I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 146 Start with 1 island

Xia Qimiao released the effect of the mask, took out the map from her pocket, turned it over, and suddenly found an eye staring at her.

It turns out I planted it while looking at a map.

She rolled the map in the direction of the eyeballs with an expressionless expression, and then pinched it hard through the paper. It felt like squeezing a small elastic ball, which could not be squeezed to explode.

She seemed to test unintentionally: "We have met before, right?"

Hood nodded.

So candid? Xia Qimiao just said it casually, but she didn't expect the information to be revealed, so she asked further.

It said: "I saw it when you came to collect rent."

It turned out to be the temporary landlord's replacement task, the time when she took over the rent collection for the No. 3 landlord.

Speaking of which, it had a very good attitude towards her that time and gave her excess power to complete the task.

There may be unprovoked malice in the world, but there cannot be unprovoked kindness.

She didn't think about it carefully at the time, but now it seems that it's all a problem. Jiuer should have a relationship with her, a relationship that dates back to before she entered the game.

It's a monster, which means it's dead.

At this time, the benefits of a narrow social circle were revealed. Xia Qimiao could count on her fingers the dead people who were related to her.

The dean is one of them, but when she died, she was mourning. She should be in her own graveyard and there was no point in pretending to be dead.

And I haven't messed with her. If she turned out to be a monster, she would probably mess with her heartless children instead of her, a kind person who visits her grave every year.

Xia Qimiao's parents, whom she had never met before, were considered a pair, and she had always treated them as dead people.

They abandoned her and probably hated her, but her blood was flowing through her. If they have some feudal thoughts and believe that blood is greater than heaven, then they may want her to die and live at the same time.

All that's left is...

In an instant, she felt blood flowing backwards throughout her body, and a numbness spread from her legs to her whole body. She held her breath unconsciously, and her brain stopped functioning for a moment.

She took a deep breath and calmed down. This possibility was smaller than the above two.

In addition to this, there can be other explanations, such as that he has memory loss and has forgotten a certain memory related to it; or that he has some kind of interests that make him want to kill her and protect her.

She ranked it in her mind. The possibility of involving some kind of benefit was greater than the possibility of losing her memory, greater than the advantage of her parents to cause trouble, greater than the chance of the dean committing suicide, and greater than the last possibility.

That's all she can think of at the moment, so let's leave it at that. She originally thought that there were 3650 special days, so she didn't need to be in such a hurry and take her time.

Now, the sooner the better, she wanted to end this game.

Develop followers, kill other tenants, and set up a magic circle of a certain skeleton to find its whereabouts.

While sorting out his thoughts, Xia Qimiao inspected the armored vehicle and obtained a modified vehicle with a hard shell.

She got out of the car and found that the people who were burned and who had gouged out their eyes were gone, and the nail strips were also gone, and they must have been disposed of.

The only man left at the scene who had just been knocked unconscious by her was already tied up by Wu Huada.

She grabbed one end of the rope and pulled him to the car, sinking. Then he suddenly stopped as if he was tired.

"Xia Weilou, come and help me."

She observed Jiu Er and found that it was motionless. Theoretically speaking, when you hear your own name, or even words with similar sounds, your body will have a subconscious reaction.

It behaves as if what is heard is not its name.

"Jiuer, throw him into the back seat." Only then did it move. When it raised its hand, the man floated up and was thrown into the back seat.

An ability similar to telekinesis, able to control objects from a distance. It is certain that the objects that can be controlled exceed 100kg.

Xia Qimiao was terrifyingly calm now. She needed more information.

She drove the car to a small road intersection, and when she got out of the car, Jiu Er consciously controlled her and drifted deep into the woods.


It was just a detective, not a professional researcher, so it made the scene a bit ugly.

Bian Mu originally wanted to keep the sample for the future owner to review, but under the urging of Golden Retriever, he finally destroyed the body without leaving any trace, leaving only three crystal nuclei.

Although Erha didn't understand why Santou insisted on not letting the owner see these samples, he still dug a hole and buried them obediently.

While burying it, it thought, isn't it just that its expression is a bit sad, isn't it that its brain was accidentally smashed by it, isn't it that its skull is in tatters, isn't it that it can't be weird?

When Xia Qimiao came back, what he saw were three mounds of soil that were obviously newly buried.

"How about it?"

"Crystal nuclei grow in the brain, and to some extent, they stimulate the activity of the human brain."

With three people, Bian Mu set up a controlled experiment.

A did not receive any fatal damage, so it could not activate its talent on A; B's head was separated from its body, and it still could not activate its talent on B.

C's head is separated from the body, and the crystal core is dug out. It can activate its talent on it.

"When the crystal core is still in the human brain, even if the brain is separated from the human body, the person is still alive, but he cannot react and looks dead."

"So I think that to a certain extent, the crystal nucleus plays a role in protecting the brain and providing nutrients for the brain's survival."

Afterwards, it made A wake up, killed him and cut open his brain the moment he used his superpower. There were still energy fluctuations on the crystal core, and it continued to launch superpower attacks against it.

The attacker's superpower was fire. He didn't notice that the hair on his belly was scorched, so he found some clothes to put on to block it.

"The crystal core should be a way for humans to possess and control supernatural powers, but I don't know what effect it will have on zombies."

"It would be great if a zombie appeared now..." Before Erha finished speaking, he heard the roar of the zombies.

When did it develop the ability to do what it says? It hurriedly muttered, "It would be great if I could have endless rocks to eat."

Xia Qimiao looked at the source of the sound. It was the man controlled by Jiuer.

His face had turned pale and he could only make meaningless roars, as if his tongue had become stiff and unable to speak normal words.

Detective X approached him and asked, "Has he been bitten by a zombie?"


Not so long ago, everything was fine with him. Xia Qimiao had heard him speak, so she must have been fine at the time. They didn't encounter any zombies on the way they moved it back.

The only change is——

The kind where she hit him over the head with a hammer and knocked him over.

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