I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 110 Do you have any clues?

Xia Qimiao was originally a little worried, fearing that this skill would stuff all a person's memories into her head.

Fortunately, this worry did not come true.

A very thick book appeared in front of her, with a system mark hanging next to it - [Bilsa has optimized the vampire skill - memory control and upgraded it to A+. After using the skill, you can check it by flipping through the "Book of Life" Manipulate the subject's memory. 】

Xia Qimiao applauded her in his heart, and yes, Bilsa had already been involved in the field of mental illness, and she must have known that accepting other people's memories in their entirety would easily lead to confusion in the recipient's experience and schizophrenia.

Now that the memory appears in the form of a book, it reduces the sense of immersing yourself in the experience of others, so it is not easy to confuse.

But why must it be a book? Is it because her world has not yet developed information technology and electronic computers?

Then can I send her a computer? So that she can study how to evolve the book of life into an electronic document, so that she can press Ctrl+F to search instead of turning page by page.

The Devouring Rose diligently built a bookshelf with vines and lifted the books so that the owner could read in a comfortable position.

Xia Qimiao turned the book over and flipped it forward, so the first thing she saw was today's part.

"It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, my Lord save me, my Lord save me, my Lord save me..."

"What's going on with this woman? Where is this place? How did she enter this place? The light on her body becomes even brighter. She is indeed a suitable sacrifice!"

"A young woman has moved next door. She is glowing. She is definitely a sacrifice that our Lord likes. I will capture her, peel her skin and offer it to the Lord."

Light, where does the light come from?

It shouldn't be glowing in the physical sense. If she could glow automatically, she would have been taken away for research.

She rolled forward, trying to find answers.

The memory of the past two days is very detailed, so detailed that he even recorded everything he ate.

Xia Qimiao skipped the useless information and tried to extract the useful information. Suddenly, a paragraph attracted her attention.

"I finally found what I forgot. I forgot about the Lord. Damn it."

...No, can you forget your faith?

Xia Qimiao glanced at the man and found that he was still unconscious. He had been like this since she used the skill.

She withdrew her gaze, browsed forward quickly, and determined one thing - this man named Jin Weitu was a player, no, a former player.

In his memory from two days ago, his behavior pattern was quite normal, but there were large gaps and omissions between paragraphs, as if they had existed and then been erased.

This kind of blankness did not appear until half a year ago, which may have been the days when he first entered the game.

When the game was revised two days ago, he probably chose to delete the data, and the system deleted the relevant memories as well, so he "forgot" his master.

Yesterday, he found a diary at home and remembered his Lord.

The diary contains vague code words that only he can understand, and he analyzed the existence of the "Lord" from it.

The "Lord" is the god of another world. He developed him into a believer and assigned him the task of offering sacrifices.

Although he still had no previous memory, he could still feel the fanatical mood. Only by offering sacrifices would the Lord respond to him.

So he looked for prey, but couldn't find a suitable one until he saw Xia Qimiao today.

The quality of sacrifices is judged by "light". The stronger the "light", the better the sacrifices are.

Xia Qimiao frowned. She was chosen because of the "light" in her body. This "light" became even brighter after she entered the mysterious building. This matter should be closely related to the game.

If it were an ordinary cult incident, it would be easy to handle, but if it involves a game, it would be troublesome.

She originally planned that if this person had an organization, she would brainwash him and ask him to gather the people of the organization together first. And as an enthusiastic citizen who noticed something was wrong with him, she could report him and put an end to this cult.

However, when the game is involved, this plan cannot be used.

The time for the skill to take effect is passing, and she must make a choice as soon as possible, otherwise the skill will be wasted.

It's a pity that her skill can only view, add and delete, but cannot restore memory, otherwise she would not stop here.

...Wait a minute, there is an orthodox vampire in her building, he should be able to use this skill, maybe he can surprise her.

"Delete." She said aloud.

Then, a pair of long scissors appeared in front of her eyes.

Is it so simple and crude?

Xia Qimiao picked it up, cut out all the memory papers related to her, and then fed it to the Devouring Rose so that it could be eaten and destroyed.

"Noefels." She carried the book out and called his name at the door.

"Master," he appeared quickly, probably teleported, and then knelt down on one knee in front of her, "I am deeply reflecting on my mistakes and trying to make up for it..."

He stopped before he finished speaking because a book was placed on his lap.

"You still have an hour to restore the content on this."

"The Book of Memory," Noefels immediately recognized its essence and turned it over, "Isn't this the vampire's control skill?"

He was about to ask the poster how he used it, but he soon realized that the poster had great magical powers and must be able to do everything. A simple skill would be easy for her.

"As ordered." He still wanted to express his loyalty with words, but the door was closed in front of him again, and only the words "come in without invitation" were still left piercing his eyes.

It was his fault. He failed to make the poster happy. He made her angry. It was all his fault. He must try his best to make up for it and fulfill the poster's instructions.

Xia Qimiao was not targeting him, but mainly the hole. The hole was so big that she could see it as soon as she opened the door, which affected her mood.

She took two steps back and forth. At this time, there would definitely be a repair task when she opened the Guilou panel, but she still wanted to put it off, so instead of looking at the task panel, she planned to write a letter to her "friend".

She remembered that the favorability of the Sun God was 30. She should be able to use it to send a letter to Bilsa and describe the computer to her. She should be able to learn it without a teacher.

She clicked on her friend list and was surprised to find that she had received three unread messages. She obviously had only two friends on the list before she entered the dungeon.

Shen Baixian sent a message, but it was still full stop.

After reading it, Xia Qimiao ignored it and turned to the No. 3 host. It sent two messages.

She had a bad feeling, but clicked it anyway.

Article 1: A giant rat with wings broke a lot of things in my building. It dropped this. Do you have any clues?

The text is followed by a picture of a hammer.

It will be released at 20: on the th. It will be reversed V. I will code the next chapter as soon as possible.

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