I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 139: Start with 1 Island

Chapter 139: Starting with an Island ()

After waking up, Xia Qimiao's greatest feeling was that her time was synchronized with the world.

She is like a drop of water melting into the sea of ​​this world, and she will no longer feel the so-called flow rate problem.

She bit into the nutrition bar she exchanged from the store and graded it in her mind. If Berry Baby's rose could compete with the rice she cooked, then this nutrition bar was slightly inferior and could only be ranked third, but it was still pretty good. Unpalatable.

Xia Qimiao sat cross-legged on the ground, looking through the documents that Zhao Tianyun sent to her while she was asleep. The paper of this document was very special. It didn't feel like traditional paper. It felt closer to plastic. She didn't know how it was made.

Before the end of the world, the technological level of this world was almost the same as reality. The turning point occurred in the past few years.

On April 562, 4, the first patient with "madness" appeared in Alkania, which attracted great attention at the time.

Although anyone bitten by the patient will be infected with the disease, due to timely discovery, it was quickly controlled and did not spread widely.

In July, after a heavy rain, zombies appeared in large numbers and the crisis broke out. The zombies at this time were classified as E-level, with stiff limbs and slow movement.

In November, the first person with supernatural powers appeared and claimed that he had found a very safe island called Emerald Island, but he could only take away 11 people.

He sells "ship tickets" to everyone. A "ship ticket" requires 200 pure crystal nuclei.

It was normal at first, with people hunting zombies and digging crystal cores out of their heads.

However, the possibility of finding contaminated crystal nuclei in a zombie's head is much higher than that of finding pure crystal nuclei.

200 doesn't sound like much, it seems like a target right in front of you, but when you really reach out your hand, you find that it's out of reach.

Until someone discovered that there are crystal nuclei in human heads, and most of them are pure crystal nuclei. So, they pried open the brains of the same kind and took away the crystal core inside to use as a ticket.

It's not like no one thought about catching the person with superpowers and interrogating him, but at that time, the number of people who had awakened superpowers was very rare, and none of them could be his match.

He said it was first come, first served, and he didn't raise the price on the floor. When the 5000 people came, he took them all away.

The civil war between humans barely subsided with his departure.

In January 563, a second person with superpowers who claimed to have discovered a safe island appeared, saying that she had mastered a method that could develop people's hidden superpowers.

It's just that people whose powers she develops are likely to die or go crazy. If someone succeeds, she can take them to the safety of Steel Island. There are only two thousand places.

People lined up to come to her to receive superpower development, and even if they only saved one out of ten, they would come one after another.

Countless people died in her hands, but she finally gathered 2000 people and left.

Someone has worked out her method, which is just to eat crystal nuclei.

As soon as the news came out, a prairie fire started. The battle between humans and zombies, and between humans, has begun.

People have different levels of strength, and they are more able to deal with zombies, and they are not merciless when dealing with people.

In March 563, a third person with supernatural powers who claimed to have discovered the island appeared, claiming that he wanted to take away some people with high IQs, and the quota was only 3.

This time people no longer obeyed his arrangements obediently and divided into three groups.

A group of people dismissed this. They had special powers and could live well on the mainland. There was no need to go to some island with him.

Another group began to besiege him. Some people thought that he was a group with the first two people and played tricks on them again and again. Some people just wanted to find the location of the island and how to find a safe island.

Those who besieged him either died on the spot or returned in vain. Since they could not get any benefit from him, they no longer cared about him. The third group is those who consider themselves to be highly intelligent talents, waiting to pass his screening and go to a safe island.

This selection took a long time. After half a year, he finished selecting everyone and left.

Just after this, the zombies upgraded.

Using the grades developed later, the originally slow-moving E-class was not only upgraded to a more flexible D, but also a C-class whose physical integrity and strength were increased by a notch.

What's even more terrifying is the emergence of Class B who can master certain emotional reactions and rationality, and Class A who can control other zombies.

Humanity once again faces a catastrophe.

Therefore, when the fourth person with supernatural powers who claimed to have found a safe island appeared, everyone seemed to see a savior.

It's just that she doesn't want a crystal core, nor does she want to pick a superpower. She doesn't want to engage in the so-called IQ selection. She just wants slaves.

She said that she had discovered an island called Commerce. Since the island was called that, there should be merchandise that could be circulated on the island.

She thought about it and couldn't think of anything suitable, so she simply used someone instead.

Anyone who is willing to go to her island will automatically become her slave and can become a commodity for sale.

She said more numbers than anyone had ever said before, and that was 10000.

Some hesitated, some couldn't wait, some broke their heads trying to get a seat, but she quickly filled up and left with everyone.

Seeing this, Xia Qimiao couldn't help but have two questions.

The first one is, why do people easily believe the words of those four superpowers? They believe it after hearing them say that the island is safe, and they even break their heads and go to the island?

It's okay to say that people didn't awaken their superpowers in the early stage, but they should have almost awakened them in the later stage. Can ten thousand people with superpowers stacked up in a stack be unable to defeat the person who is suspected of being the owner of the island?

Xia Qimiao muttered, and suddenly a flash of inspiration occurred, remembering that the population of the islands at the party matched the five thousand, two thousand, one thousand and ten thousand in the record.

There is also a discrepancy. If one person takes 5,000 people to the island, then the population of the island should not be 5,000, but 5,001.

But if this "zero one" doesn't appear, could it be because that person with superpowers is not included in the population? In other words, it is not a human being at all.

They are not humans, and there are no gods on this continent, so there are only weird things left. Maybe it's an extremely powerful monster. It's hard to understand that even ten thousand superpowers combined couldn't defeat it.

Another question is, why don't people form a team of their own and go out to find safe islands? After all, there are all kinds of superpowers, and there is always one suitable for going to sea.

She scrolled back and found that there was no information about the islands anymore. There were only these four islands, not her uninhabited island.

Either the uninhabited island has nothing to do with the end of the mainland, or it is related, but the connection occurs before the end.

She thought for a while, and she should find a way to contact Noel Fels and ask him about the specific situation of the island before making a judgment.

Xia Qimiao took the jewelry from Detective X's ear. Why did it feel like the earrings had become a little bigger?

 I thought that if I go home: it’s about half a full-time job, I’ll have a lot of time to spend on updates, so I can give it a try.

  Actually at home: very busy, only the evening time is my own time.

  But there is good news, there is no internal waste at all.

  The data is just bad. I will start reading the news tomorrow and slowly reply to everyone’s comments. Thank you for your support!



(End of this chapter)

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