I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 116: Place it and activate it

Due to the negative effects brought about by the Butcher, all players are in danger, and anyone who requests to meet in private will be regarded as a "perverted hunter".

For a while, the players all hid, and Aunt Su had no way of finding a good candidate.

The believer she developed died in the game. She was left alone and had no choice but to seek help from a skeleton fairy, but it still didn't reply.

Two months later, that is, half a year ago, it finally sent a message, granting her the ability to distinguish players.

At the same time, it gave her a name and became its new maid. It requires her to sacrifice a complete bone array to it within half a year.

It imbued her with what little power it had, and along with it came the curse that if she couldn't do it, she would surely die.

When Jin Weitu asked her how many people there were in the organization, she subconsciously lied and said a familiar number: "6."

Once she started searching for targets, she found that ability to be very handy.

In their eyes, players will shine, and players’ traces on the Internet will also shine. The stronger the light, the better the quality of the sacrifice.

The first person they targeted was the mute girl who rented her house. Aunt Su only found out that she was a player after she gained the ability.

It's a pity that it was their first time to commit a crime. She was too nervous and used her precious ability to cover up the traces.

This ability is not much to begin with, and if you use it a little less, it will be gone soon.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly afterwards.

"Just one more," she thought as she killed the fourth person, her new tenant.

However, a sudden revision of the game disrupted her plan, and Jin Weitu lost his memory after deleting the data.

Thankfully, the light on him didn't go out. She also received a bright rental message and made an appointment to meet.

All together, she was about to succeed.

The memory ends here.

"Didn't they ask for six sacrifices? They killed four, and now they want to see one more. The total is only five. How could she tell them all?" Sun Buchou asked in confusion.

His voice came from afar, and Xia Qimiao moved her eyes away, only to realize that he was standing far away at some point, next to the door.

Sun Buchou noticed the gaze she cast and was thinking about how to explain it. He was relieved when he found that his gaze moved away again.

He couldn't say that he was scared because he saw the landlord killing the tenant in this memory. He was afraid that the landlord would suddenly get angry and try to kill him for fun, right?

As soon as these words came out, the host probably had the intention of killing him even though she didn't want to kill him. Fortunately, she didn't ask and she didn't answer.

"Because that Jin Weitu is also a sacrifice in her eyes." Although there are many unclear points, Lin Jiangdan can understand it roughly even at a blind guess.

"What did you all see?" Xia Qimiao leaned back on the sofa, she wanted to know what they thought.

"A certain Bone Immortal develops slaves and asks them to offer sacrifices of the same kind to it. This kind of sacrifice is quite special. It is rare in the realm of a certain Bone Immortal, but there are many in the realm of those slaves."

Although Lin Jiangdan was not sure, she said that she would not lose even if she lost the formation. She said with certainty and full of momentum: "But it is very weak, and its slaves are useless. It has not been able to accomplish anything so far, and it was easily caught by the original poster. ”

"What the certain Bone Immortal wants is not a sacrifice, it is deceiving them," Noelfels kept looking at the host intently, paying attention to her expression, "It definitely has other slaves in action."

Under his observation, the host's expression showed no change, but it was also an expression that showed that she was not surprised. She had already known everything he said, and now she was just giving them a chance to show off. "You go on."

"I have analyzed the formation structure in her memory. Even if it is successfully completed with six sacrifices, it is still incomplete."

Blood lines emerged from Noelfers' palm. He remembered the lesson just now, took it back, and changed it to display it with a source of light.

Under his control, the source of power turned into an exquisite circular array. If you look closely, you will find that it is not composed of simple light, but blue light that is specially shaped into the shape of bones.

Xia Qimiao suddenly remembered that she had also seen the formation in the copy of Noel Fels, respectively in the mayor's house and the mural room.

She still hadn't figured out what it meant, so she gave him a brief description.

Noelfils raised his other hand and used his energy to draw the formation according to her words, exactly the same as in Xia Qimiao's memory.

"This should be a prayer to the sun god, asking for the sun god's blessing, seeking spiritual peace or intellectual stability."

"Generally speaking, the more stars there are, the more mentally unstable the person praying for help is. The eight-pointed star is the upper limit, which means he may have lost his mind and fallen into madness."

"It is rare to see the Sun Formation painted in blood nowadays. Logically speaking, it is the ancient and traditional source. However, over the years, the church has gradually changed it to gold."

Xia Qimiao understood that there was a blood array under the mayor's bed. It must be that Ti Doliala thought her daughter was crazy and wanted to calm her down.

The blood array in the mural room should be stabilizing the sanity of "Sang" who is inhabited by vampires.

Shouting its god's name on the stone slab is probably some kind of provocation mechanism. It will only attack the people present when it is shocked.

Xia Qimiao nodded to him, indicating that she understood.

Neufels put away his left hand and continued to analyze the bone array on his right hand: "You can clearly see that there are gaps in the upper left and lower right."

Sun Buchou stood closer because he couldn't see clearly. He saw Noel Fels's determined look, saw Lin Jiangdan nodding matter-of-factly, and saw the poster's calm face.

Isn't he the only one who can't see it? So he nodded and pretended that he understood.

Xia Qimiao was actually pretending. Whether she knew it or not, she kept a calm attitude and waited for someone who really knew to explain.

"Master, I know how to find a certain skeleton immortal."

Noel Fels approached the host and stood on her left hand side. Seeing this, Lin Jiangdan was not willing to be outdone and immediately occupied the right side.

Sun Buchou, who was standing a little further away, took a deep breath. He felt as if he had fallen behind and was isolated. What should he do? Let him go?

He didn't dare to leave, there was no room for him on either side, and he couldn't stand in front of the host to block her view, so he just walked over and sat down at her feet.

Xia Qimiao, who was surrounded by strange things and surrounded by strange things, suddenly felt a little breathless.

She didn't know what these monsters were doing, and she didn't want to care about it. She asked about the business: "What can I do?"

Noelfels pointed at the bone array created by Yuan Li: "Finish setting it up, and then activate it."

Second update!

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