I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 127 Set the direction to fight the wet nurse

"How much is fifty?"

An Hao heard the numbers reported by the captain and touched her ears. She suspected that she was hallucinating.

"How many thousands?"

Qi Lixing thought that he had experienced all kinds of storms and waves and could be calm in the face of terrible monsters, but he still overestimated his psychological quality.

"Fifty thousand is the dividend and your initial capital. Think about what you want and plan carefully these two days. The next copy may be very dangerous."

"I feel a little dizzy. Let's go and eat some ice cream to calm down." He stood up. "Do you want to eat it? Most flavors are available."

Eating ice cream indoors with the heater on in the middle of winter?

"Yes," An Hao raised her hand. She also wanted to calm down, "Do you have peach flavor? I want peach flavor."

"Yes." He looked at the captain, found that she nodded, and went to the kitchen.

When he came back, he was holding a plate and handed the light pink one to An Hao and the strawberry piece to the captain.

After taking a sip of ice, he felt that the heat in his head had subsided a lot, and he almost told the captain that he wanted the AWA-U-03 abnormal energy blaster that was priced at in the store.

He had been coveting it for so long that he had memorized the number by heart.

"It's quite delicious," An Hao held the cup, and she softened a lot, "Which store is it from? I'll buy it later too."

"I made it myself. I usually make a little when I have nothing to do, so there are quite a few left. If you like it, I will put some back for you later."

"Thank you."

Perhaps because he was eating, the atmosphere in the room was relatively relaxed. An Hao came closer to the captain: "Captain, isn't the source power unable to be transferred now? If the source power is not needed, what else can be used to replace it?"

"Brick stones, medicines," Xia Qimiao paused and looked at Qi Lixing, "I don't recommend getting the rocks from here. You can go to the game store to buy them, or go to the forum to collect them. If you are using them instead of extracting them, If it’s Yuan Li, it’s worth no more than nine times the price tag.”

"Is the strange stone the kind of unknown stone you collected early in the morning?"

"Yes, it can be regarded as the crystallization of source power. It can extract source power, and can also be used as the currency of the weird game world. But generally speaking, the objects it is traded with are not players, but weird objects."

"In addition, it can also be used to feed ghost pets. If you feed a certain amount, the ghost pets can evolve and upgrade, and the output will become higher."

Xia Qimiao talked about the uses of treacherous stones. Currently, only three types have been found, which are to extract source power, treacherous world currency and feed treacherous pets.

"How to use it to extract source power? Will there be any loss?"

"I don't know how it works specifically. Now it's handed over to a third party to help me withdraw it. They must take a commission, so I don't actually earn much."

After excluding 20% ​​of the cost of harvesting the stones and feeding 10% to the Devouring Rose, she would only earn 70%.

When Xia Qimiao said she didn't make much money, her face didn't turn red and her heart didn't beat.

"If I want all of these five hundred thousand yuan, how can you give it to me?" Qi Lixing was curious. After all, the game said there was no direct transaction between players.

"I will give it to my trickster and pass it on to you."

"That vine?"

"Yes, it will follow you in the next dungeon and attend the party with you. We don't know where the initial location will be then, so you have to think about what you want to buy in advance."

"Okay, then I want Yuanli." After Qi Lixing decided, he opened the store to see what suitable props he wanted to buy. "Xiao Bai." Xia Qimiao looked to the other side.

"I'm thinking." An Hao said this almost reflexively.

"it is good."

Unlike him, she has a slower temper and really needs to think carefully.

"Captain, what kind of medicine did you just talk about?" An Hao asked.

"In this way," Xia Qimiao opened the game panel and clicked on [Drug-B-Grade Essence] to apply for a transaction with the two of them.

This way they can see the details.

"The red-rejuvenating medicine is very suitable for taking a breather." Qi Lixing looked at the description of "HP +50" and commented. His health bar was 300.

"A level adds 200 health points, A+ level adds 500 health points, but the quantity is very small."

Xia Qimiao looked at it and saw that the price of B-grade was 500, the price of A-grade was 1000, and the price of A+ was 3000. The price was lower than she expected.

But yes, these are one-time consumables, and they will definitely not be sold if the price is too high.

She conveniently posted a post on the forum - "Drugs for sale, limited quantity."

1L: Priced for sale, B grade 500, A grade 1000, single purchase limit: 2. The quantity of medicines is currently very small, so for the time being, priority is given to players who have traded with me before. Interested players please send screenshots of previous transactions, the type of medicine you wish to purchase, and the quantity to "Four Seven Twenty-Eight" and "Fried Ice Cream", and I will conduct a unified transaction at nine o'clock in the evening.

7L: Huh? I thought the boss was a master of combat, how could he be a nanny?

11L: There is a shortage of nannies in this game, they really save lives and heal the wounded.

23L: Don’t you think the wet nurse’s direction is useless? All injuries sustained in the dungeon can be automatically healed in the game. If you are fatally injured, the system can save your life. It feels like there is no need for a wet nurse.

46L: Thank you, boss, I bought it.

56L: Reply to 23L, do you think the poster’s medicine is more expensive, or the game is more expensive to save your life?

77L: Reply to 23L, I hope you can think the same way when you have a broken leg and can’t walk and watch the monster crawling around you.

146L: If you are sincere, just go to the player trading area. What kind of post is there about small window trading? It’s just sensational.

217L: Reply to 146L. There were too many players selling me stones before. There is no group posting button in the game, so posting saves time and effort.

Overall, the atmosphere of the post is better than yesterday’s post about collecting rocks.

Maybe they think it's not cost-effective to offend a wet nurse who can provide treatment drugs.

"Captain, do you plan to go into the treatment direction?" An Hao said in surprise. She thought that her sister was so fierce that she would become a Predator, with a 200% attack value bonus!

"Well, I'm not going to fight." A debuff will be randomly given at the beginning of the dungeon. If the defense value is reduced, it's okay. If you are blinded and the health value is reduced to 1, it is finished.

She couldn't afford to gamble, so she simply didn't gamble. Anyway, she had healing skills and could act as a half-nanny.

"I plan to collect intelligence." An Hao didn't want to waste her talent. She had read a lot of professional books on intelligence collection and analysis in the past two days and felt that she had benefited a lot.

"I'll do the research." Qi Lixing said at the right time. The attack value bonus was of no use to him. His talent didn't depend on this.

It is better to do research and modify props. That being said, the AWA-C-4 anomaly laboratory looks good, and there is nothing wrong with it except that it is a bit expensive.

"Oh, by the way, I have collected some information about the strange creature that wants to act with you. Please listen to it."

Four updates! The last update will be released before one o'clock and will not occupy tomorrow's updated chapters.

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