Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 142: Special Forces

Suddenly, the black figure made a false move, knocking Zhang Xiu's weapon to the ground, and the dagger in his left hand also reached Zhang Xiu's neck, and it only took a little force to cut Zhang Xiu's neck open.full text..

This fight has already woken up all the soldiers, and the lights in the house were also lit.

The black figure was Jia Rong. As soon as they fought against each other, Zhang Xiu had already figured out who it was, and with the signature weapon, Zhang Xiu didn't break it, so he resolutely met him. In fact, he also wanted to compete with Jia Rong. Next, don't want to be defeated.

With a movement of his left hand, the dagger was retracted to his waist, and the black cloth tied to his face was torn off. Jia Rong said in a cold tone: "If the enemy attacks on a large scale, you have already been killed, so what's the point of your personal bravery?" Use, can you alone turn the whole war situation around."

"You, you, and you, more than 60 of you have already died! Except for Zhang Xiu, who is still qualified, the other soldiers do a thousand push-ups. Let's start now."

No matter how hard they tried, the soldiers found that they couldn't raise their heads. Jia Rong taught them to be alert to the enemy's sneak attack. They thought that Jia Rong would beat drums to gather the soldiers to increase their vigilance. Unexpectedly, Jia Rong changed a method.

Zhang Xiu also silently followed all the soldiers doing push-ups.

Seeming to see through the thoughts of the soldiers, Jia Rong said solemnly: "The goal of war is to win. No matter what method is used, as long as it can win, it is the best way. The enemy's attack methods are ever-changing, so be prepared at all times." is the most important."

"And you, Zhang Xiu, do you use your dagger to trim your nails, and you even use a saber at critical moments? Do you think your martial arts are superb? When you found an enemy sneak attack, you didn't even make a sound to remind you, and you did two thousand push-ups. "

All the soldiers were very depressed. They were exaggerating just now, but in a blink of an eye, they scolded him more fiercely than anyone else.

However, Jia Rong's reason made them unable to refute, so they had to accept the punishment. Zhang Xiu secretly hated himself for using a dagger. In close combat, using a dagger is obviously more handy than a sword, but the habit of practicing martial arts for many years made him always Time cannot adapt with a dagger.

The next day, the sun was still shining brightly, and 180 soldiers stood tall and straight in the sun, with a water bowl on their heads.

"Because your performance last night was very poor, you don't have to eat today's meal." Jia Rong said, taking a bite of dried shredded pork.

After a while, a bowl of fresh broth was brought to Jia Rong, and many soldiers swallowed secretly.

Jia Rong walked up to a Qiang soldier with a bowl of broth, and said with a smile, "Number 22, do you want to eat it?"

The Qiang soldiers shouted loudly: "Think!"

It doesn't matter if you roar, the bowl above your head overflows with a little water.

Jia Rong laughed and said, "I'm afraid you won't be able to eat it. If the water spills out, you will be fined for half an hour. Come and give him some more water."

The Qiang soldiers slandered endlessly, secretly scolding themselves for being worthless, but the soldiers' morale was shaken by a bowl of broth.

All the soldiers were honorably seduced by Jia Rong. They found that Jia Rong's ability to describe was too good. They had never heard of Beijing roast duck and Nanjing salted duck, which made their mouth water and their eyes glaze over. Without exception, such soldiers were all punished. How could a qualified special soldier do without a strong will? These little fish were beaten to the ground, and there was no talk of revolution.

This day was the most difficult day for the 180 soldiers. Jia Rong made a mandatory rule that they were not allowed to eat anything, even a piece of grass or a piece of dead wood. All the soldiers could only keep swallowing. saliva.

And Jia Rong and the chef were at the same table, drinking wine in fours and sixes. The wine and food on the table were really delicious, but all the soldiers kept their eyes on each other, training hard, and often they took a look. The result was inhuman torture.

It was night, the soldiers learned to be smart, and the two stood guard in rotation to prevent the "enemy" from attacking.

Jia Rong's methods of sneak attacking them are endless. Even the sneak attack is chosen at dawn when people are most sleepy, and once he even attacked from the roof.

After such a long period of exercise, soldiers have adapted to high-intensity training and sneak attacks at any time.

Those tricks are no longer available, and Jia Rong is naturally the happiest, which shows that the soldiers are growing step by step.

180 soldiers also underwent a seven-day field survival training. They were only given three days of dry food and survived in the vast mountains for seven days. They were not allowed to ask for help from nearby villages. They relied entirely on their own abilities. During this period, Jia Rong will lead the army to arrest all the soldiers.

For the first time, all the soldiers were captured, and then they were all put back. Jia Rong still led [-] soldiers to search. As time went on, more and more soldiers survived. As long as the soldiers who were arrested more than three times , were all ruthlessly expelled from the team.

Survival in the wild not only trains the hidden ability of soldiers, but more importantly, their ability to survive. Even in the deep mountains and old forests, they can endure loneliness. Even if they eat litter every day, they must survive. This is the training. Final goal.

Jia Rong taught them how to disguise and hide, but they will not use it anymore, because the person who came to arrest them was Jia Rong, who usually taught them how to hide; in order to hide, they tried every means.

They are still good. Thinking that the special forces of later generations will do everything to survive, Jia Rong feels that he is still too kind. The road has to be taken step by step, and special forces cannot be cultivated into the best at one time. There are still hot weapons in later generations, sweeping a large area, which is not like now, with knives, guns and sticks whistling.

Seven days later, the soldiers on the training ground lost a lot of weight. Without exception, their eyes no longer had the passion they used to have, and there was only endless silence in their eyes. Thinking of the past seven days, they couldn't believe it was theirs. Own.

Things that would make you feel disgusting when you think about them usually, they actually put them in their mouths. They have hidden them in the dirtiest place on weekdays. In the past seven days, they have completely changed. The loneliness in the deep mountains, the torture of no food , in addition to the iron-blooded killing, they have officially become an ancient special soldier, cold-blooded and cruel are their pronouns.

"No. 38, come out!"

Liu Si trotted to Jia Rong's side, standing in a standard military posture.

Liu Si's code name was 38, a number with some meaning in later generations, but no one knew it in the Han Dynasty, and Jia Rong just snickered in his heart.

"Today you teach all soldiers the skill of picking locks, and all soldiers must learn it."

"Yes!" Liu Si replied loudly, although unlocking is one of his unique skills, but facing Jia Rong's order, Liu Si can only obey, because Jia Rong keeps teaching them, and they have to show what they are good at. Everyone learns together, so that the overall strength of the soldiers can be improved faster. Even Jia Rong taught himself the unique martial arts boxing, and Liu Si couldn't refuse.

Lockpicking is really difficult to learn. It is a skill job. It is not easy to open a lock with great strength. Everyone has a lock in front of them. It opened with a snap, and when it was their turn, no matter what they did, there was still no movement from the lock. Some soldiers even pulled the lock with both hands angrily, and pulled the lock open.

As a result, he was dragged by Jia Rong to practice alone. After a while, the soldier who used brute force came back with a bruised face. The dust on his body proved the record just now. Military boxing is also a compulsory course for these soldiers. Jia Rong is the best at this, and naturally he doesn't want his soldiers to be idiots in this aspect. Every soldier here is a good player in foot and horse combat. I dare not say that one is ten, but it is okay to block five or six. .

These 120 people, Jia Rong gave great expectations, as long as they did not make major mistakes, they would not be expelled.

What Jia Rong issued was a death order, and those who could not learn within three days could return to the original team.

Compared with unlocking, swimming is relatively much easier. Let these soldiers drink a few more sips of water, and they can learn quickly. Jia Rong has taught these soldiers everything they can think of. The 120 soldiers in front of them can say He is a small all-rounder. With the hopes of the Xiliang Army assembled, he can be called a special soldier. What they lack most now is actual combat. Only in real actual combat can this group of ancient special forces in name really grow. stand up.

In fact, Jia Rong also wanted to organize an army-wide drill to exercise the combat capabilities of the special forces, but the time was limited, and it could only allow these special forces to grow in real battles.

In the middle of the night, the sound of war drums sounded suddenly, and 120 soldiers got up quickly, picked up the weapons at hand and ran towards the gathering place on weekdays, their steady footsteps did not show the slightest panic.

All the soldiers felt that this would be an unusual night, so they straightened their chests and looked ahead, only the sound of the night wind blowing gently rang in their ears.

Following Jia Rong's footsteps, the armor on his body made the sound of metal colliding.

"Starting tomorrow, your training will end, and you have become a well-deserved elite fighter. Each of you is the pride of the Xiliang Army. The one-month training will end tomorrow, maybe You will be assigned to various places, and at any time, remember the orders and prohibitions and the discipline of our army." Jia Rong's tone was very slow, but every word he said was like a heavy hammer hitting every soldier's heart In their hearts, for some reason, they were full of reluctance for the training that was about to end.

A new day, I wish every reader a good mood!Beg for red!

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