Chapter 197 The Impact of Becoming Mute

Zhang Chengyuan came to the small kitchen, where there was only a gatekeeper. When she saw her, she immediately greeted her with a smile and asked enthusiastically if the young lady had any instructions.

The reason why this old woman was so enthusiastic was, on the one hand, because as long as Zhang Yuzhi asked the small kitchen to cook something, she would definitely give her a reward, and on the other hand, she could also deduct a little bit of money from it, which would make anyone happy.

Zhang Chengyuan shook his head at the old woman and gestured that he wanted to use the small kitchen. The light in the old woman's eyes dimmed instantly and her attitude turned cold.

The old woman didn't pay much attention to the mute girl. Although she was not transferred away by the eldest lady, everyone knew that she didn't have a high status in the eldest lady's heart, otherwise she wouldn't have been asked to guard the door.

She is not a favorite of the master, and she is mute and cannot speak. Even the best master will not give her much face. She is not of much value to him, so the old woman will naturally not be very enthusiastic towards her.

The old woman said indifferently that I should remember to report to her later what I used and how much I used, then turned around and left the kitchen to continue basking in the sun.

She couldn't speak and felt powerless even when she wanted to argue with others, but she didn't regret her decision. She wanted to be as low-key as possible in this world.

Moreover, this was not a big deal, and there was no need for her to worry about it. She took a rough look around the small kitchen and found that the ingredients in the small kitchen were not particularly abundant.

But it's normal when you think about it. Zhang Yuzhi usually eats in the big kitchen, and the small kitchen is only used to boil water and make cakes occasionally.

Zhang Chengyuan glanced at the old woman who was looking at her from time to time outside, then retracted her gaze and thought. The way that person was staring at her was quite frustrating, and she naturally didn't want to waste it. After all, it was not hers. After thinking about it, she decided to make some purple sweet potato cake.

She knew how to cook, and she made a pot of food quickly. It turned out that her cooking skill increased a little with each piece she made. Because the pieces were small and she could eat one in one bite, this pot of food helped her gain more than 200 points of proficiency.

The information she got when she first got started was specifically some common pastry-making techniques, but when she became proficient, the information she obtained included methods of making complex pastries and common meals.

After thoroughly digesting the information, she looked around and found some oil paper. She folded the large piece of oil paper in half and cut it into suitable small pieces.

By this time the cakes were almost cool, so she carefully packed the purple sweet potato cakes, only six pieces in each pack.

In addition to the plate reserved for Zhang Yuzhi, she counted them and found that there were still quite a few packages, 39 in total.

There are 36 servants in the eldest lady's courtyard. If each person gets a packet, there will be some left over. However, she naturally cannot make the decision to deliver it. This matter has to be done by the master Zhang Yuzhi.

She had almost completed her proficiency today. She secretly took two packages, put the rest in order, and took another package out to report the ingredients to the woman who was in charge of the kitchen.

After a while of gestures, she finally expressed herself clearly. She stuffed the bag of pastries into the old woman's hand and gestured to tell her to put the things here first, and she would come to get them when the young lady came back, so she could trouble her to take a look.

Only then did she leave. Although she was a little displeased with this old woman, it was still necessary to make friends with her. As she was a mute, she would definitely not be around Zhang Yuzhi often in the future, even if Zhang Yuzhi said nice things.

She said she no longer cared about the impact of her muteness, but the truth was, she still cared, otherwise she wouldn't have been left to watch over the yard.

According to what she heard, she was always taken out by four maids.

Zhang Chengyuan brought a small stool and sat in front of Zhang Yuzhi's door, daydreaming and waiting for her to come back.

About half an hour later, the talent came back surrounded by maids.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately stood up to greet her and bowed. Then Zhang Yuzhi seemed to notice her and stopped talking and laughing and asked her to get up.

Zhang Chengyuan stood up straight and immediately made way, so as not to upset Zhang Yuzhi by blocking the way. Zhang Yuzhi put her hand on Linglong's wrist and went back to the house in a good mood.

Zhang Chengyuan did not follow, but asked the two maids not far away to go with him to get tea and cakes.

Zhang Yuzhi had just changed into her casual clothes and sat down when she came with two maids. The two maids put the things away and left without Zhang Chengyuan's instructions.

Zhang Chengyuan served her tea and then stood behind her. Zhang Yuzhi took a sip from the teacup. The water temperature was just right. She took a piece of the purple pastry. It was sweet, soft and not greasy at all. She couldn't help but glance at Zhang Chengyuan and asked, "Did you make it yourself?"

Zhang Chengyuan raised his head slightly, smiled at Zhang Yuzhi, and nodded in greeting.

"It tastes good. If there's any left, you can share it among yourselves."

Zhang Chengyuan bowed again, and the other three followed suit. They thanked him joyfully in clear and pleasant voices.

Zhang Chengyuan revealed an envy that was not particularly obvious at the right moment, then lowered his head dejectedly.

Sure enough, the identification panel changed:
Identification successful!

Character: Zhang Yuzhi
Gender: Female
Age: 14 years old

HP: 100/100
Attack: 1~90
Defense: 1
Skills: Needlework, Management...

Skills: None
Realm: mortal

Qualification: 48 (full value 100)

Lifespan: 14/77
Identity: Miss Zhang
Personality: Selfish, ambitious, intelligent...

Features: Calm and steady

Luck: 16
Soul: primary soul

Destiny: Reborn/Destruction of the Same World

Status: healthy
Favorite: 71
Equipment: none
Pets: None
Introduction: Once reborn, no longer obsessed with love, focusing on career...

Psychology: Still as considerate as ever, but unfortunately I still couldn't stop her from becoming mute, but her skills are getting better and better...

Zhang Yuzhi looked at her like this and felt a little soft-hearted: "Go down."

Zhang Chengyuan looked up at Zhang Yuzhi, opened her mouth and realized she couldn't speak, so she raised her hand to gesture and ask.

After Zhang Yuzhi's soft-hearted feeling passed, she felt a little impatient in her heart. She was the master, but the master still had to take care of a maid in every way. Even though this was a loyal maid, she still felt annoyed.

But she didn't show it. After living a new life, her mind became much smarter. She would weigh the pros and cons of everything and she didn't forget to put on a good show.

Her expression was not obvious, and it was hard to tell what she was saying. Her tone was light and gentle, as if she knew what she wanted to ask. She stopped her and said, "Go down and rest for a while, and bring some cakes to Linglong and the others."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and walked out.

She knew Zhang Yuzhi's psychology clearly, and she would not have any unhappy or unwilling emotions. She no longer had impulsive and reckless emotions and behaviors. Now she would think twice before doing anything.

Zhang Yuzhi only had some sympathy for them because of her behavior. She would feel uncomfortable watching them laughing and joking if she was asked to leave, which dampened her mood.

This is very normal in a master-servant relationship, and there's really no need to take it personally.

Besides, she wasn't really dumb, so she wouldn't be sad at all. She hadn't eaten anything since this morning, so she didn't need to be served. Now was a good opportunity to eat something. She had been hungry for a long time.

It's still a while before dinner, so now's a good time to go eat something to fill my stomach.

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