I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 132 Start with 1 island

Although Detective

"Gonna try."

Although Jiuer doubts this, every world has its own characteristics. Maybe the zombies in Alkania can also believe in God.

Xia Qimiao changed the subject: "Jiuer, what do you think of the tenants brought by other landlords?"

"It's all rubbish."

What an arrogant statement. Is this the confidence of the 9th floor? Wait, it looks like it shot her tenants, too.

"Where's the one brought by No. 33?"

"A little mouse made by a big mouse, that's all." Its words became longer, and it seemed that it didn't like to see him.

Big Mouse, God of the Sun?

Only then did Xia Qimiao realize that she had never had any friendship with it, but that didn't mean that she had never had any friendship with it: "Were you there when Building 3 was invaded?"

"I held it down," Jiuer snorted, "It couldn't even maintain its own sanity, so I helped it."

Xia Qimiao felt that the word "help" contained a lot of water, but there was no need to lie in the previous words.

If its force value is enough to suppress the God of the Sun, then the plan to kill the tenants is not impossible.

"Consider taking over other islands as a backup plan."

"Plan A still starts with developing faith and first checking to see if there are any humans alive on the shore."

Xia Qimiao crossed her hands. The restrictions now were too great. She could only see Jiuer's perspective. She didn't have any followers, so it was difficult to get started.

She quickly thought about the party rules that had appeared from the beginning to the present, trying to find loopholes that could be exploited.

Xia Qimiao said to Tuanzi: "Come here."

When Mao Tuan saw the owner of No. 3 talking to him, he immediately put the clock away.

It kicked its legs and rolled over. Since the whole body was either legs or arms, there was no right or wrong at all, so it didn't matter which side faced her.

"Do you have any questions?"

"The rules don't say that the host cannot enter Alcania."

"Yes, do you want to go in?" Tuanzi rolled in a circle in front of her, with countless arms, legs and feet waving.


"Yes, but everything has a price. For example, Building 21 chooses games and makes rules. Correspondingly, it is restricted from leaving the island in the first year."

Xia Qimiao's original doubts were solved. She had been thinking before that if there was a monster that was the rule maker, wouldn't it win at the starting line if it was prepared in advance?

Now she has answers, Number 21 has been restricted from moving for the first year.

"Of course you can enter Alkania, but you will be prohibited from using all the powers obtained from Happy Home, and will be temporarily deprived of the title of No. 3 owner and become an ordinary monster."

What did Xia Qimiao get from Happy Home? She thought about all the various things on her body, and it seemed that only the arm crossbow and light prison were obtained from the Guilou gift bag.

She bought the flashlight at a discount from the store later, so it shouldn't be counted.

"Friendly reminder, once you go down, other landlords and tenants can attack you. Unlike here, no attack methods will be effective."

The party's first defense mechanism would be ineffective against her, and Xia Qimiao immediately thought of the second one.

"So I can hear other sounds?"

"..." The hairball was silent for a moment. It didn't expect that this was what the other party cared about. "Yes, you can even hear other tenants mocking you when they kill you."

"anything else?"

"After you leave, the number of times you throw the dice will be transferred to other hosts present. You will not see anything at the party. Well, the process of other hosts killing you becomes faster!"

If she was the only one here, she might have hesitated at this point. She was just out of luck, but at least her destiny was in her own hands. Leaving means that she is out of control. She doesn't know what grid the posters will throw into or what adventures they will encounter. She can't make arrangements based on this and is very likely to be cheated.

However, she is not alone, there are teammates here.

"Can I specify who to transfer the times to?"

"It seems that you want to choose your murderer yourself, but I'm sorry, but you can't."

"According to the rules set by poster No. 21, after the previous poster is eliminated, its number will be passed to the next poster in a counter-clockwise direction."

"Because no host has been eliminated yet, this rule has not been announced yet. Although you just left, the rules will also take effect according to this."

Xia Qimiao closed her eyes. It would be best if she could assign the number of times to No. 33. It didn't matter if she couldn't. The road would only be a little harder to walk, but it wouldn't be impossible.

Wait, counterclockwise? Her counterclockwise direction seems to be...

"In other words, your number of dice throws will be handed over to the host No. 33!"

It’s true that things have taken a turn for the worse.

Xia Qimiao discovered a question: "This rule was set by the owner of Building No. 21, and he also arranged the seats?"



The higher the serial number of the poster is, the stronger his qualifications and strength should be.

Therefore, No. 21 ranks No. 33, the new poster who seems to be the weakest, next to it, so that the other party can inherit its dice times after being eliminated. No. 3 is ranked in the position least likely to inherit the number of dice - 21 I don't think I will be eliminated.



It can still get 33 times. No wonder it has no objection to the position arrangement.

In one sentence, Xia Qimiao wants to give his number to An Hao.

She controlled the raised corners of her mouth and pretended to be very regretful: "It's such a pity that I can't specify."

"It won't take long, you will be eliminated soon."

In Mao Tuan's eyes, taking the worst island at the beginning, not being able to use the power of the poster, not being able to throw dice to obtain supplies, and not being able to grasp the overall situation on the field is already a dead end.

It doesn't even call her "you" anymore, but "you".

Xia Qimiao didn't care about this. After settling on the uninhabited island, she heard the sound of the sea, which was the sound that had been filtered out at the party.

What followed were slightly anxious words coming from the earrings: "Why are you down? What are you thinking about?"

The news about Noefels came quickly. It is estimated that An Hao has received the notice and communicated with him.

"I was thinking that the sunshine in Alkania is pretty good," she looked up at the blue sky and asked him, "Have you seen the sun?"

She didn't wait for an answer, but spoke with helplessness and a sigh.

"No matter what you are thinking, I will report to you the situation on No. 33 and Scholar Island in a timely manner. Please pay attention to my news."

She immediately realized that this was a one-way communication tool. He couldn't hear her question and could only shrug.

Xia Qimiao looked at the three shocked-faced Detective


Many days later, Noelfels had to punch himself when he thought about this: Why didn't he make a two-way communication tool in the first place?

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