Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 143: Swearing

It stands to reason that the soldiers should be very excited when they heard that such a torturous day is about to end, but they didn't. The training since January, the most unforgettable thing for them is the training that they think is the most painful on weekdays. ..

Since January, 120 soldiers have gone through various tests. Soldiers' cooperation, assassination, beheading operations, and temporary command have become their compulsory courses. What impressed them most and made them mature is field survival training. .

Jia Rong personally played the role of enemy generals and asked these soldiers to carry out assassinations in groups. Every time Jia Rong pointed out the deficiencies in their action plan one by one, of course the price he pointed out was that they would have to accept severe punishment. It can be said that these soldiers are Jia Rong all the painstaking efforts.

The sentence that Jia Rong taught them the most is "For victory, use all means!" This sentence is like "A soldier who is not a general is not a good soldier!" Among them, Zhang Xiu is the worst, and he has reached an incomparable level of admiration for Jia Rong. Not only Jia Rong's skill, but more importantly, every word Jia Rong said is so reasonable. Now Zhang Xiu In his eyes, any morality in the world has no effect on him at all, they exist for victory.

In fact, Jia Rong also apologized deeply for this. If what he did was left to later generations, he would be punished by law, but he had to do so. Would the special forces of later generations still question the order of the chief? Only execute.

Now these 120 soldiers are just the embryonic form of special forces. They can only be called special forces after they have experienced life and death battles one after another. The soldiers left behind by Jia Rong are absolutely loyal to him. This is also the first condition for being shortlisted for special forces. He does not want to cause huge losses due to omissions in this area. As a person in the future world, he attaches great importance to a spy. You can even surpass your opponent.

Jia Rong walked slowly among the soldiers, "Are you happy? Are you excited? Starting tomorrow, the weapons in your hands will kill one enemy after another, but unfortunately, you cannot be known to the world because your Secret Force!"

"If you know what a secret is, just think about it yourself, but your achievements will be recorded one by one, and there will be a place for you alone on the hero monument!"

The 120 soldiers looked at Jia Rong with fanaticism. Most of them were unknown soldiers in the past. They have come to the present step by step because of the man in front of them. They will think more, not to mention leaving a place alone on the hero monument, this honor is enough for them to work hard for it.

"Follow the general to the death!" 120 soldiers roared from their throats.

The one-month training made them forget about shouting loudly, in their minds, because it was a wrong behavior and would expose their position. They are killers in the dark night, approaching the enemy silently and cutting through the enemy They don't need to shout loudly to boost their morale. In their eyes, all enemies are just corpses, and they have enough confidence to meet any challenge.

"Have you made up your mind? Those who choose to stay stay where they are, and those who choose to leave come out!"

The 120 people were as still as a clock, and they didn't even blink their eyelids from the beginning to the end.

"From now on, remember your code name. This is the code name that will follow you for the rest of your life. Even if you die, it will be kept for you!"

Jia Rong glanced over the faces of each soldier, and said in an unquestionable tone: "I am No. [-], Zhang Xiu is No. [-], and Li Hu is No. [-]! The code names of the rest are arranged in order from left to right. Remember your number, he is the name between us! This team can only obey my orders, no matter who, no one has the right to call!"

There was a trace of excitement on Zhang Xiu's delicate face. He understood the meaning of No. [-], second only to Jia Rong's position, Zhang Xiu understood the meaning of this army even more. What is certain is that all enemies will be defeated The iron hooves of this team trembled, which also showed that Zhang Xiu had officially entered the core circle of Jia Rong's army.

"Lone wolf is the name of this team. Each of you is like a lonely wolf walking on the prairie, lurking and enduring, just waiting for the best opportunity to make a move, and wipe out the enemy in one fell swoop. I vowed not to give up until I reached my goal.”

Jia Rong went on to say: "Your duty is to carry out orders. Everything here will be the top secret of the Xiliang Army. Leaving a single word is betraying the Xiliang Army. Even if I ask you personally one day, you will only If you can answer, you don’t know; otherwise, you will suffer endless reprisals from the Xiliang Army! Even if one of you is captured by the enemy and faces death brazenly, you cannot betray the Xiliang Army!”

The cold tone and bloodthirsty eyes made every soldier straighten up uncontrollably, and firmly remembered every word Jia Rong said.

The oaths of the 120 soldiers were carried out one after another. Jia Rong examined them one by one. The most important thing for the ancients was the oath, but these soldiers were more vicious than one. They were even ready to commit suicide immediately when the enemy arrested them. Just because of the man in front of them who gave them everything.

A jar of wine was brought up. Jia Rong pulled out his dagger, cut his finger, and let the blood drip into the jar. The soldier cut his finger spontaneously.

Pour it evenly into a bowl of 120, Jia Rong picked up one of the bowls, and growled: "For our oath!"

The next day, Jia Rong left here, and Zhang Xiu and Li Hu took over the continuing training of the special forces. Compared with Jia Rong, Zhang Xiu and Li Hu had stricter requirements on these soldiers. There are endless training methods.

Jia Rong's sentence "The commander of the army is capable!" gave other soldiers endless hope, and at the same time put tremendous pressure on Zhang Xiu and Li Hu. I don't know how many pairs of eyes are looking at this position. His own code name became the deputy commander of this team.

Now that the Xiliang Army has special forces, the next thing is intelligence. Unlike special forces, intelligence personnel cannot be completed after casual training. Effective intelligence requires a lot of strength to complete. If there is a background like the old Yuan's family, it will definitely not be difficult at all. The key point is that Jia Rong is now a small county magistrate.

Ask for collection, red ticket!Let's all give Leon, let's push the cavalry to new heights together!

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