I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 118 Don’t ask where they are going

"So, this certain Skeleton Immortal and his slaves are hunting players, using human skin and bones to build a deceptive formation whose purpose has not yet been figured out?"

Fried Ice Cream concluded, ah no, he has already introduced himself as Qi Lixing.

"Yes." Xia Qimiao looked at the whiteboard in front of him, which listed the development of things in chronological order.

In November last year, Aunt Su joined a cult that served a certain skeleton immortal.

In February this year, The Butcher appeared to hunt players, but the mission failed.

In March, the butcher disappeared.

In May, Jin Weitu joined the cult and cooperated with Aunt Su to kill players to collect materials for the treacherous formation.

By November, they had collected four pieces of material.

On November 11, after the game was stopped, Jin Weitu deleted his data and exited.

Today is December 11st.

"Where are these two people now?" An Hao asked, but the voice came from the mobile phone next to her - because it was inconvenient for her to come over in the middle of the night, she could only watch through the video.

"I used some methods to control her." Xia Qimiao said vaguely. Both of them understood the implication of her words and did not ask about their whereabouts.

Qi Lixing stared at the whiteboard, then inserted an arrow before the 28th and wrote "November 11st, underground garage cult murder case", and then wrote the words "Polluter" next to it.

"That day, a resident called the police and reported that they found many human bones and skins in the underground garage of the community. Feiniao said this was a case committed by polluters."

Noefels was right, a certain Jie Immortal did have other slaves in action.

"Polluter?" An Hao asked.

"He turned out to be a player, but he was contaminated by the monster. His thoughts, emotions, abilities, etc. are all getting closer to the monster."

That's a bit like a vampire's followers, Xia Qimiao thought.

Qi Lixing wrote the word "weird thing" again, then drew an arrow to pull it toward the polluter, and wrote "source power" above the arrow.

"The appearance of polluters is very normal, and there is no difference between them and ordinary players. However, their blood will gradually be assimilated by the source power. This is also the method currently found to distinguish polluters from players."

"What was the death toll in that case?"

"Forensic doctors have assembled a total of five complete skeletons. Currently, they can confirm that five people died. However, the DNA of two other people was also extracted at the scene."

"The murderer's?"

"One is certain to be the murderer, but the other is not sure."

"Has the murderer been caught?" An Hao asked nervously.

"He was not caught by the police, but was captured by Asuka for research. They are currently looking for the whereabouts of another person, but there is no progress."

Xia Qimiao glanced at Qi Lixing, how did he know so much information about flying birds?

"Sister..." An Hao stopped and changed his title, "Captain, are we going to be like Feiniao and find the whereabouts of that person as a breakthrough?"

"No," Xia Qimiao took the pen, circled the three characters "Xian Jie" and put a cross on it, "We will find it directly and solve the problem from the root."

The other two people were shocked by her speech. Are they so crazy?

"Then...how do we find it?" An Hao was the first to react. She swallowed and asked.

"I have an invitation to a party and received word that it might be dedicated at the party."

"What party?"

"A gathering of weird things," Xia Qimiao's eyes wandered between him and the computer. "The risk factor is relatively high, so you don't have to go." "Do you have any details?"

"It's very short. There's no special information. It's said to be a gathering of five monsters. Two of them can't participate, so I'm looking for a player to take their place temporarily."

"It's not compulsory to participate. You can choose not to go," she added.

"Are you definitely going?" Although Qi Lixing said it as a question, he knew the answer by looking at her expression.

"I want to go." An Hao raised his hand across the screen.

"I'll go too," he followed, then rolled his eyes, "Is this the first time the rent collection team has assembled for a mission?"



"These are the code names of the five monsters. The one I want to replace is No. 3, and yours is No. 33."

"Huh?" Qi Lixing asked. He has been sensitive to numbers since he was a child, and he suddenly discovered the pattern in it.



"Besides, 1 is not a prime number. It feels a bit awkward mixed in."

He paused suddenly and then continued.

"You can't say that. If you look at it from front to back, it's 1, 3, 5, 7. The next one should be 3x9, which is No. 27. In this way, No. 33 seems to be abrupt."

"No wonder No. 3 and No. 33 need to be played by players. There must be a problem between them emotionally." An Hao complained.

The pressure is on Xia Qimiao. Is it the problem with the No. 3 host she is replacing, or is it herself?

She couldn't think of the answer, but the boat would straighten out when it reached the bridge, and she would know when the time came.

"Each of them will bring one...subordinate monster to the party. I have checked and the one brought by No. 33 is credible in the copy."

"So you asked us to replace No. 33 and you went to No. 3?"

Qi Lixing obviously misunderstood something, but Xia Qimiao was thick-skinned and nodded calmly despite his somewhat moved gaze.

"Will the strange thing brought by No. 3 be dangerous?" An Hao asked worriedly.

Xia Qimiao really didn't know who would go to the party with her, and the host No. 3 didn't say anything either.

It could be anyone, but it couldn't be the guy from 504 with ears and hands. She was afraid that she would see it, lose her balance and kill it by mistake.

"This shouldn't be a big problem for me. It belongs to the same camp as me, so it should be able to help me cover up and complete my mission."

Wait until after midnight to send a message to the owner of No. 3, asking him who went with her and what the specific situation of the party was.

"The party will start in two days. During these two days, we will collect information about a certain skeleton immortal on the forum."

"Xiaobai, you post on the forum in the name of our team, integrate the messages on the whiteboard, blur out the specific information, and post it on the forum to remind players to be careful of polluters."

"You are our team's window to the outside world and also our intelligence agent. You must learn to collect, integrate, and analyze."

"Yes, captain!" An Hao listened and felt that his shoulders were heavy, as if he was shouldering a heavy responsibility.

"You also need to pay attention to rest. You should end the video first."

After Xia Qimiao finished speaking, after An Hao finished, he looked at Qi Lixing: "You have a good relationship with Feiniao?"

Second update! Thanks for the support!

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