Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 72: The Han Army Yishuai

The big stick and jujube reassured the newly recruited Qiang cavalry. At the same time, they secretly warned themselves that they must abide by military discipline and work hard to get promoted. As for the matter of escaping, they had long been forgotten.

After settling the affairs of these Qiang soldiers, Jia Rong's heart relaxed a lot. There were so many soldiers joining at once, and they were all cavalry. Some of them were busy, and more precisely, Jiang Yu was busy.

Jia Rong didn't seek Jiang Yu's opinion, because Jiang Yu's eyes told Jia Rong just now, the two have developed to the point where they don't need words to express, just a look can tell each other, just like a pair of lovers , Uh, I said a bit too much.

The reason why Dong Zhuo was able to give Jia Rong so many Qiang soldiers at one time was because he did not trust the Qiang people much, which also made Jia Rong cheaper.

These Qiang people are not as rebellious as the Han people. As long as you treat him well, he will do his best. From a point of view, it is beneficial and harmless.

Jia Rong does not have the idea that people who are not of our own race will have different hearts. As long as he is sincerely treating them well and giving them a sense of belonging, both Qiang people and Han people will be his loyal subordinates.

There were quite a few infantry soldiers among these Qiang people. Jia Rong ordered Zhang Wei to select some soldiers from the Han army and give them to Jiang Yu to train as cavalry. The Qiang people's infantry naturally belonged to Zhang Wei's command.

In this battle, the trapped camp did not fight in person, but under the leadership of Jia Rong, they moved rocks on the mountain to smash the Qiang people. Jia Rong did not have time to test the real combat power of the trapped camp, so it could only be put in the next battle went.

At this time, Huangfusong, who had to retreat to Beidi County, was depressed. He was really unwilling to lose to Li Wenhou like this. He shouldered the heavy responsibility of Zhongxing Dahan. How could he fail like this? Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was pacified, news of rebellion came from time to time in the territory of the Han Dynasty, and the people of the Han Dynasty were already in dire straits.

Huangfusong ordered the soldiers to summon Dong Zhuo to retreat, but he never found the location of the Xiliang army led by Dong Zhuo.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the camp.

Annoyed, Huangfusong came out of the tent when he heard the news, intending to teach these soldiers who don't know what military discipline is, but seeing a horse galloping in from outside, he was even more furious. But when he heard the cry from the cavalryman: "Great victory for the Xiliang army, great victory for the Xiliang army!" the anger in Huangfusong's heart dissipated immediately.

Huangfusong didn't care about his status, and hurried forward to greet him. After the cavalryman told Huangfusong the news of the Xiliang Army's victory in detail, Huangfusong swept away the unhappiness in his heart for several days, and took down the mud. Yang, the remaining two Qiang armies are much easier to deal with, and the burden on him has also been lightened a lot, and he feels a big heart.

This cavalryman was one of several scouts sent by Dong Zhuo to conquer Beidi County.

At the critical moment, Huangfusong did not ask how much the Xiliang army lost or how much the Qiang people were destroyed, but asked: "Who made this plan?" Huangfusong asked who made this plan first, which is really strange.

"The villain doesn't know who came up with this plan. I only know that the commander of this battle is General Jia Rongjia. He led the soldiers to defeat the Qiang people, and then led his troops to occupy Niyang." The soldier said truthfully.

Huangfusong showed his original expression, as if he expected the soldier's answer, he patted the scout happily on the shoulder and said, "You're not bad!", the scout who provoked him was stunned. In the same place, to be praised by the commander in chief, the little scout suddenly froze, at a loss, and looked at Huangfusong dully.

After receiving the news of the great victory of the Xiliang army, Huangfusong immediately ordered all the troops to discuss matters in the big tent.

In the large tent of the Chinese army, Huangfusong praised the Xiliang army several times tirelessly. It was nothing more than that the Xiliang army was brave and resourceful, and the soldiers were excellent. I also don't understand why Huangfusong, who usually seldom praises others, is not stingy with his words today.

It wasn't until the generals heard Huangfusong's praise that their ears became calloused, and Huangfusong gave an order: "Yuan Pang, you lead [-] soldiers to Lian County to contain Beigong Boyu in Lian County."

Yuan Pang immediately bowed his hand and agreed.

Seeing Yuan Pang's displeased face, Huangfusong went on to say: "I will send Wentai to assist you, and I will also send several generals to assist you. This time we must succeed and not fail, otherwise it will be the same as the crime of defeating the army before." Both crimes and punishment."

Yuan Pang paid homage again: "Thank you General, I will do my best in this humble position."

The next day, Huangfusong and Yuan Pang each led [-] Han soldiers to the two counties. When they arrived, Huangfusong announced the victory of the Xiliang army, which boosted the morale of the defeated Han army by more than one day. layer.

Li Wenhou in the city looked at Huangfusong's banner outside the city and didn't dare to underestimate it. Although he forced Huangfusong to retreat to the Northland last time, he didn't get any benefits, and he also understood Huangfusong's strength , when the Han army arrived, Li Wenhou had no choice but to avoid it.

Seeing the dense banners and flags outside the city, and the well-garrisoned camp, he couldn't take it lightly. The idea of ​​leading the army to besiege the Xiliang army in Niyang could not be realized for the time being.

The two sides on the battlefield faced each other like this, and the smoky battlefield calmed down for a while.

Yuan Pang suffered the big defeat last time, so he didn't dare to take it lightly, he asked his counselors and generals about everything, followed their advice, and managed the Han army camp tightly, even if a fly flew in, he might be killed immediately. As far as the Han army knows, it is not too much to call it an iron bucket.

One month later, a decree from the Han court changed the peaceful battlefield in Beidi County.

On this day, an envoy from the imperial court came to Huangfusong's army, and Huangfusong led the generals to kneel down to welcome the holy will.

The eunuch who passed the decree shouted in his sharp voice: "By God, the emperor ordered that today there is a general with a left chariot who has failed in many battles and has consumed a lot of food and grass. He will be cut from his post as a general with a left chariot and granted the capital." Xianghou, with two thousand stones from Shiyi, will rush to the capital immediately, and the war against Qiang will be led by Zhang Wen, the new left chariot general, hereby."

Huangfusong took the decree to thank him, and the Huangmen who passed the decree saw that there was no profit to be made, so they turned around and left without stopping.

The generals were very dissatisfied with this move of the Han court. Now the Han army has the upper hand and regained a city, but the Emperor Han changed his command.

Huangfusong won the hearts of the soldiers. During his marches and battles, he often visited the soldiers, gave the wounded the greatest care, and sometimes even ate and chatted with the soldiers. This is very rare in the Han Dynasty, which has a strict hierarchy. How can such a commander fail? The heart of the army, how could it be otherwise that these bottom-level soldiers worked hard for him, and now, the commander-in-chief is about to leave, and the soldiers of the Han army are all confused for a moment, will the new commander be so considerate of his subordinates, and will chat with himself, Will you still condole yourself because of the injury?

It turned out that on the way Huangfusong marched to Beidi County, he saw that the eunuch Zhang Rang's house exceeded the standard, so he reported the matter to the Emperor of Han; For such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to blackmail, Zhang Rang spent a lot of money to make Emperor Han no longer pursue the matter, and the resentment towards Huangfusong in his heart can be imagined.

Moreover, when Zhang Rang asked Huangfusong for money, Huangfusong not only refused to give it, but also scolded himself. The collision of the two incidents aroused Zhang Rang's desire for revenge.

Huangfu Song has always believed that the reason why the big man is in the current situation is because of these eunuchs showing off their imperial power, and he has long been eager to get rid of them. The eunuchs were also gnashing their teeth at him, but now that he is a hero of the great Han, playing him in front of the Emperor Han will not only have no effect, but will make the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty attack him.

Zhang Rang learned that Huangfusong had lost to the Qiangs in Beidi County, and that he had fought tirelessly to no avail. He was now confronting the Qiangs. He felt very relieved. He finally got hold of Huangfusong and made you fight back. This time I will kill you.

In the early court of the next day, Zhang Rang ordered himself to play to the people in the court the fact that Emperor Huangfusong of the Han Dynasty had failed in many battles and spent a lot of money and food. Many ministers also echoed this suggestion. This had an impact on their status. The short-sighted big families all went up to Huangfusong's fault. Only a few big families remained neutral. Looking at the buzzing court, the Emperor Han retreated and left.

In fact, seeing the ministers attacking each other, Emperor Han felt a burst of joy in his heart, and had a faint feeling that this is the emperor, and one of my orders can control the court, what a joyful thing this is.

Zhang Rang, who was familiar with Emperor Han's character, knew that after the Emperor Han came to court, he would definitely ask several eunuchs for their opinions. Zhang Rang discussed with other eunuchs about participating in Huangfu Song's book. It was also surprisingly consistent, obviously they were all angered by Huangfusong.

Sure enough, after the Han Emperor came down to court, he asked Zhang Rang about the matter, and they all said that Huangfu Song was at a disadvantage in the long-term battle, so the Han Emperor logically removed Huangfu Song.

Several people from Zhang Rang recommended Dong Zhuo as the commander in chief. Not only did Dong Zhuo perform well in this war, but Dong Zhuo respected several people from time to time, and several people also regarded Dong Zhuo as their own in their hearts. They are also their own people, but this group of eunuchs ignored the attitude of everyone in the family.

Emperor Han also felt that Dong Zhuo's performance this time was indeed good. Occupying Niyang was all about turning the tide, and it was worth cultivating.

Ask for red and ask for a reward!Your support is the source of the continuous progress of the cavalry, for the cavalry, we all work together!

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