Chapter 205 Getting Married
She didn't really care who she married. After all, she wasn't some innocent little girl. She had experienced adult things, and if she wasn't so busy all the time, she would have had thoughts in that regard.

Now that it has been delivered to her doorstep, there is naturally no need for her to be reserved. She should just enjoy her life.

Of course, she is not a very casual person. She cannot eat something that is too ugly, and it is unsightly and will affect her mood.

Besides, this would allow her to leave the boss's lair and no longer have to hide every day for fear of being exposed. Why would she be unhappy about that?

She agreed without much hesitation, and the wedding date was set very soon, on the fifth day of the next month.

Zhang Chengyuan took the reward back to the house and continued to play around. Anyway, Zhang Yuzhi told her not to worry about the wedding dress and trousseau, as she would prepare them for her.

During the waiting period, Ruyi and the others got married one after another. She prepared dowries for each of them, spending most of her savings over the years, and it also fulfilled the sisterhood she had accumulated over the years.

A few days after sending them away, it was her turn to get married.

On the day of her wedding, she got up early to wait for arrangements and ate something in advance to fill her stomach. She knew that if she didn't take care of herself, no one else would care about her.

Just like Ruyi and the others, she was the one who secretly stuffed them with pastries so that they wouldn't go hungry.

She followed the matchmaker's instructions and did whatever she was told to do. At night, just as she expected, no one came to bring her food.

She secretly took some pastries and ate them quickly when no one was around so that she wouldn't be too hungry.

Not long after she finished eating, she heard a noise coming from outside, but she sat there as if nothing had happened.

Along with the sound of the door being pushed open, the bridesmaid's voice rang out: "Master, you are finally here. Don't miss the auspicious time."

The red veil blocked her view of the people, and Zhang Chengyuan could only hear the so-called eldest master's voice coldly saying, "Do you still want to see my bridal chamber?"

The other male voices said they dared not to leave, and the bridesmaid's voice rang out: "Young Master..."

"You guys also get out."

Before the bridesmaid could finish her words, she was interrupted, but she did not dare to offend the master, so she obediently led everyone out.

Zhang Chengyuan did not act rashly as she didn't know much about this man's background.

The man didn't move for a long time, and Zhang Chengyuan didn't move either.

Perhaps the man had lost his patience. He took two steps at a time and tore off Zhang Chengyuan's red veil.

Zhang Chengyuan looked up at the man and felt that he looked particularly familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he finally remembered why he looked familiar.

However, in order to confirm whether he had recognized the wrong person, Zhang Chengyuan still identified him:

Identification successful!

Character: Jiang Siyou
Sex: Male
Age: 24 (24~4367) years old
Favorability: 0 (88)

HP: 3500/3500
Attack: 1120~2100
Defense: 100~150
Skills: Freezing, Evil Killing, Charm, Wind Control...

Skills: "Soul-breaking Spear", "Infinite Creation", "Golden Body Technique", "Ice Technique", "Five Phases and Five Elements"...

Realm: mortal

Qualification: 89 (full value 100)

Lifespan: 24/80
Identity: Quick Traveler No. 91912 of Biluo Chaos World Quick Travel Bureau

Personality: Perseverance and resilience, indifference, self-interest

Characteristics: Unyielding, able to be calm and patient in the face of difficulties, and never give up, but has experienced so much that he is very indifferent and egoistic.
Luck: 15
Soul: Second-order divine soul Fate: Unknown

Status: Full of qi and blood, healthy

Equipment: portable space

Pets: None
Plug-in: Quick wear male role playing system

Introduction: A college student who had just left school had never seen the sinister nature of people because of his relatively good family conditions. He was accidentally targeted by a human trafficker organization and was eventually abducted and died at a young age. But luckily, he was captured on the verge of death. Captured and bound by the quick-travel male supporting role-playing system, he regained his life...

Psychology: I just hope she is obedient...

It turned out to be him. He was Jiang Siyou, the one who had used the beauty trap on her. She wanted to turn him over. Later, she started to like him a little bit after getting to know him. Unfortunately, she was delayed because of Xuan Qing's promotion and finally missed him.

It's just that she no longer likes him as much as she did in the past, but his looks are still her type. She only remembers that it was a relationship that ended in vain and was a bit regrettable.

Just as she was reminiscing about the past, a familiar voice sounded. It was the conversation between Jiang Siyou and his system.

[Ba Zai, one hour of mind reading, you can deduct points by yourself.]
The corners of Zhang Chengyuan's mouth curled slightly. She had already noticed it and started acting almost instantly. Her eyelashes trembled and her eyes went from unfamiliar to empty, as if she was lost in long-lost memories.

The next second, Jiang Siyou asked Bazai in his mind:

[Ba Zai, why is this mind reading skill useless again? This is the second...]
Before he finished speaking, he and Bazai realized something at the same time. Bazai's first reaction was to send a message to the big boss of this world. Jiang Siyou stopped him without hesitation:
[Ba Zai!]

Bazai asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

[Please don't tell anyone about her, okay? I beg you, just for the sake of our friendship over the years.]
Bazai said angrily: "Why can't you forget her? She never loved you!"

Jiang Siyou's eyes fell on Zhang Chengyuan, and seeing her dazed look of reminiscence, he suddenly felt confident.

[Ba Zai, you see she hasn't forgotten me.]
Bazai poured cold water on him, saying, "Are you sure she hasn't forgotten you? She didn't know you were a fast traveler at the beginning. Maybe she is treating you as someone's substitute now."

After hearing these words, Jiang Siyou felt a chill in his heart, but he still didn't want to give up:

[Ba Zai, help me check her favorability towards me.]
Bazai sighed and agreed.

Zhang Chengyuan immediately mobilized his emotions, his mind was full of Jiang Siyou. He kept thinking about him, thinking about how he loved him and missed her.

Bazai moved quickly and announced the result while Zhang Chengyuan was anxiously waiting: "Her favorability towards Jiang Siyou is 71, and her favorability towards you is 16."

Jiang Siyou's heart immediately became hot:

[Ba Zai, did you see that? She loves me, she still loves me.]
Bazai sighed deeply again and silently deleted the message he was about to send. Just fulfill his wish this time and never do it again.

Zhang Chengyuan breathed a sigh of relief. She was just gambling and was even ready to quit at any time. Fortunately, she won the bet.

It will be easy to deal with Jiang Siyou since he is a love-brained guy. Bazai cares about the host and can also be controlled.

Jiang Siyou stared at Zhang Chengyuan for a long time. When he came back to his senses, he saw the eye-catching red. Regret quickly filled his heart. Why didn't he just follow the process honestly? This was his and Zhang Chengyuan's wedding.

Seeing that Zhang Chengyuan had not yet come to his senses, he called out softly, "Chengyuan~"

Zhang Chengyuan came back to his senses and looked at him. The next second, his eyes widened and he looked at him in disbelief, his eyes became alert.

Jiang Siyou wanted to step forward, but when he saw her retreating, he stopped and hurriedly explained: "Chengyuan, I am Jiang Siyou."

The vigilance in Zhang Chengyuan's eyes disappeared a little, but he still didn't dare to believe it completely, so he let his guard down.

Jiang Siyou had no choice but to tell her the origin of their relationship. Only then did Zhang Chengyuan completely let down his guard, stood up, reached out to hold him, looked at him carefully for a moment, and then hugged him.

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