I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 114: Repeatable quests are not allowed

When Xia Qimiao returned to reality, he was accompanied by Jin Weitu, whose memory had been modified by Noel Fels.

He thought he was an undercover agent who had just recovered his memory and was here to cooperate with her in arresting a cultist named Aunt Su.

"See if she has contacted you."

"Yes, she asked me what happened today," Jin Weitu frowned, "How should I reply to her?"

"Bring her here."

Xia Qimiao switches between the mysterious building and reality. Whether it is a game or a mysterious building, her initial equipment will be refreshed when she enters.

The system will automatically change her clothes, and she will not be able to bring anything real into it.

However, she obviously successfully brought this person into the Guiliao Tower, why could this person do it?

Because he is a living person, or because he is a player?

Normal things in reality cannot be brought in, but what about abnormal things related to games?

The questions kept coming, and she needed to try more.

"She agreed to meet at the hut." Jin Weitu said.

"Come on, let's go there."

It was already dark, and the dark clouds had closed the moon, adding a touch of horror to the already gloomy scene.

There are no wires in this hut, so there are no lights. It is all supported by Jin Weitu's mobile phone for lighting.

Xia Qimiao endured the nausea and squatted down, touching the human skin through her sleeves before entering the house, but it didn't follow her in.

In order to ensure the accuracy of the experiment, she made mental preparations, directly grasping a corner of the formation with one hand, and pressing the key to enter the mysterious building with the other hand.

When she appeared in the Guilou again, she was still holding the smooth leather in her hand, and something fell to the floor with a thud.

“Roses—throw them outside!”

The Devouring Rose was still having a heated discussion with Detective Human skin.

Xia Qimiao was worried that there was no direct contact through the fabric, so she took it directly with her hands. She didn't expect it to be successful.

She felt like she couldn't use her left hand anymore. Even though her fingers had been rubbed red, the touch still lingered, as if there was still a residue.

She forced herself to think of a diversion, she could now identify a piece of information, she could only bring in something that had direct contact with her.

There are restrictions on what can be brought in. She is not sure yet, but there is a high probability that it must be related to the weird game.

She only came into contact with human skin, but she also brought in the bones, which showed that they were one body in the judgment.

What she brought in was not human skin and bones, but an unformed formation, so it made sense.

She was afraid of missing Aunt Su's appearance, so she didn't stay in the Guilou for long and went out quickly. Jin Weitu was still waiting there.

He turned a blind eye to her disappearance and reappearance, because Noefels added to his memory that all her actions were normal and all her orders were to be obeyed.

"What do you think those cultists think, arranging human bones like this!" He hissed and rubbed his arms.

Xia Qimiao couldn't help but look at him more. Even if his memory was modified, what he was thinking about was not why the cultists killed people, but why they arranged the bones like this.

"Who knows what they think." She responded flatly.

Aunt Su went to the appointment alone, so it was not difficult to catch her.

Jin Weitu lurked at the door and knocked her down in one fell swoop, while Xia Qimiao took the opportunity to touch her and took her into the sly building.

However, something unexpected happened.

【warn! 】

[A player has been detected invading your secret building! 】

The Devouring Rose skillfully picked up the person who appeared and threw her out the door, hitting the bone array that Noefels had just put together.

Aunt Su didn't know what the hell she was teleported to, but she found out that her game abilities could be used, and she immediately took out the props to defend herself. Xia Qimiao had no intention of taking action, but stood in front of the door to see how her tenants responded.

Lin Jiangdan summoned a paintbrush and clicked it twice in the air. Chains appeared under her brush and flew towards Aunt Su, restricting her movement.

Huh, Ma Liang, the magic pen.

At the same time, Noelfels muttered two very short spells to freeze Aunt Su.

Frozen in the physical sense, she was sealed in ice.

As for Sun Buchou... Xia Qimiao glanced down and saw the furry head. He bent his body and hid next to her.

Seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck can be regarded as an ability.

"Owner, what are you going to do with her?" Noelfels didn't receive the instruction, so he didn't kill her. Instead, he chose the gentlest method to control her.

"This is the person I just told you to hand over to you."

While they were talking, Aunt Su had already used the props to get out of trouble. Just as she was about to escape, a drop of blood broke into her skin and melted into her blood.

Then, hundreds of wounds appeared all over her body, cut from the inside out by her own blood.

Noelfils held his hand, and she fell down like a puppet with its strings broken.

A book appeared in front of him. He was about to approach the host and offer him the book of life, but he saw her take a step back.

"You..." What happened?

To be honest, Xia Qimiao felt the danger from him head-on. This was a subconscious reaction of her body, but she definitely couldn't tell.

Before she could think of an excuse, Sun Buchou took the lead and stood in front of her, blocking Noel Fels: "The poster hates dirty and messy scenes the most. Look at it, there is blood everywhere."

He touched his neck and recalled the scene when he slapped his head and soiled the ground and was scolded. He thought he had found the right answer and acted as a qualified loser to speak for the poster.

The Devouring Rose next to her nodded her vine with deep understanding, echoing his words.

"Sorry, host, I didn't take this into consideration."

Noelfels really believed it and immediately cleaned up the scene.

"Book." She said coldly.

Because Sun Buchou had not contributed much just now, he wanted to save some impression points now. He took the book for her and wiped the already clean book responsibly.

"Owner," Lin Jiangdan walked around the area and walked towards her, "Here is your invitation letter."

It was actually in her hands.

Xia Qimiao took the thing in her hand and found that it was a game mission.

She tried assigning herself to this task, but failed.

[You have accepted the relevant tasks and cannot accept them again. 】

Do you want to enter the same place with familiar players, or wait for the system to randomly assign strangers?

The answer to this question is a no-brainer. It must be to choose players who are familiar with you.

In this case, the only choices she could make were An Hao and fried ice cream.

Maybe Fried Ice Cream is stronger, but she prefers An Hao to come because she needs experience and growth.

Although she couldn't help her walk her whole life, she could still carry her with her in the early stages.

Wait, there seems to be no rule in this recruitment column that says you can only recruit one person.

Three updates!

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