Chapter 195 Chapter 195: Recuperation

Ruyi stopped and turned around to look at her, with pity beyond words: "Xiao Yuan, you have to keep it in your heart that Master is so kind to you. If you are like this now, you should be more attentive to Miss."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded fiercely to show that he knew, then held Ruyi's hand and smiled sweetly at her.

Ruyi looked at the weak Xiao Yuan and sighed silently, and said no more: "Okay, you go to rest quickly and take good care of yourself, okay? I'll go back to the lady to take care of her first."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and watched her leave before going back to his room and closing the door.

Lying in bed and thinking about the future, for the sake of reality, she would have to take the dumb medicine all the time, but it was a happy thing not to be in a hurry to serve Zhang Yuzhi, and she could be lazy for a while.

After lying down for a while, Zhang Chengyuan got up and planned to brush up on his skill proficiency to avoid being exposed due to lack of proficiency. The world must be wary of not only the Master of Heaven, but also the heroine Zhang Yuzhi.

She opened the proficiency panel and stared at it, thinking about where to start.

First of all, appearance is about washing and dressing up appropriately. Cleaning up will increase a little proficiency. Etiquette means saluting, walking and other deportments. As long as you do it, you will increase a little proficiency. Knowledge means reading or gaining knowledge.

Cooking skills can be ignored for now, and the same goes for female celebrities. However, she has to max out her proficiency in serving tea and water, and living in daily life. The remaining two skills, acting and disguise, can also be ignored.

In this way, she needs to master the two skills of serving tea and water and daily living, and then appearance and etiquette. If she still has time after reaching these levels, she can also practice the two skills of knowledge and female celebrities.

After making a plan, Zhang Chengyuan got busy non-stop.

This world has suppressed her so much that except for the occasional use of her natural skills and being able to get some small things out of space, there is nothing she can use, so she has to work hard.

It is not difficult for her to do two things at once. She listens to the movements outside to avoid being noticed by her strange behavior, while she quickly brushes up her proficiency.

For the skill of serving tea and water, she planned to practice the action of pouring tea and serving tea. It is the most labor-saving and can be practiced while sitting down.

She arranged the six cups on the table in a row, picked up the teapot and poured tea one by one, and then picked them up one by one to gain six points of proficiency.

Then pour the poured tea back, and then do it again. Repeatedly, your proficiency will increase quickly.

After completing ten times to get started, she received a stream of information, which not only included techniques on how to serve tea and water with smooth and beautiful movements, but also included some simple tea-making techniques.

After sorting and digesting this information, Zhang Chengyuan continued to practice, and it didn't take long for her to reach 100 points of proficiency. She received another piece of information, which was more complicated and subtle than the information she received when she started.

She spent a lot of time sorting out and digesting this information. After it was completely digested, she continued to practice.

When she reached a thousand points of proficiency, her wrists were a little sore, but she gained a lot. She was able to master all tea-making techniques, and she could also show off some small skills to increase the viewing pleasure of serving tea and water.

Ten thousand points of proficiency may not seem like much, but it is really not easy to do. Xia Cao brought her meals to her, so no time was wasted.

By the time I reached this level of proficiency, it was already dark.

After 10,000 points of proficiency, it can no longer be improved, but this is also the case. Based on the information received in the mind, master-level skills are enough to be superb.

This is not a fantasy world of cultivating immortals, it is just a world with an ancient background. At this point, it is already reaching the sky. She wasn't going to have any more trouble tonight, she felt she needed a good rest.

After a very sweet night's sleep, when she woke up, she started to develop her second skill, which she thought was more about daily life and service.

She looked around her room, and finally chose the action of folding clothes to increase her proficiency. She felt that this was the least labor-intensive.

This brushing lasted most of the day, and it was boring to keep repeating the same action. Fortunately, there was a goal to count, otherwise she would lose control.

After that, she chose to arrange the veil for appearance, and walked for etiquette. These two tasks took her almost a day.

For a while, she didn't think much about improving her proficiency, so she chose female red. She didn't do anything complicated on a handkerchief, she just embroidered the word "一", embroidered it and took it apart. Even so, she couldn't My embroidered fingers have a headache.

It took her three days to reach full proficiency with this skill of Nv Hong. At this time, she felt that her hands were no longer her own, and her finger joints were very stiff.

She estimated that her fingers and wrists would have been swollen if the Rejuvenation Art hadn't been recuperating her body.

Of course, the harvest is also huge. What I might have embroidered before was just a makeshift, but now it is so lifelike that it looks like the real thing.

In addition, while she was "recuperating", Ruyi, Linglong and Liuzhu each took the time to visit her, sent her some pastries to express their condolences, and said some thoughtful words to make her loyal to her master.

Through the conversation, Zhang Chengyuan felt that none of them were Taoist Heavenly Masters, so he chose the appraisal without too much hesitation, and the appraisal results were as expected.

This also made her feel at ease a lot.

However, this also wastes a lot of time for her to brush up on her proficiency, but people come to see her with good intentions, so she has to know what is good and what is bad, and she should entertain them well. Everyone doesn't stay long, but after all, It's been more than half a day.

Therefore, in addition to the six days spent on other proficiency levels, she also had half a day of rest, which meant that she had been recovering from her "illness" for seven days. Zhang Chengyuan felt that she could "recover" thoroughly and it was time to go to work.

On the eighth day, she got up early and went to wait at Zhang Yuzhi's door. Because she didn't know what was going on inside, she didn't mind her own business.

About a quarter of an hour later, there was a slight movement in the room. It didn't take much to figure out that it couldn't have been caused by the master. The master didn't care whether the noise was big or not, so she didn't move.

Soon, the door was opened. Zhang Chengyuan looked up and saw Liu Zhu, so he smiled at her as a greeting.

Liuzhu saw that she was only surprised for a moment, then returned to normal. At the same time, she smiled back at her, and hurriedly ordered the maid to boil water and prepare things for washing.

Zhang Chengyuan continued to bow his head and wait in a polite manner. As time passed, Liuzhu came back with a group of second-class maids carrying toiletries and stood waiting opposite her.

After about a cup of tea, Ruyi's voice sounded inside, and at the same time Linglong came and stood next to Zhang Chengyuan.

When Zhang Chengyuan was looking at Linglong with his peripheral vision, Ruyi came over and opened the door. After nodding to the three maids outside the door, she turned around and went back.

Liu Zhu stepped into the door first, followed by Zhang Chengyuan, followed by Linglong, and behind Linglong were the second-class maids filing in.

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