I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 141 Start with 1 island

There are spies from each other in each base. This is almost a tacit understanding between the leaders. The difference is that some are buried deeply and some are buried shallowly.

Therefore, when Zhao Tianyun deliberately revealed the news, it spread very quickly - a god came to Shuguang Base, and the god gave them a potion to cure the disease.

Most of them don't believe in the so-called gods and just think that this is Dawn Base's new recruitment method. They still maintain a wait-and-see attitude and wait for further news.

The first people to set off were the people from the Q base. Because they saw the so-called "potion" image, which was exactly the same as the one they bought from the charterer, they guessed that the guy who claimed to be a god might be a player.

But Qin Ding never expected that the black history that he had burned would appear before his eyes again.

Nan Shi, who was walking beside him, asked knowingly: "Boss, why don't you look up?"

She was still joking: "Boss, why do you look so holy and elegant in what you wear?"

"Boss, why are your ears red? There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Isn't it just that the old men from Bensi wore skirts and turned into girls?"

"I'm only thirty-four this year," Qin Ding gritted his teeth, "Thank you, you suddenly added six years to my age."

"Oh, isn't it just a thirty-four-year-old man who is wearing a girl's skirt?" She continued, "You haven't shared your psychological journey with us yet. It's better to choose the day than to hit it. Why don't you talk about it now? ?”

You can't get over this hurdle, right? Qin Ding rolled his eyes at her. He knew that the more he avoided her, the more angry he would become. The best way was to face the past and ignore her.

Fortunately, he arrived at the place quickly and Nanshi stopped joking, which made him feel relieved.

He said to Zhao Tianyun: "We want to meet 'God' alone."

Zhao Tianyun frowned, and as soon as he said the word "you", he saw the god nodding.

That's okay, this is a balcony anyway, and there are people watching from below. Even if they have evil intentions, she can react immediately.

Xia Qimiao didn't speak immediately, she was looking at the person coming.

According to Zhao Tianyun, this man and woman are the leaders of the Q base. The man's power level is very high, and the woman's power level is not low, but no one can figure out their specific power levels so far. According to her guess, they should have come to inquire about gods and medicines.

Xia Qimiao looked at these two people now and felt that they had other plans.

"I used a prop, and now the conversation between us will not be eavesdropped by others," Qin Ding glanced outside the balcony, obviously referring to something else, "This world..."

He stopped mid-sentence, obviously waiting for her to finish the second half of the sentence.

"There are no ghosts."

After hearing her name of the game, Qin Ding quickly exchanged glances with the people next to him.

Xia Qimiao found it a bit interesting, as if they knew she was a player from the beginning and came specifically for her.

She reflected on her behavior after entering here and grasped the key points.

"Did you come here because you saw the medicine?"

"Yes," Nan Shi admitted generously, "We also bought medicine from the landlord. After seeing this bottle, we thought we would try our luck and maybe find allies."

"Also in Bao Po Na", these words indicate that they only regard themselves as ordinary players, and do not think that they are.

In this way, she gave fifty bottles, and Zhao Tianyun only took out one or two bottles for fishing.

Otherwise, with her purchase restriction requirement, the people in front of her would be able to easily think of her identity.

"My game code name is 'Namo', and his name is 'Did you send it today?' Are you interested in cooperating with us?"

Xia Qimiao has an impression of both names. He did trade rocks and buy medicines with her, and he was very decisive at the time.

"Okay," she nodded and spoke to the waiting eyes across from her, "My code name is 'Charterer'." "Oh, hello, charterer...mother?" Nanshi reacted. She subconsciously looked at the boss's face and found out He was equally shocked, "Is it that one?"

"it's me."

"Where are your teammates? How could you leave a wet nurse here alone?" Qin Ding was a little more excited than Nan Shi.

Jiuer is still in the south and has not returned. Detective X has also been sent out by Xia Qimiao to investigate the matter. Now she does seem to be alone.

"This is too unreliable. What should you do if you are in danger? Do you want to come to our team? We will provide you with food and accommodation, five insurances and one housing fund. And I will never let you face danger alone."

It turned out that I wanted to poach people.

Xia Qimiao smiled and said: "Thank you for the invitation, I am the captain."

Nan Shi couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that the boss would poach someone directly to the captain.

She is the captain, which means that the current situation is within her plan, and it is not anyone else's turn to worry about whether she is a single nanny left alone.

Qin Ding paused and started the next topic as if nothing happened. At least on the surface, he didn't seem embarrassed: "We came in with an invitation letter, what about you?"

"So are we."

The two sides got down to business and exchanged information on each other.

Xia Qimiao revealed part of the truth to the two of them, saying that her team had mistakenly fallen into a game of monsters, and the mission required her to become the "god" with the most believers.

Qin Dingze said that his team's mission is to find out the truth about the "zombie crisis" and "islands", and is currently looking for the four legendary islands.

"Besides our two teams, there is another female player in this dungeon, but I don't recommend that you deal with her easily."

"She seems to be a lunatic. This is not a curse, but an objective statement. She cuts zombies and people whenever she sees them, and will not give you a chance to speak."

Xia Qimiao wrote down: "Where is she?"

"We were in the south before. She made a lot of noise a month ago, so we went there to take a look. Unexpectedly, she cut us back without distinguishing between friend and foe. However, she has disappeared in the past two days, and she may have left."

"A month ago?" she repeated, "How long have you been in this dungeon?"

"Thirty-five days in the dungeon." They cannot say that they have made no progress in these thirty-five days, they can only say that they are struggling. It is also because of this that they want to find allies to break the deadlock.

And Xia Qimiao only stayed in Alcania for five days, including the time he spent sleeping.

She asked again and found that everyone entered the game at zero o'clock on the same day. If there was a gap now, there should be a problem between the time she stepped in the door and the party officially started the game.

"Have you ever tried to go to sea?"

"Yes, but we encountered an air wall."

Air wall? They had never encountered this thing when they drove the motorboat ashore.

"Did you try it five days ago?"

Xia Qimiao made a preliminary guess after seeing the other person nodding.

"You can try again now."

There is another update sent out before midnight.

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