I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 117 Guilou is a grassroots team

"But, isn't there still two servings left?"

Sun Buchou had just asked, and when he saw the unconscious woman outside the door, he suddenly realized what Noefels meant, that he wanted to kill now and take now.

He moved towards the landlord, touching the layers of skirts.

Obviously scared.

Noah Fels glanced at Lin Jiangdan, as if asking him how he survived in the strange world like this?

Lin Jiangdan shrugged at him and said he didn't know.

"Yes, but not in the Guilou," Xia Qimiao thought about the location for a while, "Noefels, you pack up the materials and bring them to the party to display."

After hearing this, he paused suspiciously, then bowed his head and replied: "Yes."

"Jiangdan, the person from the same team last time may also be here, so I need you to avoid it."

Lin Jiangdan was a little disappointed at first, but she cheered up after hearing these words.

The poster did not call her by her first name, which shows that she is in his heart; the poster specifically explained to her the reason why he could not take her there, which shows that she is in his heart.

Didn't you see that she didn't even give Sun Buchou a look?

"In order to avoid alerting the enemy, change her memory," Xia Qimiao ordered Noel Fels, "I will take her out for a while and then bring the two of them back to you."

After a while, Lin Jiangdan waited for the poster to disappear, then looked at Sun Buchou: "Don't you want to go to a party with the poster?"

Why is he not active at all today? Could he be making some small calculation?

"I'm warning you. The host warned me last time and told us not to act without authorization."

"I listen to the host's arrangements. If she wants to take me, I will go. If she doesn't take me, I won't go." Sun Buchou stood up and patted the non-existent dust. "Even if I don't go, my heart will always be with you." Holding her."

After he said this, he took a breath. He didn't expect that he could say something so well. Unfortunately, if he had thought of it earlier, he would have been able to show off in front of her just now.

Lin Jiangdan rolled her eyes at him.

Noelfels hesitated for a long time and finally said to his neighbors: "Actually, there is a problem."

"What's the question?" Lin Jiangdan was in a good mood and was willing to answer it for him.

"The poster mentioned bringing materials to the party, not people, right?"

"Of course, you can't bring two big people to the original poster's party."

"The material is human skin and human bones, right?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"...I have never killed anyone," Noelfils said, looking at the two of them, "Maybe someone is willing to help me?"

"Don't look at me, I have never killed anyone," Lin Jiangdan raised his hand to express his refusal, "I only killed a few monsters last time, and most of them were killed by Sun Buchou."

"Look what I'm doing, it was the original poster who moved the props first, and I followed to pick up the leaks!" Noticing her glance over, Sun Buchou jumped back a step, "Don't talk about people, I can't even pick up a chicken." No killing! You just said it so easily, I thought you were killing people like crazy?"

Then, they all looked at the Devouring Rose who was retreating from the sofa.

It felt the burning gaze and made a confused voice: "Yeah?"

Xia Qimiao didn't know that her shady building was a huge straw team from top to bottom.

She was giving orders to these two people in reality, asking them to find a suitable reason to tell their acquaintances that they would lose contact for a while, and to buy tickets to leave here tomorrow.

She said she was afraid of alerting Noel Fels, but she was actually afraid that someone would report the case after they suddenly disappeared, and the police would find her.

Xia Qimiao sat in Jin Weitu's car for a while, waiting until he was about to turn into a surveillance area.

She took out her black mobile phone and sent a message to An Hao first, asking her if she was willing to participate in a dungeon with a higher risk factor.

Then she opened the window of fried ice cream, and his last message was: "Where can we meet? I can fly over to you." Charter wife: Contact information.

The other side responded instantly.

She dialed the phone and was answered instantly.

"Captain, have I passed the test?"

Although the voice was slightly distorted through the phone, it still sounded familiar overall.

"Last question, why do you want to join my team?"

Fried Ice Cream was silent, and then replied: "Because you are number one, I feel that following you can really achieve the goal of the blasting game."

Very honest and realistic answer.

"Aren't you afraid of what I will do next?"

"If you are no longer there after I join, taking the control variables into account, that's my problem," his laughter came over, "but I'm confident that I won't hold you back."

"One thing I want to tell you in advance is that betrayal is prohibited here. If you betray, there is only one way to escape smoothly, and that is death."

Xia Qimiao was not being alarmist. In that dangerous game, the monsters were scary, but what was even more terrifying was the backstab from the same team.

"I want to live to be a hundred years old, Captain."

"Then let's meet." Xia Qimiao reported her location to him.

"So close?" Fried Ice Cream was a little surprised, "I happen to be not far from here, so there's no need to fly. I'll be here in about twenty minutes."

When he arrived, it was a few minutes earlier than expected.

Xia Qimiao looked at the license plate and got into the passenger seat. After pulling on the seat belt, she found that the car had not moved. She turned her head and looked over, meeting the eyes of the fried ice cream: "What's wrong?"

"You are... younger than I thought," Fried Ice Cream pursed his lips, "You are just an adult, right?"

Only then did Xia Qimiao remember that she was wearing vines in the game and Fried Ice Cream had never seen her face. This was the first time he saw her true appearance.

"21," she reported her age and put her hand on the buckle of her seat belt. "Do you want to regret it?"

"That's not serious, I'm just a little surprised. I thought you were at least the same age as me," he looked away, "Where are we going?"

"Find a safe place, I have something to talk to you about."

"it is good."

After the car started, the atmosphere became strangely quiet. Xia Qimiao didn't expect that people who were so familiar in the game would talk so little in real life. Is this the contrast between online and offline?

After thinking about it for a moment, she ignored this conflicting point and directly asked the question she was most concerned about: "Why are you around here?"

This question is a little weird.

Fried Ice Cream stopped thinking about the things that were there and didn't, and replied: "My brother goes to school here, and I came to look through his room to see if he would leave any information related to the game, but unfortunately I didn't find it. "

"What about you, captain, why are you here?"

"Come here to check on the game cult."

"Oh, a cult...a cult?!"

One more update! Thanks for the support!

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