Chapter 206 Recognition
Jiang Siyou, who had not heard Zhang Chengyuan speak, suddenly remembered the boss's previous instructions, asking him to marry a mute maid. Doesn't this mean that the original owner of the body Zhang Chengyuan wore was a mute.

He hurriedly sought Bazai's help:
[Ba Zai, help me find some medicine that can cure the mute.]
Bazai was furious. Not only did he expose them, but he even wanted to spend points on her. He said in a very cold tone, "No."

When Zhang Chengyuan realized this, he grabbed Jiang Siyou's hand at the right time to attract his attention and wrote on his palm: What's wrong?
Jiang Siyou smiled and shook his head: "It's okay, can your inability to speak be cured?"

Zhang Chengyuan continued to write: Yes, but I don’t want to be cured. There are too many bigwigs in this world, and it is safer to keep a low profile.

Jiang Siyou understood the reason and stopped forcing him. He was even slightly happy in his heart. She was willing to speak to him so openly. Did it mean that she had him in her heart?

He saw the red veil on the ground, and the scene just now came to his mind. He slowly felt guilty. She picked up the red veil and shook off the dust on it. She looked at Zhang Chengyuan with expectation on her face but trepidation in her heart: "Chengyuan, shall we get married?"

Zhang Chengyuan knew what he was thinking by looking at his actions. He took it and smiled at him indulgently, then sat back on the bed and covered his head with the red veil again.

Jiang Siyou was a little excited. He tried hard to calm himself and stop his hands from shaking. He had experienced too many weddings like this, but this was the first time he had experienced it with his true love. The various feelings involved were hard to describe.

He lifted the veil gently and carefully, and looked eagerly at the beautiful Zhang Chengyuan under the veil, his eyes slightly red.

After a long time, Jiang Siyou suppressed his surging emotions, and calmly led Zhang Chengyuan to the table to drink the wedding wine. His face was already covered with red. He didn't dare to look directly at Zhang Chengyuan, and his voice was trembling: "Chengyuan, let's go to bed."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and followed his strength to the bedside. Neither of them moved for a while.

Jiang Siyou mustered up the courage to reach out and undress Zhang Chengyuan. Zhang Chengyuan did not resist but stared at him with interest, which only made his face redder.

This made him even more flustered and he couldn't untie his clothes. When Zhang Chengyuan had seen enough, he kindly held Jiang Siyou's hand, patted it gently and asked him to look over.

Zhang Chengyuan took Jiang Siyou's hand away, and quickly untied the belt of his clothes with nimble hands and feet. He took off his heavy wedding dress, leaving only a white inner garment. He raised his hand to undress Jiang Siyou.

Jiang Si was so shy that she didn't know what to do. She hurriedly stopped Zhang Chengyuan's action and stammered, "I can do it myself."

After saying that, he hurriedly took off his clothes and almost tripped over his clothes several times. The more anxious he was, the easier it was to make mistakes. He was so embarrassed that he wished there was a crack in the ground for him to crawl into.

Jiang Siyou was only wearing his inner clothes, with his collar wide open, his face flushed and a thin layer of sweat on his forehead, looking somewhat seductive.

Perhaps because he hadn't had that kind of release for a long time, Zhang Chengyuan actually felt that he was a little impatient and wanted to knock him down.

Zhang Chengyuan was not someone who would let herself be wronged. She pulled Jiang Siyou to sit beside the bed, lowered the gauze bed curtains, and moved towards him.

Soon, the sound of deep and shallow breathing could be heard.

It was a warm night, the two of them slept in each other's arms and did not wake up until noon.

After having a sweet breakfast, the two of them lay on the bed again. Zhang Chengyuan held Jiang Siyou's hand and wrote on his palm:
Siyou, what are your plans for the future?
Jiang Siyou had no time to think about these things from yesterday until now. Only when he was asked did he slowly withdraw from the warmth.

He was brought to this world by the big guys. His main task is to cooperate with the big guys to speed up the world's advancement and follow their arrangements.

But now that he has met the person he has been thinking about day and night, he doesn't want to waste too much time on other things. It is a blessing to be able to meet in this world, and it is unknown whether he can meet in the next world, so he wants to stick with her all the time...

Jiang Siyou's expression became more and more serious. Zhang Chengyuan recognized his thoughts and understood his mission, so he wrote again:

It doesn't matter if I think so or not. It's not easy for us to meet each other. I just hope we can be together forever in this life. I don't ask for anything else.

I don't want to ask what your mission is. As long as you are well and spend more time together, I will be satisfied.

Jiang Siyou looked at Zhang Chengyuan with emotion and secretly made up his mind: "Okay."

[Ba Zai, can you help me once?]

Apart from gritting his teeth and rolling his eyes, Bazai no longer wanted to talk to him and left this world without hesitation.

Jiang Siyou couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth. Although Bazai didn't say anything, its behavior had already shown its attitude.

It would not tell on him, allowing the world to let him follow his heart for once.

Zhang Chengyuan was also very satisfied. Now Jiang Siyou's favorability towards her had reached 93, and it would not be long before he was completely devoted to her. At that time, she would not have to be so cautious.

Jiang Siyou hugged Zhang Chengyuan and asked, "Yuanbao, what are your plans for the future?"

Zhang Chengyuan looked at him again and again in confusion. What the hell is that? Ingot? This... um... it's a very unique name. Never mind. Call it whatever you want. It's just a name.

After accepting this title, Zhang Chengyuan continued to write slowly on his palm: I originally wanted to get married and choose a place to farm and live out my retirement, but I didn’t expect to marry you.

As he wrote, Zhang Chengyuan raised his head slightly and looked at Jiang Siyou with a loving look, which instantly made Jiang Siyou's jealous heart sweet. However, he still asked, "Do you not care who you marry?"

Zhang Chengyuan shook his head with a wry smile and continued writing: Well, I thought we would never have the chance to meet again. With the feelings I had for you, I felt that it would be the same no matter who I married. They are not you and cannot give me happiness.

Jiang Siyou thought about how he had cared about her all these years, and hugged her with heartache. They were all helpless, and he shouldn't blame her.

Jiang Siyou looked at her seriously and assured her, "Yuanbao, I will definitely protect myself. We will be together for a long time in this life. I will work hard. I believe that one day we will meet again and never be separated again."

Zhang Chengyuan nodded and hugged him tightly. Perhaps it was the atmosphere or perhaps they couldn't help themselves, but the two of them started playing again.

They missed dinner so much that they had to eat supper together.

After five days of energetic fun, the two returned to their normal life and schedule, and the atmosphere between them was still as sweet and warm as ever.

On this day, the two were feeding each other in an ambiguous way, when Bazai suddenly came back: "Jiang Siyou!"

The voice that suddenly rang in his mind scared Jiang Si so much that he shivered. After realizing it was Bazai, he yelled back in his mind angrily: "You scared me to death, Bazai, what are you doing?"

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