Chapter 196 Serving

After Zhang Chengyuan followed him in, he, Ruyi and Linglong saluted the eldest lady and then got busy.

During the previous appraisal, she learned about the division of labor among the four of them. Linglong was responsible for helping Zhang Yuzhi comb her hair and make up, Liuzhu was responsible for washing, Ruyi was responsible for dressing, and she was responsible for organizing the room items and folding quilts. Yes, she also takes care of hygiene issues.

Now Liu Zhu was instructing the maid to bring a stool to help Zhang Yuzhi sit down, twisting the handkerchief to wipe Zhang Yuzhi's face and hands, and then she had to wait for Zhang Yuzhi to rinse her mouth and massage her.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Linglong prepared the things and jewelry she would need for a while in front of the dressing table.

Ruyi is matching clothes and waiting for Zhang Yuzhi to choose.

Zhang Chengyuan was not idle either. She was making the bed. Her hands were like magic. With just a few simple movements, the bed was made beautiful and smooth.

She quietly exited the room and summoned a second-class maid to ask her to remove all the pastries and tea in the room and replace them with new ones.

In addition, he brought four maids into the house.

In the room, Liu Zhu had just finished washing Zhang Yuzhi and was about to take the maid out when Linglong came over and helped Zhang Yuzhi sit down in front of the dressing table.

Zhang Chengyuan winked at the four maids behind him and led them into the house, just in time to avoid the eldest lady packing the bucket and spittoon.

She asked a little maid to carry the bucket, and the other quickly left with a spittoon in her arms. One of the remaining two cleaned the place where the bucket was placed with a handkerchief dipped in water, and the other left holding yesterday's clothes.

Zhang Chengyuan took the snacks and warm water on a tray and knelt next to Zhang Yuzhi, waiting for her to enjoy them.

The reason why she knelt down and held up a tray to carry food and drinks was because she had just identified Zhang Yuzhi's psychology:
I'm a little hungry. Why hasn't Xiao Yuan come to serve tea?

She has no memory of the original owner, and her ability to be so error-free must be attributed to Xia Cao. During her "recuperation" period, when Xia Cao came to deliver food, she couldn't help but look at her pitifully. She thought something had happened. , gesturing to ask her.

Only then did she find out from her mouth that Linglong and the others had chosen a smart second-class maid to take her place in her absence to clean the house for the master. They did not kneel down when serving tea in the morning, making it inconvenient for the master to take it, which made him unhappy. happiness.

Only then did everyone realize that it was not easy for her, a big maid, to serve tea to her master on her knees all the time.

After listening, Zhang Chengyuan didn't care about the others, and she remembered that she had to kneel down to serve Zhang Yuzhi to eat.

Therefore, as soon as she recognized Zhang Yuzhi's hunger, she immediately got into the mood and knelt down, holding warm water and refreshments for people to eat.

Fortunately, Zhang Yuzhi didn't eat for too long. After eating about three thumb-sized snacks, she drank some warm water to relieve her tiredness, then waved her hand and left.

Zhang Chengyuan naturally got up. When she took the tray down, she saw Liu Zhu and four second-class maids passing by her from the corner of her eye.

They were holding something in their hands. Zhang Chengyuan sent the tray out to the second-class maid and came back to see what it was.

Liu Zhu was handing Zhang Yuzhi a handkerchief to wipe her mouth. It looked like she had just rinsed her mouth.

Two of the four maids were holding trays, one was holding a copper basin, and the other was holding a spittoon.

Zhang Yuzhi wiped her mouth and returned the handkerchief to Liuzhu. Liuzhu put it back in the tray held by one of the maids, and at the same time winked at the maid holding the copper basin. The maid stepped forward and squatted down to wait for her to clean her hands. .

At this time, Liu Zhu came over and waited with a clean handkerchief. After a while, she handed it to Zhang Yuzhi to wipe her hands.

After wiping his hands, Liu Zhu led the others to retreat, then came back alone to stand guard with Zhang Chengyuan.

Zhang Chengyuan observed Liuzhu's every move out of the corner of his eye, and made appraisals from time to time, but mainly focused on Zhang Yuzhi. Just from this moment of observation, she discovered many points that needed attention.

For example, although Liu Zhu was waiting with her, her attention was not on herself or distracted, but tightly tied to Zhang Yuzhi, which ensured that she would be able to detect any move by Zhang Yuzhi immediately.

After Zhang Chengyuan felt that he could not learn more information from her, he turned his attention to Ruyi.

At this time, Ruyi had already put together six sets of clothes. She went out and asked six maids to come over and take them, and they also waited aside.

From her psychological activities, Zhang Chengyuan learned some color matching skills and Zhang Yuzhi's preferences, as well as Zhang Yuzhi's itinerary for a while.

Then she looked at Linglong calmly. Linglong had already combed Zhang Yuzhi's hair into a bun and was matching it with hair accessories.

What Zhang Chengyuan learned from Linglong was the skills of buns and accessories, as well as Zhang Yuzhi's preferences.

As time went by, when the makeup was almost completed, Zhang Chengyuan received a stream of information, which was all about the basic common sense of being a great maid.

She checked the proficiency panel and found that it was brought about by getting started with knowledge. It turns out that knowledge refers to this aspect, which is very consistent with the profession of a maid.

This unexpected gain surprised her. This way, she no longer had to pay attention all the time for fear of making mistakes.

After digesting it quickly, Zhang Chengyuan waited politely. Now she basically knew what she should do, so she didn't need to be vigilant all the time.

When Linglong helped Zhang Yuzhi stand up, Ruyi stepped forward a few steps in time to take over. Linglong helped Zhang Yuzhi. She waved to the six maids to show Zhang Yuzhi the clothes.

Ruyi reminded her of today's schedule in a gentle voice: "Miss, you said yesterday that you wanted to visit Miss Cousin today."

Zhang Yuzhi nodded, her eyes fell on the clothes, and after glancing around, she said without thinking too much: "Wear the goose yellow one."

Ruyi responded "yes" and changed Zhang Yuzhi's clothes.

After cleaning up, Zhang Yuzhi took Linglong and the others to greet the old lady. When they reached the door, Zhang Yuzhi suddenly stopped and left a message: "Xiao Yuan, you will stay in the courtyard to look after the yard today."

Zhang Chengyuan could only stop and bow with regret and watch them leave.

She thought she could see the fast-traveling woman with the strategy system today, but it was better not to meet her, as it would delay the discovery of her existence.

She turned back to the courtyard, grabbed a second-class maid, and gestured to her to bring someone over.

When someone came and took them into Zhang Yuzhi's room to clean, she didn't say a word and relied on gestures throughout the process, and no one questioned anything.

It is estimated that the news that she became mute has spread widely.

Soon they finished cleaning. Zhang Chengyuan checked carefully and made sure they were all cleaned before letting them leave. At the same time, she followed her out and closed the door to avoid trouble.

With nothing to do, she looked at the people in the yard who were pretending to be busy because of her presence. She thought about it and planned to go to the small kitchen to make everyone feel more comfortable.

As she walked, she thought that the original owner must have some cooking skills, otherwise the cooking skills would not appear on her panel.

After she left, the other maids and ladies really relaxed a lot, and they immediately gathered together to chat when they had free time.

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