I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 131 Start with 1 island

Throw the dice and the result comes out.

No. 9 Trade Island, No. 15 Emerald Island, No. 21 Steel Island, and No. 33 Scholar Island.

From the perspective of the starting population, the two teammates are worthy of being on the same team as Xia Qimiao. They are second and first. They are not a family, and they do not belong to the same family.

"Now that the initial island has been determined, the tenants and pets you brought will be placed on the island. You can only return after the game is over. But don't worry, there will be no obstacles in communication between you."

"They will be your eyes, your ears, your movers."

"The following is additional explanation."

"To occupy other islands, two conditions need to be met. First, all humans on the islands must be eliminated."

Huh, it sounds like half of Xia Qimiao's island has been lost.

"Second, kill the tenants who came to the island and seize the core. Even if the world is destroyed, the core cannot be destroyed. Please feel free to fight for it~"

The block representing the island flew into Jiuer's arms and embedded itself in its body.

"Once the island is occupied, the owner of the island will be eliminated. Please be careful!"

"Now, the first day begins!"

As soon as its voice fell, Detective Jiuer and X disappeared.

Then, a screen appeared in front of Xia Qimiao, which looked like a 92 perspective, but the perspectives were switching rapidly one after another, making her eyes dazzled.

"A little dizzy." She rubbed her temples.

Soon, the perspective became fixed and no longer cut randomly.

"I think this island should not be called an uninhabited island, but an island without any signs of life."

Detective X looked around, not to mention people, not even plants.

"This island is very small, only about two hectares. I can recall scenes from the past, but during this period..."

The border collie's voice came from the right, and he stopped before he finished speaking.

Xia Qimiao looked at it from Jiuer's perspective and found nothing wrong. She only saw surprise and confusion on the border collie's face, so she asked, "What's wrong?"


Its movements were crisp and neat, as if it was not its own body that was about to be cut. It even had time to reply. Its voice was still unpleasant, but it was steady.

"I'm using my skills to explore the path."

Xia Qimiao didn't expect that Jiuer was quite active, but being active was a good thing, and it was better than being passive and slacking off.

Bian Mu continued: "It's just that during this period of time that I look back, the body will be controlled by the two heads."

Woof, Erha raised his head and prepared to make a brilliant debut.

"Then don't go back and talk about it later."

After hearing the first half of the future owner's words, its head drooped. After hearing the rest of the words, it perked up again. It was just for a while, not disgust.

"I have two questions. I want to hear your opinions." Xia Qimiao already had her own ideas, but she still wanted to ask, both for reference and to see their level.

"You say."

"First, since the goal of the game is to develop faith, why is the initial resource an island?"

The game gives an island, but it does not talk about developing the island, but developing faith. There are 100 million humans on the mainland, which should be the main battlefield for developing faith, but the initial resource given by the game is an island.

This is what Xia Qimiao couldn't figure out the most. He always felt that there was something weird in it.

Detective "I think the focus should not be on the island, but on the population and resources. The author can develop the humans living on the island into early believers and use the initial resources to feed them."

"This island should be just the first step for the posters. Once the island has stabilized and established its initial power, it will be easier to move to the mainland."

"After all, this is not our domain. No matter how powerful the monster is, the range it can control is extremely limited for the entire continent. In the end, we still have to rely on humans to radiate humans."

Detective X is worthy of being a detective, with clear logic and succinct analysis.


Jiuer spits out two words, as if its words are made of gold. If you say one more word, you will lose a little more money. If you can say one less word, you will never pronounce more than half a sound.

Xia Qimiao could only figure it out for her: "You mean, if the poster is divided into five islands, separated by the sea, it will not be easy to find each other?"

Then she saw the screen move up and down, as if it was nodding.

True, cherish words like gold.

"That makes sense," Bian Mu stroked his chin thoughtfully, "If the start is put together, it is likely to directly evolve into a battle for the core and a fight. Then the game and rules will be meaningless."

"Okay," Xia Qimiao asked the next question, "The second question is, under what circumstances do you think human beings have mixed beliefs?"

"From my research on humans, no matter what field they are in, they themselves are an extremely chaotic race, and a family may have different beliefs."

In Detective X's opinion, mixed beliefs are not a noteworthy point.

But what Xia Qimiao really cares about is that sentence - "New 'gods' are born every day, and old 'gods' disappear."

I don’t know if this sentence is an exaggeration or if it is realistic.

She waited for a while, but didn't wait for the answer from the other monster.


"I'm not human, I don't know."

Also, these two are orthodox monsters, and she is the only one who is a real human being. It is really difficult for them to ask about their faith.

Xia Qimiao suddenly heard a very obvious inhalation sound, which came from the left. It should be Jiuer's.

Immediately, its voice came over and uttered the longest sentence in history: "... Let's kill the other tenants and grab all their cores."

"What's wrong?" Bian Mu could see Jiuer directly and could clearly see its mood swings.

"See for yourself." Although it was facing Bian Mu, it was talking to Xia Qimiao.

The scene on the screen in front of her suddenly flickered to a bird's-eye view. She saw a beach with many people crowded on the beach, reaching out to the waves.

No, that's not a person.

Their skin was blue-grey, some had half of their arms, some had half of their heads, they were zombies.

With the sound of flapping wings, the angle of view increased, and more scenes appeared on the screen.

The first thing that catches the eye is the endless greenery, but if you look closely, you will find that underneath are ruins and building facilities, which are the broken human civilization.

This is a world that has already experienced the end of the world.

Xia Qimiao suddenly had a bad premonition. Could the 100 million humans refer to 100 million zombies?

"...Do you think zombies have faith?"


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