I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 111 A day of despair for luck

Xia Qimiao enlarged the picture and felt that it looked familiar, like the one she had thrown away.

Where did she lose it? It seemed that when she was attacked by a giant hand in the slate room, she was thrown out to delay it. She didn't know what happened in the room after that, but there was a strange thing that knew it.

"The owner of Building No. 3 sent me a message, saying that his building was attacked," Xia Qimiao asked, looking down at the Devil-Eating Rose, pinching the vine it was trying to escape from, "Do you have any clues?"

"Ah - ah." It shook the rattan, and even the sound was distorted.

She looked at the picture and found a paragraph below, so she read it out.

"The mouse said that a vine trick pet said to it, 'The owner of the hammer is the owner of the trick building of Happy Home.' That's why it came to the door and accidentally destroyed five of my defensive formations. I accidentally smashed them. Many facilities have caused losses of more than 300,000 yuan.”

Xia Qimiao paused and continued reading: "I looked for numbers 1-32 in order. No building owner has a vine pet. Only you, the new guy, are not in the building."

"Is there anything you want to say?" This sentence was not only asked by the host No. 3, but also by Xia Qimiao's question to the Devouring Rose.


The way it wants to shrink up the canes and roll them into a ball is completely self-inflicted.

Xia Qimiao plucked the roses and ate them without any expression, one after another, making a sound every time he ate one.

Then, her vision began to change, and she felt the same as the Devouring Rose. She was now much more proficient in controlling the vines.

"Master, I'm sorry."

Hearing its words, Xia Qimiao let out a long sigh: "Don't apologize when you come up. Tell me clearly what you did?"

The Devouring Rose thought she was angry, so her voice became softer, and her words were mixed up, mixed with a lot of "I'm sorry", "I know I was wrong", "I won't dare next time" and "Don't let me go".

Fortunately, its owner has strong analytical skills and clear thinking, and can extract effective information from it to piece together the truth.

It wanted to use the name of Happy Home to scare away the crazy "Sang", and mistakenly introduced "Sang" into the No. 3 house, asking the owner of No. 3 to take the blame for her.

No wonder when they returned to the stone room, the giant disappeared.

"Why do you keep apologizing?"

The Devouring Rose chirped twice, and answered slowly, with an uncertain tone: "I shouldn't hide it from the master, and I shouldn't lead enemies into the house to cause trouble for the master."

"One mistake is right, and another is wrong."

What? There is still one!

Xia Qimiao didn't intend to let it think for itself. After all, this was the first time it had made a mistake, and he had to break it into pieces and explain it clearly.

"Why do you keep apologizing?"

"Because I'm afraid the master will be angry."

...Xia Qimiao finally understood why the dean had sighed every day before, and he would also sigh if it was her who took care of her.

"Why are you afraid that I will be angry?"

"Because I'm afraid that the master won't want me and will abandon me."

"Why are you afraid of this?" Xia Qimiao asked matter-of-factly, "We are inseparable. You will not abandon me, and I will not abandon you. We have signed a contract, and not even death can separate us."

She consciously avoided talking about how she could continue to live after it died, and only talked about the situation when they were all dead.

The Devouring Rose obviously didn't expect that level, and was only shocked by the last sentence. It made a long "ah" sound at the end, so delicate that it could squeeze out water, and Xia Qimiao shuddered when she heard it.

She can't stand this. Is there any way to change its sound?

"I'm talking to you to clarify the situation, not to force you to admit your mistake; you should learn to analyze instead of apologizing and confusing, do you understand?"                                                          It is happy again.

"Write a thousand-word review, reflect on your mistakes, and analyze what you did right and what you didn't do well."

"Ah, did I do something right?" Before Rose could be shocked by the number of words, her attention was attracted by the words that followed.

"Yes, if you find it, I will reward you."

After Xia Qimiao said this, her vision returned to normal. She breathed a sigh of relief. She was really tired of teaching Xiaogui.

She clicked on the second message, which read, "The stuff that big rat sent you has been sent to me."

She said that there was no gift mentioned by the Sun God in the settlement column. It turned out that it was sent to the wrong place. With this thing there, it was irrefutable proof. She couldn't quibble even if she wanted to.

She formulated her words and first expressed her regret for her pet's behavior, then explained that she was willing to bear the compensation for all losses, and finally asked for its opinion, and said that she was limited by the system in the number of times she could reply to messages, and the next time she would send it would not be until tomorrow.

It can be seen from the two messages sent by the host No. 3 in a row that the request to only send one message a day is only for her...or is it that their time flow rate is actually different?

Xia Qimiao was about to think deeply when she was interrupted by a system reminder.

[You gain additional debuffs from the skill - Memory Control: Fragile (defense value is greatly weakened), bleeding (health value continues to decrease until 1 point), half-blind (blindness in the right eye), countdown to 2 hours]

What, a debuff? She quickly used her surviving left eye to look at the skill details.

[Skill-Memory Control (A+)]

Description: You can view, add, and delete the memory of sane objects. The duration is determined by the difference in attack value between you and the object.


1. The control object must have sanity and memory, otherwise the skill will be invalid; if the object has mental defense props and skills, it may also be invalid.

2. The higher your attack value is than that of the controlled object, the longer the skill can last.

3. After the skill ends, the control effect will continue to weaken until it expires; the higher the sanity of the controlled object, the faster it will weaken.

4. After using this skill, you may randomly obtain one or more negative buffs, including but not limited to blindness, vulnerability, madness, bleeding, etc.

The first debuff lasts for 2 hours, the second for 4 hours, the third for 6 hours, and so on.

Comment: Everything has its price, and those who play with memory will be played by memory sooner or later.

[Number of times you have used: 1. 】

"One and above," but she had three.

Today is also a day of despair for her own luck. She is now a squishy person who will die if she pokes her.

Wait, her abilities and props in the game can't be used in the real world, so wouldn't the debuffs in the Secret House not take effect in the real world?

With this thought in mind, she exited the house, and her right eye actually regained sight in reality.

Two hours.

She glanced at the time, looked around the deserted area, fixed her gaze on the car, and found that the key was still inserted inside.

She turned on the interior lights and began to search the car.

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