time, and when he was about to enter his room, he chose appraisal.

During the short period of time during the appraisal, her heartbeat was extremely fast. Her eyes were fixed on the appraisal interface. After seeing the appraisal results, her racing heart finally calmed down:
Identification successful!

Character: Ruyi

Gender: Female
Age: 15 years old

HP: 99/100
Attack: 1~100
Defense: 5
Skills: beauties, etiquette, serving tea and water...

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Qualification: 69 (full value 100)

Lifespan: 15/65
Identity: The birth slave of the Zhang family and the personal maid of the eldest lady Zhang Yuzhi

Personality: Protective, steady

Characteristics: Loyal

Luck: 6
Soul: Elementary Soul

Fate: tragic death

Status: The fourth day of Kwai Shui

Equipment: none
Pets: None
Introduction: A smart guardian who is loyal to the eldest lady Zhang Yuzhi. No matter in the previous life or now, he has never changed. He deeply understands that his honor and disgrace are all tied to the eldest lady...

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