Chapter 204: Poison Control
Zhang Chengyuan raised his eyebrows and looked at her, then put away his smile and gave her a pill. He stared at her without any other actions or words.

Qian Dahua hesitated and didn't dare to take it. She couldn't believe that the person who could feed her poison so easily would give her the antidote.

But under Zhang Chengyuan's silent gaze and the pain, Qian Dahua finally gritted her teeth, took the unknown black pill, and swallowed it with determination.

As the pill went down his stomach, the pain was quickly relieved in the blink of an eye. But Qian Dahua couldn't be happy, because the speed at which the drug took effect proved how powerful she was.

She looked at Zhang Chengyuan with a sad face. Zhang Chengyuan raised his hand to indicate that he could not speak and hoped that they could get along well. She would give her the antidote regularly in the future and asked her to be obedient and would not treat her unfairly.

Qian Dahua had a bad idea as soon as her eyes rolled. She put on a flattering expression and before she could open her mouth, Zhang Chengyuan quickly fed her another pill, which Qian Dahua swallowed unexpectedly. She put a smiling expression on her face again and gestured: You are not obedient.

But at this moment Qian Dahua had no time to care about what she was gesturing. She just felt pain all over her body, a hundred times more painful than last time. She was in so much pain that she couldn't make a sound. She just wanted to curl up herself to try to reduce the pain a little bit. Her consciousness gradually became blurred, the sounds in her ears became farther and farther away, her eyes had lost their luster, and it seemed that she would die in the next second.

Zhang Chengyuan completely blocked all the gazes and estimated the time. After she had been in pain for two or three minutes, he lifted her chin, pinched her mouth open and gave her an antidote.

Qian Dahua, who was on the verge of death, gradually regained all her senses as the drug took effect. She breathed in the air greedily, as if she had just been pulled out of the water. Sweat was like drops of water. She didn't even dare to look at Zhang Chengyuan. The feeling of being on the verge of death was too terrifying. She never wanted to experience it again. Every minute and every second felt like a year.

She didn't look up, and Zhang Chengyuan couldn't speak for her, so Zhang Chengyuan pinched her chin without hesitation to force her to look up. He pointed two fingers at her eyes and then at himself, motioning her to look into her eyes.

Qian Dahua was still shivering with fear and didn't dare to resist at all. She just did whatever she was told.

Zhang Chengyuan gestured: This is the consequence for not listening.

Qian Dahua nodded immediately: "I'll be obedient, I won't dare to do it again."

Zhang Chengyuan examined her psychological activities and made sure that she was not lying before continuing to gesture.

After this experience, Qian Dahua's loyalty value finally stabilized at above 80. Zhang Chengyuan asked to go to her room with her. Qian Dahua did not dare to have any objection and took him there obediently.

Zhang Chengyuan looked around and gestured to ask where her room was.
Qian Dahua smiled carefully and said, "If you don't mind, you can live here and I'll replace your things with new ones. Is that okay?"

Zhang Chengyuan was sure that she had no bad intentions, so he nodded and agreed. Then she gestured for Qian Dahua to clean up.

She sat quietly at the table drinking tea, constantly copying the plug-in while waiting for the money to come out.

She didn't dare to do anything in the yard before, but now she finally has time.

After copying all the golden fingers, Zhang Chengyuan couldn't hold back her smile. She felt like she had become rich overnight and was extremely happy.

There is a saying that goes, high risk means high reward. This is what she is experiencing now. Although she may be exposed at any time, it is nothing compared to the rewards.

Now she would have made up her money even if she just left, but she didn't plan to do so. Since she had made up her money, she would not lose anything no matter what happened in the future. If she gained anything again, she would have made money again.

Zhang Chengyuan looked at the lottery wheel for the external hunting talent skills. It was densely packed with golden fingers, farming system, apprentice system, cub raising system, development system, survival system, daily settlement system, game copy system, family system, etc. In addition, there were various supernatural powers.

It was simply too rich. She felt that her wish to collect the golden fingers was almost fulfilled. At the same time, she was looking forward to the world after that. Thinking back to the time when she entered the fast-travel game until now, she had gone from having nothing to having a fortune now. She couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of accomplishment...

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Zhang Chengyuan pulled his thoughts back to their original place and stopped daydreaming. He turned his head to look at the source of the sound. Qian Dahua had already packed up and came out. Apart from her pale face, there was nothing wrong with her.

Zhang Chengyuan nodded in satisfaction, then stood up, pointed at the door, made a sleeping gesture and looked at Qian Dahua.

Qian Dahua understood what she meant at a glance, and immediately said respectfully and fearfully: "I'll go out right now."

Qian Dahua quickly retreated and closed the door behind her.

Zhang Chengyuan sat down and continued to drink tea, but he was thinking about things in his mind. Now that Zhang Yuzhi was married to King Yu, she no longer needed to show off her presence often.

All she has to do is wait. Maybe when Ruyi and the others get married, she can leave with them.

These big guys will probably replace them quickly, otherwise Zhang Yuzhi alone would not be able to get to that position...

After sorting out the current situation, Zhang Chengyuan made the next arrangements for herself and then relaxed. She was really tired being in a place where so many big shots gathered.

After resting for a while, Zhang Chengyuan went to the small kitchen. Seeing Qian Dahua, she affectionately took her arm and took her out of the small kitchen, leaving everyone whispering.

Zhang Chengyuan explained Zhang Yuzhi's preferences to Qian Dahua one by one, and said that everything in the small kitchen remained the same and she would not interfere. As long as she served the princess well and didn't let any trouble find her, it would be fine.

Qian Dahua was shocked and extremely upset. If she had known the result would be like this, she would never have suffered all this. But there is no medicine for regret in the world, and she could only feel extremely painful and depressed at this moment.

After Zhang Chengyuan explained everything clearly, he hid back in his room. Zhang Yuzhi was newly married and she probably wouldn't notice her for a while, and she didn't want to attract attention by going to her yard.

A month passed in a flash, and Zhang Chengyuan had been staying in the house, relying on Qian Dahua for food and drink.

She didn't go out, but it was very lively outside. However, it had nothing to do with her.

In the days that followed, Zhang Chengyuan did not completely disappear. She would go to see Zhang Yuzhi once a month, and occasionally get together with Ruyi and the others to keep in touch with them so that they would not forget her.

In this way, even if something good happens, they will always speak for her based on this affection.

On the sixth day after her twentieth birthday, Ruyi said that she would be married to a sixth-rank official, Linglong would marry a fourth-rank official, and Liuzhu would marry one of the prince's counselors.

Two days later, Zhang Yuzhi sent someone to look for her. When she went there, she found out that they wanted to marry her off to the eldest son of Earl Zhongyi.

Zhang Yuzhi kindly pulled her aside and asked her opinion: "Xiao Yuan, are you willing?"

Zhang Chengyuan felt nothing in her heart. After the identification, she understood why. It turned out that this person was a capable outsider and they wanted to win him over, so she was chosen to be the link because she was loyal enough to her.

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