I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 140 Start with 1 island

Chapter 140 Starting with an Island ()

Xia Qimiao put the communication tool back on her ear and continued to read the documents. She found that the stories of these islands were focused on the front.

This is testing her.

Because every once in a while someone claimed to have discovered an island, Zhao Tianyun suspected that she was also from the island.

Anyone who can sit in the position of base director cannot be careless.

The next content is about the base.

The population of this base is about 4,000, most of whom are people with superpowers. A small number of people without superpowers also have a superpower as a family member.

The deputy base director used a weighted algorithm to design a point-acquisition system, and the entire base operates on this system.

The reporter "inadvertently" avoided the details of the base and only listed some of the difficulties currently encountered by the base.

The first is the safety issue. The main threat is zombies, and the secondary danger is alien beasts. This secondary danger is only relative, which does not mean that it is not dangerous enough.

Animals are also mutating, but before they only mutated in size, speed, etc. A few days ago, Zhao Tianyun received communications from other bases, saying that they had discovered that alien beasts had awakened supernatural powers.

The reason she was not at the base at first was to investigate this matter, but she rushed back after receiving an emergency signal.

The second is the medical problem. Medicines are scarce. Although there are people with healing powers in this base, they are extremely rare.

It's not because there are very few people who have awakened this ability, but because this ability is very precious, and people with this ability are often recruited by big bases.

Although there is a large population here, Shuguang Base is a small base. There is no way to provide good treatment, and we are not willing to let such people satisfy their various selfish desires, so there are very few people with healing powers in this base.

Xia Qimiao couldn't help but click the reporter's name, "Zhao Tianyun."

Although she didn't know how many subjective factors and emotions were mixed into this report, from these fragments, she saw an alien that was incompatible with the doomsday.

A base that emphasized "order" in the apocalypse could still be maintained. Xia Qimiao was very curious about the superpowers of the base commander.

Finally, there is the energy issue, which is the problem of crystal core pollution. The base's current source of crystal cores comes from people with superpowers hunting zombies and strange beasts.

As long as the team is properly configured, there will not be too many crystal nuclei brought back without injury. The problem is that most of the crystal nuclei brought back are contaminated.

Zombies can also eat crystal nuclei to upgrade. They have no consciousness of picking the brains of their kind, but they will eat the crystal nuclei that fall outside.

Therefore, even if the contaminated crystal nuclei are useless, or even harmful to the human body to some extent, the superpowers will collect them and bring them back to the base and destroy them uniformly every time.

She also mentioned in passing that she was collecting contaminated crystal nuclei from other bases, implying that God No. 3 could "implement a small plan" to purify these crystal nuclei, and there would be a steady stream of believers to help her find Alka. Nia.

Xia Qimiao sighed, what a good calculation.

She flipped back and found that the next few pictures were all words of praise for her as a god, and they were meaningless.

The reporter also marked the date very "intimately", making it clear that she had been writing every day for the past three days, thinking of her resting god all the time.

What a set of combos.

Xia Qimiao looked at Detective X, reached out and touched their heads: "Thank you for your hard work these days."


"It's not hard at all, just serve the master!" Erha's head rubbed against her, almost knocking her over.

Immediately, its blue eyes brightened and it stared intently at the treacherous stone in the hands of its future owner.

Xia Qimiao held a bowl of water very flat, and the rocks she fed to each head were about the same size. She couldn't help but miss the cunning rose, wondering how it was doing now. She shouldn't have to worry, Noefels seems to be a big family, so he won't be hungry.

There was a knock on the door, so soft that Xia Qimiao almost thought it was his imagination.


"Ah, you're awake!" Zhao Tianyun came in with the hymn he had just written today, and saw that the god who had been sleeping had opened his eyes today.

Before that, she didn't believe her words at all, but after a few days, she became half convinced.

How is it possible for a normal person to sleep for three days without even changing his sleeping position?

Although the god's mount surrounded her with its tall body, Zhao Tianyun, who found excuses to inquire about the situation every day, always found a way to get a glimpse of her condition.

She was really sleeping, not fooling them.

Looking at it this way, if she is really a god and misses gatherings with friends after sleeping for five or six hundred years, it is not impossible, because it seems that she is really able to sleep.

Zhao Tianyun restrained her wild thoughts, presented what she had written today, lowered her eyebrows and knelt down to worship the "god".

She took the opportunity to take a quick glance and found that the documents had been spread out on the ground, obviously being read.

As long as "gods" are interested.

"You are very good," Xia Qimiao praised sincerely, "so, I am willing to give you something."

She placed the B-level essence produced by the Devouring Rose in front of Zhao Tianyun.

"Thank you for the gift, may I ask this...?"


Since her sweetberry baby was given a name, her enthusiasm has greatly increased and helped her produce a lot of essence, which can now be used as a means of God.

Zhao Tianyun took a deep breath, just one bottle would not be enough: "I will spread your tolerance and love. I believe that after people know your divine name and witness your divine power, there will be a steady stream of believers willing to dedicate everything to you. Fulfill your wish.”

"Witness the divine power" and "continuous flow" are pointing to her, telling her that if she wants to have more followers, the initial investment must be large. This person wants more medicines.

Xia Qimiao laughed and took out fifty bottles of B-level essence for her.

Zhao Tianyun left in a hurry after being grateful, and came back soon after.

"God, there are leaders from other bases who want to pay homage to God."

This efficiency was too high. Xia Qimiao raised her eyebrows. She definitely wanted to see him. She couldn't just stay in this base and not leave.

But, she is a god.

"Let them come to me."

On the other side, someone was observing from a distance.

"Boss, I'm sure it's a player."

"Since when can you tell at a glance whether the opponent is a player or not?"

"Oh, I saw that Moonlight Girl skirt you were wearing before."

(End of this chapter)

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