Xiliang Iron Cavalry

Chapter 73: Zhang Wen's Arrival

The Emperor of Han also wanted to cut down Huangfusong, the famous general of the Han Dynasty in the world. Huangfusong put down the Yellow Turban Rebellion and became a great hero of the Han Dynasty. He had a very high reputation in the army. , It will always be a disaster, and it is not a bad thing to remove it early. The Han Emperor has not paid attention to the mere Qiang people. After many years of fighting, the Qiang people are still the same.

On the second day, when Emperor Han made his decision, he was unanimously opposed by all the ministers. Huangfusong was dismissed, yes, but Dong Zhuo, a wild man from the mountains, must not be allowed to take up the post. The post of commander of the Han army should have a family It is a disgrace in the eyes of these scholar-bureaucrats to go to court with those rough warriors, and this has also caused many generals of the Han Dynasty to cultivate both civil and military skills. , was able to go to court, to go to the battlefield, and Huangfusong was able to become the commander of the Han army because he came from a family and was a Confucian general.

Some famous generals of the big Han could not stand the repeated exclusion of these scholar-bureaucrats, so they had no choice but to learn from famous teachers and step into Shilin.

Emperor Han couldn't stand the advice of these persistent ministers, and agreed that Zhang Wen would succeed Huangfusong as the new commander of the Han army. Of course, Emperor Han took this opportunity to ask those aristocratic families for a lot of food and grass, and was a little happy One, such opportunities are rare. In previous wars, these aristocratic families only knew how to remonstrate repeatedly, so they were willing to give out a grain of food.

Huangfusong saw that the sacred will was difficult to violate, so he had no choice but to order the three armies to retreat to Beidi County again, waiting for the arrival of chariot general Zhang Wen. Huangfusong didn't have much opinion on Zhang Wen's appointment as the commander of the Han army. Zhang Wen himself was talented. A scholar, the strategy is not inferior to his own, but such a good situation is broken by an imperial decree of Emperor Han.

The Han armies in Lingzhou and Lianxian have retreated. It is impossible for the Xiliang army to guard a city alone and retreat overnight. They will take everything they can take away and burn everything they can’t take away, leaving nothing for the Qiang people. Useful things.

After Li Wenhou of Lingzhou got the news, he looked up to the sky and laughed. He didn't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and once again sent soldiers to occupy Niyang County. The general who led the troops was Li Wenhou's confidant general.

In Beidi County, Huangfusong summoned the three armies and announced the will of Emperor Han.

After leading the army for many years, Huangfusong also understood that these soldiers must have emotions. These soldiers were also brought out by themselves. After Zhang Wen arrived, there would definitely be many difficulties, which would affect the next battle.

Huangfusong comforted his generals one by one to appease their bad mood. Although some generals were very unhappy with Huangfusong's resignation, Huangfusong persuaded himself like this, so he had to bite the bullet and agree.

Some generals who were loyal to Huangfusong privately advised Huangfusong to lead the army to attack Luoyang.

Looking at the honest generals he had trained, Huangfu Song sighed and said: "We must never say that in the future. As Han generals, we eat the king's salary and share the worries for the king. We must never say such rebellious words in the future."

It wasn't just these generals who persuaded him. When he led the army of great victory, a famous scholar in Hanyang once persuaded himself to take power and claim the system.

Huangfusong didn't understand that his achievements were too high, which would easily arouse the suspicion of the Emperor of Han. Since ancient times, those who have made great achievements can get a good end. After Huangfusong comforted his generals, he left Beidi County lightly.

After only a few days, Zhang Wen rushed over. After Zhang Wen was appointed by Emperor Han, he couldn't help feeling sorry for the current situation and dissatisfied with Huangfusong's fate. If you say change, you can change it. Now the situation of the big man cannot be sloppy, but the Emperor Han is still like this. \\..\\

The battlefield could not be delayed, and Zhang Wen rushed all the way to Beidi County without stopping.

Although Huangfusong was replaced by the imperial court, he still has a certain weight in the imperial court. Before leaving, he left Zhang Wen a letter and recommended Jia Rong again to Emperor Han. Jia Rong refused the order and fled It stands to reason that Huangfusong should not recommend him to the Han court again.

Through this confrontation with the Qiang people, Huangfusong once again appreciated Jia Rong's wit and strategy, and Jia Rong was once again pushed above the court.

Besides, after Zhang Wen arrived in Beidi County, he was naturally warmly welcomed by the Han army. Whether it was from the heart or not, it seemed to be the case anyway.

It is a big taboo for military strategists to easily lower morale. Morale is such a mysterious thing, but its influence cannot be ignored. It can make weak soldiers burst out with powerful fighting power, just like a lion leading a herd of sheep Fighting is sometimes more effective than a sheep leading a group of lions.

After arriving in Beidi County, Zhang Wen did not launch a war. The first thing to do was to gather the morale of the army. Zhang Wen gave all the rewards from Emperor Han to the soldiers, ordered the kitchen to improve the food, and personally led the soldiers to train. What Song has done before is even worse; although the soldiers were dissatisfied with Huangfu Song's transfer, soldiers are still soldiers, and orders must be carried out.

Zhang Wen's efforts were not in vain, and gradually the soldiers accepted him.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jia Rong hurriedly got in touch with the newly recruited Qiang cavalry, and appointed Jiang Yu to continuously brainwash them, that is, to do their ideological work, so that these Qiang soldiers who surrendered would completely belong to the Han army, so that they would not be killed. There will be desertions.

The next thing to discuss is the use of troops against the Qiang people. Of course Zhang Wen understood the current situation of the Han Dynasty, and he did not adopt the strategy of defending Beidi County.

Half a month later, Zhang Wen led [-] Han troops, and Li Wenhou led [-] Qiang people, confronting each other between Lingzhou and Fuping.

The tranquility before the storm is suppressed in the hearts of every Han army soldier. The soldiers who talk nonsense for a while after eating usually stop talking tacitly, waiting quietly for the arrival of the war, and training is also redoubled efforts. Among them, the training of the Jia Rong Department of the Xiliang Army was in full swing. The cavalry charged and fought, and the infantry combined to fight, and the exercises were repeated over and over again.

In the big tent of the Han army, Dong Zhuo repeatedly suggested to Zhang Wen: "General, now that our army is at a disadvantage, we should stop still. When the enemy moves, it is not too late for our army to attack again."

After thinking about it, Zhang Wen still shook his head and denied it. The current situation of the Han Dynasty did not allow the Han army to delay any longer. Food and grass were already running low.

Most of the generals also agreed with Dong Zhuo's suggestion, thinking that it is better to stay still than to move, and waiting for the Qiang people to change is the best policy.

Thinking of what was written in the letter Huangfusong left before leaving, Zhang Wen looked at a general behind Dong Zhuo and said, "Tell me your opinion."

Jia Rong watched Zhang Wen pointing his eyes at him, and was very puzzled. He had never dealt with Zhang Wen before.

Time did not allow Jia Rong to continue thinking, and he cupped his hands and replied: "General, I agree with General Dong's opinion that it is better to be still than to move. What we have to do now is to stop with stillness; what's more, our army has fewer troops than the Qiang people. The Qiang people have a lot of cavalry, and if they miss a single blow, they will go far away, and the infantry will not be able to catch up with them; Li Wenhou, the general of the Qiang people, is not a good man, he is quite strategic, so it is better for our army to wait for changes."

Dong Zhuo smiled kindly at Jia Rong, and what Jia Rong said was exactly what he thought.

Yuan Pang and other generals also advised Zhang Wen to wait for the opportunity. They all suffered from Li Wenhou's losses, so they naturally understood the severity of it.

Zhang Wen shook his dizzy head, waved his hand and said, "Just in your opinion." Zhang Wen didn't know that he also had the same idea as Huangfu Song, to end the war as soon as possible, so that the precarious man could breathe.

"Where is the grain transport officer?" Zhang Wen shouted.

A general came out in response, "Humble position is here."

"How much food is there in the army?" Zhang Wen asked.

"General Qi, I still have ten days' worth of food."

"Urge the imperial court to prepare food and military pay." Zhang Wen's face was not very good.

The food transport officer replied with a look of embarrassment: "The humble post takes orders."

Now that Jia Rong is not in his position, he does not plan his own affairs. The problem of food and grass is not something he needs to worry about. He just needs to fight the battle in front of him well.

The grain transport officer came to the capital with Zhang Wen's order to urge the grain and grass, which naturally aroused the Emperor Han's fury, scolding Zhang Wen's children for delaying the military plane, and not knowing how to make a quick decision. If you make an inappropriate statement and hit the muzzle, you will suffer.

After the Emperor Han finished his anger, he looked at his ministers with a sneer, and said, "At the beginning, you repeatedly recommended Zhang Wen as the commander-in-chief, but now there is a shortage of food and grass, what should we do?"

When the ministers saw this posture, they knew that they were about to lose their skin again by Emperor Han.

Yuan Kai took a step forward and replied: "The old minister is willing to pay one thousand gold as food." After finishing speaking, the fleshy skin on his face trembled, obviously unwilling to give up, but there were members of the old Yuan's family in the army, so he had to endure the pain.

Emperor Han clapped his palms and laughed loudly, "Teacher Yuan is commendable for his loyalty!"

The rest of the ministers also bleed when they saw that Yuan Kui had donated by example.

Emperor Han laughed heartily, and kept praising the ministers. Anyway, praise doesn't cost money. Seeing their hearts hurting, Emperor Han was very happy.

After a month's supply of food and grass was prepared, Emperor Han did not forget to issue an order to let Zhang Wen quickly destroy the Qiang people. Now there are some Xiao Xiaoxiao in the territory of the Han Dynasty who have rebelled, and wars are raging.

Zhang Wen was still confronting the Qiang people and had no intention of going to war. The counselor's words strengthened Zhang Wen's determination to confront the Qiang people.

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