I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 119 Making up past friendship experiences

"My brother is a former researcher of Asuka, so they want to recruit me too."

"You didn't ask them about the offset coupons?"

"No, that would be a shame. It would be difficult to get information from Feiniao," Qi Lixing raised his eyebrows, "Now they still feel a little guilty about the 'unknowing me', and they have revealed a lot of things to me."

More rational.

Xia Qimiao commented on him, and then looked at him: "You have stopped talking, what is there that you want to say to me but can't say?"

"It's just...well," Qi Lixing sighed, "Captain, are you hungry? How about we talk while we eat?"


Xia Qimiao ate a bowl of noodles this morning and ate rose flowers in the evening. She was indeed a little hungry.

But she didn't expect that Qilixing, a well-decorated place, only had eggs and instant noodles in the huge refrigerator.

How to say, simple and unpretentious.

However, the instant noodles taste better cooked than soaked, and the fried eggs are fragrant. She ate them while waiting for Qi Lixing to explain.

"Didn't we meet someone from Feiniao in the dungeon?" He started. "Boss Feiniao asked me who you were. The way she looked seemed to be confirming whether you were someone she knew."

So sharp.

When she attacked Song Qiaoting, she was already prepared to be suspected by her. However, since she has not come to her until now, it means that Qi Lixing helped her fool her.

Well done.

"She asked me why you attacked her leg, and I told her that we had known each other for a long time and I told you that her leg was defective."

"You know she dragged me into the game and attacked her leg to avenge me."

The logic is strict and the reason is perfect. Even if she didn't know better, she would think this statement is reasonable.

"You made it up very well. Why are you embarrassed to tell me?" She had to thank him for helping her to explain.

"But!" He lightly hammered the table and said with great annoyance, "In order to make this matter more credible, I specifically said that we have known each other for a long time, seven or eight years, and we have a deep relationship."

"So?" Xia Qimiao still didn't understand what he was struggling with.

"The problem is, I didn't know your age at the time. I thought you were the same age as me. I made up the story that we met in the movie "Beautiful Rescue Hero". You saved me from a group of gangsters, and we got to know each other and became friends."

He also didn't expect that the captain was only 7 14 years ago, and he was 20 at the time. A 14-year-old girl saved him at 20, so why should he be so shameless!

"I originally wanted to make up a story about a hero saving a beauty, but since you are so strong, I couldn't think of a scenario in which you would need me to save you, so I reversed course and replaced you with saving me."

If I had known earlier, I might as well have made up a hero to save the beauty!

He hit his head twice.

"That's good. This way Song Qiaoting won't be able to guess what happened to me." Xia Qimiao didn't care. She wasn't the one who was embarrassed anyway.

The captain was telling him that she did know Song Qiaoting and that she was the person she was looking for, but he didn't want her to find out. There was no problem with his statement and he could continue to use it.

After Qi Lixing understood what she meant, he looked at the screen that had gone out: "Over there with the other teammate..."

"Tell everyone the same thing so as not to be exposed. We have known each other for seven or eight years. We found out that each other was in the game, and then we formed a team to pass the level."

Keep it hidden for as long as you can, keep it hidden for as long as you can. Xia Qimiao didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore.

"Okay." Qi Lixing didn't think about what those who knew the captain's age would think of him when they heard this. As long as he wasn't embarrassed, others would be embarrassed.

"In order to deal with them, I even made up a lot of things from the past. Let me tell you, don't accidentally mix the wrong words." "..."

He spoke for half an hour. If it weren't for a period of time when he went abroad and had no contact with him, he would probably have been able to speak longer.

He finished drinking the Xia Qimiao soup for a while before he stopped.

"That's about it, do you understand?"

"Absolutely. In fact, there are some places that match up," she thought for a while, "I was taking the college entrance examination when you were abroad. After returning to China, I was a freshman. I had free time, so we contacted each other more frequently. It makes sense."

"Is there anything you want to ask me?" Qi Lixing had something to say, such as Song Qiaoting's matter.

"No," Xia Qimiao said expressionlessly, "I have no interest in her. I just hope she won't appear in front of me again."

In fact, from his few words, she could tell that she was living a good life, and being able to support an organization in [Flying Bird] meant that she had earned the money she wanted most.

She closed her eyes and recalled that three years ago, when she found her in the hospital, her pants were deflated, but she was still smiling.

She used her calf as a bargaining chip to return to the home of her biological father, whom she longed for.

This was the penultimate straw that broke the camel's back. They had different opinions and did not work together.

"Is there really nothing to ask?" Qi Lixing confirmed again.

"Ah, yes, you reminded me, I have something to ask you," Xia Qimiao sat upright and said concisely, "That tree is a prop to change the appearance."

"The mosaic sisters told me that you wanted to move that tree away," he recalled the situation at the time. "At the end of the instance, I saw that you hadn't come out yet, so I dug up the tree. , it became a special reward for the copy that I brought out.”

"As for the props for changing your appearance, I see that you have been covering your face with vines since you entered the dungeon. I guess you need it."

"Actually, I have doubted whether you have been eyeing it very early."

He looked at the captain, trying to find clues in her expression, but he didn't expect to see her nodding in recognition.

"...Why don't you pretend?"

"Didn't you already guess it? There's no need." Xia Qimiao is used to acting for outsiders, but she doesn't like to deceive her friends. When she can tell the truth, she usually doesn't tell lies.

"The main thing I can't figure out is, when did I reveal that I had this kind of prop?"

"Say, you don't have to be a man."

Qi Lixing never expected that he would be discovered from the beginning.

"What do you want to exchange these things for from me?" Xia Qimiao asked him directly without being polite.

He knew that the captain would be a cheerful person and would not push or pull with him, nor would he ask for his things in vain.

"Brothers have settled accounts, so I'll tell you straight away, I want that unknown stone," Qi Lixing got straight to the point, "I got one in my copy of Guess Who, but it's not enough, I need more of this variety of stone.”

"How big did you get in the copy?"

She saw the size of his gesture and said, "This piece is worth 20,000 yuan power."

"How much do you want to trade with me?"

She still remembers the system’s complaint about his balance, saying, “I’ve never seen a poor guy like you before.”

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