I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 113 Invitation letter to the host’s party

Xia Qimiao was a little scared at first, but quickly realized the loopholes inside.

If Aunt Su could use her power at will, why didn't she use it on the mute girl from the beginning, instead of going to so much trouble and failing in the sacrifice?

The final investigation result of the mute woman was that she committed suicide. The body must be intact and not skinned and boned.

From this perspective, either the ability itself is very restrictive, or the cost of using it is high.

However, just the fact that they can use their abilities in reality is dangerous enough.

Xia Qimiao looked at the description of Aunt Su and found that it fit the middle-aged woman she saw downstairs very well.

She has been targeted.

She had to catch this person.

Xia Qimiao looked at the fourth light group. Inside was the place where she had just escaped, the small house.

She hadn't looked closely at it then, and now it showed itself in another way.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but it is not difficult to get through the beginning. The two people have killed four players by working together, and the last two are still missing, and the formation is formed.

He looked at this thing made of human bones and skin and felt extremely...excited.

Half of everyone's meat has entered his stomach, and he is getting stronger and stronger in the game.

Nowadays, there are vampires who no longer drink human blood, but there are still people who eat human flesh.

Xia Qimiao clicked his tongue, glanced at Noel Fels, and found that he was extremely tense, as if he was resisting something.

"Are you ok?"

"Thank you for caring, I'm fine." If you can take that life force back, I'll be better.

Preventing Noefels from using the ability to devour is like letting a fish out of water and making a person stop breathing.

He felt from the bottom of his heart that the host was scarier than his mother. Although his mother would also punish him, this was the first time he felt such pain.

"Does using the memory control skill and restoring the Book of Life make you uncomfortable?" Seeing his behavior, she mistakenly thought that he had also triggered the debuff, so she asked him in a different way.

"No." He didn't understand why the poster jumped to this question, but he still answered truthfully.

"That's good."

After hearing these words, he vaguely noticed that the host relaxed a lot, as if he had solved some difficult problem.

He slowly figured it out. Although the host was punishing him, she was still nervous about his feelings and worried about him in a roundabout way. There was a soft heart beneath her harsh methods.

Xia Qimiao's real idea is that when he catches the woman, he will let Noefels extract her Book of Life and show it to her, so that she doesn't have to use her own number of times and bear the debuff.

Even if one person and the other are not on the same channel, both parties still get answers that satisfy them.

Xia Qimiao looked at the fifth light group. Inside was the entanglement he had after the game was shut down. Everything he did was to make himself better able to survive in the game.

Now with a chance to get out of the game before him, he wavered.

Should he strengthen his faith in the "Lord" and continue to offer sacrifices to the "Lord", or should he forget all this and start his normal life again?

There is no answer in the light group, but Xia Qimiao already knows the ending - he chooses to delete the data, but still embarks on the path of killing people.

"Have you read all these memories?" She looked at Neufils, who had his head lowered.


"I want to eradicate this organization."

"I am willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill your wish."

If nothing else, her tenants had nicer things to say than the last one.

Xia Qimiao saw an unread message, which was sent by the host No. 3. She paused before opening it.

The content above is "attend this party for me, and I will forget about it." There was also an email attached, and a prop dropped from it.

[Special-Party Invitation Letter (Exclusive to No. 3 Host)]


Note: Each landlord can bring one tenant. Friendly reminder, please bring the strongest one.

Party countdown: 52 hours, 39 minutes and 27 seconds.

She opened the panel and took a look at her building number. It was No. 33.

How come she didn't know she was invited too?

Moreover, if she goes to the party on behalf of the host No. 3, who will go on her behalf?

These are all problems, but there are still more than two days left, so we can put them aside first.

She turned around and put the things into the toolbar, and continued the topic: "Can you find the 'Lord' in his memory?"

Noelfels was not sure, but still said: "I will try my best."

"If you can find it, I will take you to a party of the original poster."

If she doesn't find it, she will take him with her. After all, he seems to be the strongest among the current tenants.

"I will definitely live up to your expectations." Noelfels didn't know that he was being escorted. He finally raised his head that had been lowered and looked at the host enthusiastically.

Xia Qimiao looked into his eyes and found that his originally green irises had turned into blood red.

Because he was looking up and his eyes moved upward, she could see the dark green inside.

It can even change color.

"I'm waiting for your good news," she looked at him. "After a while, I'll send you someone as a clue to you."

"Thanks you."

Then, Noelfels rewrote the man's memory according to the order of the original poster.

When it was all done, he exited the room and breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't leave. Since the host said she would send that person over soon, he couldn't go far, lest he wouldn't be able to appear in front of her for the first time.

He sat down against the door and buried his face in his hands. As a strange creature that has been able to survive by devouring environmental energy since childhood, for the first time he felt the pain of hunger and...

"Have you been disciplined by the host?" Sun Buchou came over, asked in a low voice, and sat down not far from him.

"No," Noelfels looked at him. There was no blood red in his eyes, only a silent dark green. "The host said that if I behave well, he will take me to a party."

"Party?" Sun Buchou patted his head and took out an invitation letter from his pocket, "I just picked it up outside and didn't have time to give it to the host."

"I'll hand it over for you." Lin Jiangdan took the invitation from his hand and put it into the mezzanine of the easel.

Sun Buchou didn't take this matter to heart, but she still wanted to fight for this opportunity.

She knows more things than they do. The host's party is a great place.

She didn't realize that [Special - Party Invitation (Exclusive to Host No. 33)] had turned into [Task - Temporary Stand-in for Host No. 33].

Note: If a substitute is not decided within 48 hours, the system will randomly assign tasks to players.

Second update!

I'm going to sort out my thank you letter first, and I'll update it tonight.

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