I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 108 The biggest difficulty is poverty

The man fell into a dark hole in horror and fell on an iron chair.

He heard a voice above him add slowly: "A room full of lights."

Then, lights came on all around, illuminating the basement extremely brightly.

Perhaps because the details of the torture room were beyond Xia Qimiao's imagination, the room was empty and did not match its name.

However, this does not hinder anything, because she has the best helper, her pet.

"Don't let him get away."

After saying this, she turned to the weapons store in the mall with an expressionless face.

"You are indeed a suitable sacrifice." The man was tied to a chair by vines, his face was distorted, his eyes were wide open, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

Xia Qimiao turned a deaf ear and ignored him. Instead, she flipped through the mall page by page, only to become even more upset.

She clicked her tongue and simply placed the order without considering the cost-effectiveness or the possibility of continuing to use it in the future.

[Props-B-level boning knife]

Description: Against treacherous objects, it may not be as useful as an ordinary kitchen knife; against living creatures, it can be cut with one knife to ensure that the meat chopped off is meat and the bones are bones.

Evaluation: How many times have I said that this knife can only cut living creatures, not skeletons! ——From an unknown butcher

Xia Qimiao's weight felt quite light, and she lowered her head to look at the Devouring Rose.

"I won't be able to name you until later."


It was like being struck by a thunderbolt, and the vines became stiff. It's over. Did the bad things you did finally come to light?

"I originally wanted to look it up in the dictionary for you tonight, but I got stuck with this person."

Her words successfully diverted the attention of the Devouring Rose to the somewhat crazy man.

It's all his fault, otherwise it would be a pet with a name now and would be able to show off to those guys!

Xia Qimiao approached him with the knife in hand. She felt something in her heart and picked up his right arm in a very cooperative manner - it happened to be the one he used to grab her and pull her out.

She raised her hand, and instead of cutting off the entire arm, she slashed upwards from his wrist.

She encountered almost no resistance, it was as easy as drawing air, so it didn't feel real. Only when he saw that his flesh was drooping and there were no traces of meat on his bones was he convinced that the knife was exactly what it described.

Xia Qimiao wiped the blade against his thigh, wiped away the blood, and handed it to the Devouring Rose: "Don't kill him, he has to live."

The implication is that as long as he still has breath, he can do anything.

The Devouring Rose lifted up the green vine and took the knife. It was more accustomed to using the vine to poke people like candied haws, so it was a little clumsy at first, but practice makes perfect.

He couldn't make any normal sounds because several vines had penetrated his mouth and filled his throat.

Xia Qimiao turned to leave, and when she heard a muffled sound, she turned around and smiled like she did when they first met: "Don't worry, its therapeutic effect is very good."

It won't end quickly.

She stopped smiling when she walked out of the room. A huge feeling of irritability and depression almost overwhelmed her. She knew that she was not in a normal mood right now, but she didn't want to care about it.

She sat on the chair for a long time, thinking about washing her face, but when she turned on the faucet, she didn't see any water coming out.

Oh, this is a false house, and this home is also a false home. It is a shell of her imagination, not a real one.

When she thought of the mysterious building, she thought of the big hole, the endless tasks and the expensive shops.

How about finding a way to destroy everything.

Just when Xia Qimiao's thoughts were drifting towards dangerous ideas, she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

The voice was slow and soft, like a small step taken by someone who had gathered enough courage.

She walked over, and although she didn't see the dead creature without eyes trying to hit her muzzle, she already had a guess in her mind. When he saw Sun Buchou who had retracted his hand, he had a feeling that this was indeed the case.

"Master, there is something I forgot to tell you."


"I was in the field before and forgot to give you the source of power."

What source of power? Xia Qimiao was stuck for a moment. She quickly recalled the past, and Lin Jiangdan had clearly given her the source of power.

"What Lin Jiangdan gave us was the source of power we earned from the King of Blood Clan."

It was so euphemistic. She even heard the sound at the beginning of the word "rob". She probably changed her words temporarily because she was afraid that Noah Fels would come to settle the score with him after hearing this.

"The money we earned in the Southern District...we haven't given it to you yet."

Xia Qimiao dared to pat her chest and assured that she had definitely heard the sound that started with "rob" again. After all, in Lin Jiangdan's description, they were almost the same as thieves who killed and cheated.

"How much did you earn?" She didn't care. She did that in the first place, just because she didn't want the stubborn ghost to take away her hard-earned power and props.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is still an additional 80,000 yuan. They rob, no, they just need to share what they earn.

Sun Buchou raised his hand, pinched his thumb, index finger and middle finger together and made a seven sign.

"Seventy thousand?" Xia Qimiao didn't look like she had seen the world before. She... still took it seriously, just 70,000. Why so much?

However, Sun Buchou shook his head.

"Seven hundred thousand...?" She guessed again, feeling her heart tremble a little when she said this number.

He shook his head again: "No, seven figures."

What's seven digits? Xia Qimiao's brain was a little down, and he used the most primitive arithmetic method, curling his fingers - one hundred, one hundred, ten, thousand, millions.


"Because most of it is unprocessed quarry, the specific value is hard to calculate. But Lin Jiangdan and I have estimated it, and it should be worth more than one million."

After hearing this, Xia Qimiao took a deep breath and quickly held down his hand that was about to dig out the treacherous stone.

Her mind was spinning rapidly, and this moment was definitely the most awake she had been today.

She remembered that the game said it was going to be updated but there had been no announcement yet, and now that she had it, what if something went wrong again.

"Let it go to you first."

Sun Buchou was in a daze: "Master, aren't you afraid that I will take the money and run away with you?"

"Don't be afraid, I believe you."

Bah, he was so brave that he only dared to knock softly, and she probably wouldn't even dare to run away from him.

And if he really wanted to run away, he would have run away long ago, how could he stay here until now.

Xia Qimiao was not worried about him, but she was worried about the robbed South District trick, and was afraid that the trick would come to her door, so she immediately summoned the trick shop.

Because the entire third floor was rented out, the building became Level 3 and the shops were upgraded accordingly.

Isn’t it just a three-level defense array with 10,000 pieces? Buy it! Buy ten!

After spending the money, the depression hovering in her heart had long been dissipated, and now she only felt happy and refreshed.

Yuanli is the currency of the game. She is no different from picking up a scratch ticket when she goes out to win the grand prize.

There is hope in life again.

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