I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 145 Start with 1 island

Xia Qimiao originally wanted to take this opportunity to see Jiuer's strength and skills, but unfortunately it didn't take action.

The supernatural beings who came to rob looked very intimidating, but to Detective X it was just a matter of raising a paw.

I don’t know whether it was because the person who came was too weak or the monster was too strong, but the winner was decided within a short while.

Each of Detective X's three heads holds a person in its mouth, evenly distributed.

Just when the border collie was about to perform an autopsy on the spot, he suddenly felt an invisible force pinching the back of his neck and taking him deep into the woods.


It quickly realized what it meant. It would be too conspicuous to do anything outside. The three-headed dog is the mount of God No. 3. If it is found to have killed a person with supernatural powers, it will not be conducive to the future owner's spread of faith.

It shook its head and took the initiative to walk deeper into the woods. Only then did it feel the strength on the back of its neck disappear.

Jiuer followed.

Xia Qimiao had no way of knowing the little episode between them. In her eyes, this scene was Detective X dragging the person into the woods, and Jiuer went in to assist.

She shifted her gaze to the place where the superpower appeared. Theoretically speaking, if three people could come out to rob, there would definitely be others behind them.

From the map, the end of the road they took leads to the avenue. These people may have set up an ambush at such an intersection, waiting to rob someone.

There was quite a bit of noise about Detective

Xia Qimiao used the [Prop-A-level Scammer] traded from Qi Lixing, and felt that her body was being squeezed and shaped like dough, and finally turned into the appearance of the leader with superpowers.

"Ahem." Her voice also changed, becoming a rough male voice.

She walked up the path and saw no trace of other people's actions at the end. Could it be that she had guessed wrong?

Xia Qimiao couldn't be sure, but since he was here, he had to check everything before and after.

She walked onto the road, which was littered with car wrecks. Judging from the dust on the hoods, they had been abandoned here for some time.

It was quiet all around, as if she was the only one still moving.

When Xia Qimiao attracted the monsters, he only attracted zombies on the other side of the woods. This side was beyond the scope at that time, but there was not a single zombie, as if it had been deliberately cleaned up.

Hard work paid off, and she saw a figure on the roadside from a distance.

They showed no intention of covering up and leaned swaggeringly next to an armored vehicle.

The heads of those people moved in the direction of her, as if they had also discovered her.

After briefly weighing the pros and cons, Xia Qimiao pretended to be in a hurry and ran towards them.

When I got closer, I discovered that a section of the nearby road was paved with speed bumps made of nails, the tips of the nails glowing coldly in the sun.

It's not hard to imagine how many cars' tires were scrapped by the nail strips.

"Fourth brother, why are you back alone now? Where are the fifth and sixth children?"

Before she could get close to them, someone flashed up to her side.

She held her legs and pretended to be out of breath: "Those two boys disappeared suddenly. Why, they didn't come here?"


"Yes, I heard something moving in the woods, and I wanted to take a look. But as soon as I turned around, they were gone. I thought they were back."

"They are all gone?" The man standing next to her pondered her words and frowned, "You are the only one who is back..."

A man with broad shoulders and a round waist came over. Xia Qimiao's disguise was already tall enough, but she was still a head shorter than him.

His aura was extremely oppressive: "What's your name?"

was suspected.

"How can you ask such a question? Of course my name is..."

Before Xia Qimiao finished speaking, a hammer hit the tall man's temple, knocking him over. "Burn."

Kashiwagi appeared out of thin air in her hands, and the flames that shot out of it instantly caught up with the man who wanted to attack her when he saw something was wrong.


After a gunshot, Xia Qimiao's right shoulder exploded with blood.

Her [Passive-Early Warning] did not take effect to remind her, and this thought quickly passed through her mind.

The pain awakened her consciousness, and she quickly found cover to avoid the bullets.

"Healing attack."

Just as the skill was taking effect, she suddenly heard the heart-rending cry of a third person.

Jiuer appeared in her field of vision.

Ah, the fish she was about to catch was hooked.

Even if they were discovered, Xia Qimiao could completely retreat strategically and lure them into a group fight in the woods instead of going into the enemy alone.

Of course it wasn't this group of people that could make her take risky actions, but this strange creature who didn't know good or evil.

She used herself as bait to test its movements.

If it didn't take action, it meant that it didn't care about her life or death, or that it preferred to see her die, so her plan to deal with it would have to be advanced.

If it takes action, she can take this opportunity to see its attack methods in case of emergency.

Now it seems that I can congratulate it, it can live a little longer.

Xia Qimiao took away the squeezed bullet, and the wound healed quickly.

She got up to see what was going on at the scene, and the man who shot her had his eyeballs gouged out alive.

He curled up on the ground, opened his mouth wide, reached into his throat and pulled out a series of things.

Xia Qimiao didn't have time to see clearly before her view was blocked by her robe.

It was still the black robe full of white threads. Sometimes she felt that the robe was its true identity.

She bypassed Jiuer and walked towards the man. What he took out of his mouth looked like bunches of grapes at first glance, but they were actually eyes, most of which were connected to the mucous membranes and looked dull.

Only one turned around, and its appearance seemed familiar to her. She recalled that it felt similar to the one she had seen on Jiu Er.

Xia Qimiao guessed that it should have the ability to rely on its eyes. If it wanted to fight, it would need some means to avoid looking at it.

You also need certain props that can block your sight. It is best not to get too close to it, but to keep the distance away and not to touch the eyes that have fallen off from it.

She turned her gaze back and found that Jiuer still maintained the same posture as before, unchanged, and his robe seemed stiff.

"Thank you." She smiled.

Jiuer didn't move until he heard this sentence and shook his hood. Just when he was about to say something, he heard the next question about death.

"So, where on my body did you hide your eyes?"

Xia Qimiao had originally doubted whether it would put its eyes on him. It was an intuition without evidence.

Now she was 80% sure, because if it hadn't done this, it wouldn't have appeared so quickly.

Of course, it can also catch a mouse, a bird, etc., and say it can be seen through their eyes.

Jiuer didn't do this, but pointed to her pocket.

There will be another update coming out before one o'clock.

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