I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 128 The new name of the Devouring Rose

"So, he is a weird creature who wants to become a god. He is currently thinking about what kind of god he wants to be and how to become a god..."

"Do you want us to read relevant books recently, give him some suggestions, and then benefit from him?"

Qi Lixing concluded, why does it sound so awkward? Strange things are gods, this world is too fantastic.

"Captain, to tell you the truth, before I entered the game, I was actually an atheist." Xiaobai said while biting an ice cream scoop.

"Actually, I do too." He followed immediately.

Who isn't? Xia Qimiao thought in her heart. She deduced from Detective

She not only needs to strengthen her own strength, but also needs to strengthen her tenants. Little Coffin can't count on it, Sun Buchou relies on luck, and Lin Jiangdan has found the edge of a breakthrough.

From this point of view, Neufels is currently the most worthy of training. He already has his first believer, but he has no clue what to do next.

She didn’t know how the Sun God and the God Boxian would respond to her, but it was always a good idea to brainstorm ideas.

"Did the intelligence say anything about his cunning personality?"

"I feel that this information is very subjective, so the content is for reference only. His evaluation is 'stupid, rich in money, easy to be deceived'."

"Are these really these words?"

"Really, that's why I'm telling you, try to get source power, props, and skills from him."

Xia Qimiao didn't feel guilty at all when he cheated his tenant. How could this be called cheating? It was called helping him find consulting channels and charging him a small handling fee and consulting fee.

She was obviously helping him.

"Does he need humans to believe in him?" An Hao asked, hitting the point.

"It should be necessary."

"Then we can not think about what kind of god he becomes from his perspective, but think about what kind of god the humans there need, and then let him become that kind of god."

She has a strong sense of empathy and is best at changing places with others and thinking in their shoes.

"Then we need an investigation report on the world where he wants to become a god." Qi Lixing followed An Hao's thoughts and suggested.

Xia Qimiao handed over the task to the team members without any burden: "It's all good. Think about it more and tell him when the time comes. Just don't take it too seriously."

"He takes whatever he gives and makes as much as he can."

The team meeting ended quickly, and everyone went about their business. Qi Lixing began to search for information related to religion and sociology, and planned to use deception techniques at the time.

An Hao went to participate in the scheduled shooting training. She was too weak and needed some strong means to protect herself.

Xia Qimiao went to read the dictionary for a while, then returned to the Guilou to see the Deception-Eating Rose.

"Yeah!" When it saw its owner coming back, it showed off its achievements.

Xia Qimiao received the pure source power, and the balance increased rapidly, reaching more than two million, while only one-fifth of the top of the strange rocks on the shelf was gone.

In just half a day, it made a lot of medicines and gave them all to her.

"I really can't eat anymore, Master——"

"Guaiguai is already very powerful, just forget it if he can't eat anymore." Xia Qimiao touched its main vine.

There was no pen and paper in Guilou, so she opened the store and bought a copy, then spread it on the floor and wrote her name on each sheet.

Zhaohui, Ruohua, Wanqing...

By the time she finished writing, the paper had covered half of the reception area.

"Take your pick and see which one you like best."

"Master, won't you help me choose?" The Devouring Rose pestered Xia Qimiao.

"I have chosen these, and each one has a corresponding meaning, such as green, which means you look lush and green."

"What about this?" Devouring Rose rolled up the paper closest to her.

Xia Qimiao was silent. That was the last one she wrote, and it contained personal information.

She never expected that with so many pieces of paper, it would pick up this one accurately and ask her.

"Strawberry," she closed her eyes, "its fruit is red, and your flowers are also red."

"It's my favorite fruit, so I wrote the name down."

"Favorite?" The Devouring Rose repeated, "That's it!"

"This has no meaning, it's just the name of a fruit, are you sure?"

"The master said that when you say my name, you will think of me. So after I am called Strawberry, the master will be able to think of me when he eats his favorite fruit!" Xia Qimiao laughed softly, not knowing Why, the cunning rose felt that this laughter sounded better than before, so good that it wanted to roll up its master and never leave him.

She crossed out the word "grass" with her pen and added the word "宝" after the word "berry".

"Berry, my strawberry, my baby, do you like this name?"

"I like it!" The trick-eating rose was so happy that its vines were waving wildly. From today on, it is a named trick pet.

Xia Qimiao looked at the mess it made on the ground, with papers flying everywhere. The little touch just now was quickly smoothed away.

But this feeling will always be remembered in her heart and will not be forgotten.

However, one code leads to the other: "Berry, you will collect these papers properly and put them in the master's room, right?"


"So nice."

The Devouring Rose said "yeah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah" as she collected the papers, but did not notice that one of them floated out and landed at the feet of Noah Fels, who had just come out.

He picked it up and put it in his arms.

"Where's the host?" He obviously came out after hearing her voice, but there was only a smug vine creature left in the reception area.

"Something happened, oh yes, she asked me to tell you, ahem!" The Devouring Rose pretended to be her master's voice, imitating it very closely, "'Tell him not to rush to hand in the report, and we'll talk about it at the party.'"

Noelfels listened to its voice as if the owner of the building was actually speaking to him.

"Also, give yourself a nickname, don't just call him Noah Fels."

"Also, collect the remaining rocks and take them with you."

"See you at the party."

For the next day and a half, Neufels did not see the host again, so he could only put away the gifts he had made.

Finally the day of the party arrived.

The pointer crosses the zero point.

"It's begun! It's begun! It's begun!"

A skeleton bird landed in front of the mysterious building with a door in its mouth. At the same time, two humans also appeared in the mysterious building.

The Devouring Rose rushed to the male among them and said happily: "I have a name. It's called 'Berry Baby'. It's the name given to me by my master."

Every time it sees something strange in the past few days, it will show off in front of them.

Lin Jiangdan and the others' ears were on fire, and they hid in the room and could not come out. Now that it has caught a new one, it can no longer show off.

"It's great that you can talk. The name is also nice. Berry, your master likes strawberries." Qi Lixing touched the vine.

"You also know what the master likes to eat."

"Of course I know." In order to make the story more reasonable, he asked the captain a lot of details.

Although the initial equipment given to An Hao by the system included a robe, she always felt cold for some reason.

Her eyes moved to the strange creature with bat wings standing next to her. Even though his face looked like an iceberg, she faced the difficulty and said, "Are you the one who wants to go with us?"

"Yes," Noefels looked at her, "You can call me, Zhaohui."

"Let's go."

Five updates! I finally made up for all the debt I owed before.

First of all, let me respond to the questions that everyone is concerned about.

I have determined that this book has no cp. Whether it is the main text or the extras, the heroine will not have love for anyone or non-human beings (the only thing that can make her heart beat or die is the balance of her power.

I won't change the heroine's character for anything, or even if I want to change it, she will pull me back. She is always determined, always dazzling, and always moving forward.

Secondly, in addition to the heroine, there are four other protagonists, and there is no love line in the main text. The side stories may involve a little bit of someone's feelings, but they are very few.

Finally, thank you all for your support!

The editor told me before that the data was not good, but after it was put on the shelves and I could see the subscription details, I realized how tactfully she said it. It was not that it was no longer good, but that it was completely cool.

In order to reduce my data anxiety and prevent my mentality from affecting my update status, I plan to only post posts and not read any other message notifications during this period. But when my heart becomes stronger, I will climb up and reply to everyone's comments!

I really love everyone’s comments and thoughts, which give me great support and motivation.

Finally, I would like to thank every friend who is willing to subscribe to this book. I will continue to write if some people read it, and I will continue to write if no one reads it. My New Year's resolution is to "begin and end well," and the only one who can fulfill my wish is myself.

Anyway, no matter how bad things get in the future, they won’t be worse than they are now. When I get over this hurdle, I will only be stronger.

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