I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 168 Start with 1 island

Seeing that Tenant No. 21 was about to take action, Noelfels and the Devouring Rose directly dragged it outside the temple. During this process, many of its roots were broken.

Those severed roots struck Xia Qimiao and were all burned up by her.

The battle outside was fierce, but she wasn't worried about the situation there, because judging from the fact that its pollution only affected humans, it shouldn't be strong against monsters.

She just needs to take care of herself.

The roots forcefully split the stone base from below and attacked Xia Qimiao, while she grabbed the vine specially left by Berry Bao and hung it in the air.


Although Kashiwagi was still working, she could sense the momentum waning.

Xia Qimiao keenly discovered that the power of the flame seemed to be decreasing each time, but the change was relatively weak, as if the power was being consumed little by little.

She couldn't help but think of Shen Baixian, and wondered if she could use this news to "recharge" her batteries, or exchange for a spell book. As a "temporary spirit body", she only said one spell, which was a bit too low for her as a god. s face.

No. 21 suddenly shouted, and his voice threatened to pierce the dome.

"Do you think we are the only ones you have to face?"

"Bo Wu, do you think this is the end? Do you think you can stop the invasion by staying there!"

"You can't even save that mountain. You still want to save other worlds. What a dream!"

"Do you think taking out everyone's crystal cores is the final solution? Hahahaha, Bai Wu, you can't save them, you can't save us, you can't even save yourself!"

Tenant No. 21's words became more and more crazy. 2 Even until his death, he refused to call him "Shen Bai Xian", but just called "Bo Wu".

The sound was so unpleasant that Xia Qimiao subconsciously touched her ears.

[The host No. 21 has been eliminated. 】

It seems that there are no "human beings" on Steel Island anymore. That team of players was so strong that they killed the entire island so quickly?

Those are thousands of "human beings". Are they too stable and kill people cleanly, or are there maybe only strange plants left on the island?

"Thank you for your hard work." Xia Qimiao frowned slightly as he looked at the two monsters without even a single scratch on their bodies. He felt that winning was too easy. Could there be some fraud?

"I didn't do much, I just stopped it when it was about to run away."

Noelfels shook his head, and then rarely stopped Detective X in front of the building owner. You know, he had never done this before.

He stood firm and stared at Detective X. He could not put them next to the owner before they signed a contract with him.

"It's suicidal."

He never thought that the scariest thing inside was the golden retriever who never spoke from the beginning to the end.


"Tenant No. 21's talent should be to create different types of illusions based on human psychology. The three heads amplified the emotions in its heart, causing it to be counterattacked by its own skills."

Bian Mu explained that Erha was holding the core in his mouth and wanted to place it at the feet of his future owner, but was stopped like this and had to hand it over to Noah Fels.

"It is trapped in the illusion it created. Although it dare not admit it, it is afraid of the 'Shen Baixian'."

Listening to what it said before, Xia Qimiao thought it looked down on Shen Baixian, but was it actually afraid? The border collie glanced at the golden retriever, listened to its whine as low as a small fly, and analyzed the emotions it expressed.

"It can't just be fear, fear, disgust, unwillingness, timidity, jealousy, but also that it doesn't realize its respect and recognition of the other party's strength."

"So when it was 'killed' by that person in the illusion, it felt that it would definitely die. Although it didn't know the reason, it finally killed itself."

Xia Qimiao's tail finger moved, and a flash of light flashed through her mind, but it disappeared so quickly that she didn't catch the tail.

It must be related to the puzzle that is not yet solved.

She settled down to find the general direction. The unsolved puzzle now is nothing more than the beginning of the "Bonsai" project, why the plan can be traced back to twenty years ago, how did the crystal core come from, and why did it appear quietly in front of everyone? In my mind, why are the instruments invisible and only visible to the human eye?

Relevant to the situation just now, it is nothing more than the ability of Tenant No. 21. It creates an illusion to attack them, and then dies in its own illusion after being backlashed.

It felt like it was being killed, so it really died.

The aura appeared again, and this time Xia Qimiao caught it. Is there a possibility that tenant No. 21 has a talent or skill that would make his fantasy come true?

The doctor said that in the initial experiment, only the "boss" firmly believed that there is a crystal nucleus in the human brain, and that the crystal nucleus does not exist for other people.

If Tenant No. 21 really has the ability to "change from nothing to something" through imagination, will the emergence of the crystal core be related to this?

No, there is still a place where we can't connect. The data of the second phase of the experiment was destroyed, but Detective X's skill can go back in time.

The scene inside is a bonsai of buying and selling human brains, which is too abrupt.

Xia Qimiao seemed to have found the end of the mess now, but when she looked down, it was all unity and unity, but it didn't matter, she had plenty of patience and time.


Xia Qimiao walked around Noah Fels and reached out to stroke the golden hair on his head.

At first, it was a little wilted, thinking that it would be disliked. Unexpectedly, the owner didn't mind this, so its eyes lit up and it rubbed back.

Neufels hesitated to speak, but finally shut up and did not raise any objection.

"Three Head's talent is to be able to sense and amplify emotions," Bian Mu emphasized again, and then continued to speak after a slight pause, which was considered a confession. "It can make everything that has reason and emotion fall into some kind of extreme emotion."

"Extreme emotions?" Xia Qimiao asked.

"Let me think about how to say it..." Bian Mu was a little embarrassed. He wanted to pick out the good aspects and talk about it alone, but after being lightly bumped by the golden retriever, he sighed and told the truth.

"For example, there is a person in front of me who wants to kill someone, but is restrained by various rules, morals, laws and other things in human society and does not take action."

"Three-headed talent is able to dig out the deepest desire in his heart and amplify it to extremes. When he is dominated by this emotion, he will not care about other things and only thinks about killing people, and will actually kill people."

Xia Qimiao couldn't help but hold her breath for a moment, it was a very terrifying ability.

"This is a bad situation, but there are also good situations. For example, this person loves playing the piano from the bottom of his heart, but he does not persist due to lack of perseverance and other factors."

"The talent of Santou allows him to do what he wants to do, and we have even helped people become piano masters."

Bian Mu said while looking at Xia Qimiao's expression.

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