I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 109 Today is the day to get rich

When Sun Buchou returned, he was still a little confused.

"Is he stupid?" Noah Fels crossed his arms and asked Lin Jiangdan.

"Isn't he always like this? He's so stupid." Lin Jiangdan rolled her eyes at him angrily. She had already discussed with the landlord that she could paint in the guest area, but the place was destroyed and she had to Stopped.

"Lin Jiangdan," Sun Buchou came back to his senses after hearing her voice, "You are right, the poster does not lack source power at all."

"Of course." Although Lin Jiangdan didn't know why he went around here, he still nodded in agreement.

"Vampire, let me give you a piece of advice. You can wipe out our previous grievances. Will you make this deal?"

When Noelfers heard what he said, he yelled. What advice could be worth a hundred thousand resources?

"You said, if I think it's worth it, then I don't have to mention the past anymore."

"About giving the host a gift."

Hearing this, Noelfels fell silent. It was indeed worth the price: "I agree."

"Don't you want to give Yuanli to compensate the landlord? Don't give it!"

Sun Buchou just raised his voice, but he lowered it for fear of disturbing the host, but there was no less excitement in his tone.

"She has no shortage of source power at all! She put more than one million yuan with me without blinking an eye. If this source power is very important to her, she will definitely take it away as soon as she hears me say it. !”

Noelfels was a little hesitant. In his worldview, there was no one who didn't love money, and no creature didn't love Yuanli. Should he really listen to him?

"He's right. Giving the poster Yuanli is like giving a small piece of gold to the owner of a big gold mine. She already owns a big gold mine. Will she think your small piece of gold is sincere?"

Lin Jiangdan spoke up at the right time and gave his thoughts.

If one monster said this, Noefels would be suspicious; if two monsters that came in earlier than him said this, he would be inclined to believe it.

He fell into distress: "If I don't give you source power, what else can I give?"

After all, what he has most now is source power, and he can't give away source power. For a while, he really can't think of anything to give.

"We were half enemies before, but now we are half friends. We can think about it together, right?" Sun Buchou smiled cheerfully.

Noefels didn't know that he had ruled out the correct answer first, and Xia Qimiao didn't know that he had lost a lot of energy.

She was still happily planning what to do.

First, she needs to find out what the man said about the "sacrifice"; secondly, she needs to fill in the hole in the mysterious building; thirdly, she needs to inquire about the situation in the South District and find out what is going on in the mysterious world; finally, she needs to find out about the situation in the southern district. , make Guilou bigger and stronger.

Things are still the same, but Xia Qimiao's mentality is very different now. She feels that these things are not important and are not worth letting herself be destroyed and perish together with this kind of thing.

"Become rich -" Xia Qimiao hummed involuntarily, then coughed, raised her hand and pressed down on the corners of her mouth, and then managed to return to her usual appearance.

However, true joy cannot be hidden. Even if the corners of the mouth are suppressed, it will be revealed from the brisk movements and smiling eyes.

She sat opposite the man, stroked the red vine that was rubbing against her, and stuffed a blood berry into it.

She said to him: "I didn't want to ask you why you did this, but you are very lucky. I am in a good mood now and am willing to give you a chance."

The clothes on the man opposite were in tatters and soaked in blood.

But there was no trace of scars on his body. It was obvious that the Devouring Rose really listened to her request and treated him well.

The vines were pulled out of his mouth, but he could no longer speak clearly. He only muttered: "My lord, my lord, my lord..."

Xia Qimiao looked at his upward rolled eyes and laughed: "Isn't your Lord right in front of you?" The man suddenly turned his eyes back, his eyes were red, looking for something, and then stared fiercely in front of him. Person: "You're talking nonsense."

"You can't see because you are not pious enough," she slowly touched the red vine. "You are not even willing to sacrifice yourself. No wonder your master is only watching from the side and is unwilling to save you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I ask you, is your Lord more pleased to see a sacrifice that devoutly believes in it, or a sacrifice that does not believe in it?"

When the man heard the question, he subconsciously followed her train of thought and answered: "Of course it is pious."

When he started thinking about her question, he had already stepped one foot into her language trap.

"Then why did you come out to catch other sacrifices instead of sacrificing yourself?" Xia Qimiao asked sincerely.

"Of course it's because I can do more for my Lord while I'm alive, and I'll be more useful to my Lord while I'm alive!"

She laughed out loud, full of mockery: "There are many people who are useful to your Lord, but how many of them are willing to risk their lives for your Lord?"

"Look, when you face this problem yourself, you are always looking for excuses. You only dare to use other people's lives and don't dare to use your own life to prove it. How can you still call yourself pious?"

The man's face flushed, but the color faded quickly: "You are just irritating me, I will not be fooled by you."

He reacted.

Xia Qimiao knew that he would not follow her words anymore, but she didn't care. What she said at the beginning that she didn't want to listen to him was not a lie to him, but her true thoughts.

The reason why she didn't get angry at Noel Fels despite such a big hole was of course because she got enough compensation from Biersa.

It includes two vampire skills - teleportation and memory manipulation.

She didn't think about killing this man. Although there was no surveillance where she got off the car, there were surveillance cameras in the community and on the road. She didn't want to be suspected.

This man must be put back by her, but before that, she can explore his memory and use some tricks to avoid being entangled by the cult in reality.

Later, she caught this man from reality, which means that there is this cult in reality.

If she reports it, won't she get a bonus? Well, getting a bonus is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that she is a good law-abiding citizen and should contribute her share to maintaining social peace.

The man noticed that her smile became more kind, but he only felt creepy.

"You have two choices. First, you say it yourself; second, I'll take a look."

He kept silent, and silence was also an answer.

"Memory manipulation."

[Skill - Memory Control (A+) has taken effect. In the next two hours, you can choose to view, add, or delete his memory. 】


Thank you for your support!

It seems that it will be on the shelves soon. When the day comes, I will write a long thank you letter to you.

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