I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 169 Start with 1 island

"Zhaohui, did you hear the noise outside?"

Erha couldn't help but pricked up his ears and looked outside. What was the sound? Why didn't he hear it?

When Noelfels heard the poster calling him this name, she knew that she didn't want the two players to hear the next words.

"Did you hear it too? It was light and fast. I thought I heard it wrong. I'll go out and have a look."

"Thanks for your hard work."

One person and one strange, sing and harmony, tacitly.

Xia Qimiao was very calm.

"Can the three heads control the direction of this emotion, such as choosing good or bad ones?"

"For monsters, the three-headed talent is targeted."

"Tricks are relatively pure. We survive by relying on certain extreme emotions. Maybe we will have other emotions after we survive, but the emotion that turns us from the dead into monsters is our foundation."

"The talent of the three heads can only amplify the emotions of the monster. Hate will make you hate it more, and love will make you love it more."

"For humans, this is difficult to judge. Generally speaking, the three heads cannot choose. It depends on what the person thinks."

"Because human beings are much more complex than monsters, Santou doesn't know whether it is selected and amplified because the idea itself is extreme, or whether it is amplified and then goes to extremes, but it cannot choose on its own, it depends on the system's judgment. "

Bian Mu tried his best to explain, and seemed to want to say something more, but he shut up after being hit again.

Xia Qimiao could see that it was really anxious, and it didn't speak very clearly, contrary to its usual clear and logical appearance.

In short, when it comes to monsters, the three heads can determine what emotions will be amplified; when it comes to humans, it is not sure. The system determines what the person's "deepest desire" is and what it will amplify.

A very terrifying talent, Xia Qimiao closed her eyes and wanted to catch it in her hands.

"Sign the contract in three copies?"


Isn't she afraid that the emotions in her heart will be amplified and go to extremes to go crazy? Or is it that she actually has no desires in her heart, so she doesn't worry about her talent at all?

The Border Collie knew that what he was thinking was outrageous, but he couldn't help himself from thinking about it.

"Well, Master, maybe you didn't hear clearly at the party before, that, our former master..." Erha hesitated, but still brought up the past. After all, this is a landmine in its eyes, and it should have been said a long time ago. things that come out.

Datou didn't let him talk about it before, because he wanted to test the strength of this poster and make sure that she can become their master before talking about anything else.

Now that victory has been decided, the signing of the contract is a certainty. If we don’t say now, when will it be?

"Oh, you are saying that your former master was killed by your design."

Xia Qimiao is not deaf, so how could she not hear clearly? She heard clearly.

She saw with her own eyes the strength and character of Detective


She was not on the same side as the monster, so there was no need to feel sorry for the dead monster.

As for whether she is afraid of being eaten by pets? What was she afraid of? Since she only signed an S-class contract, she couldn't possibly force them to the point where they wanted her to die even if they didn't want her to live.

"I believe you," Xia Qimiao smiled, "So do you sign three copies?"

The other two heads showed expressions of shock and gratitude, but Bian Mu looked at her smile and had the illusion that he was about to board a pirate ship. "Three servings."

Noah Feier made a complete circle outside before returning. He felt that the atmosphere had changed subtly, and it should be for the better.

Xia Qimiao acted in full: "How's it going? Did you find it?"

He also cooperated: "No, the sound disappeared very quickly."

"Then let's ignore it for now. Was there anything unusual at the party?"

The elimination of No. 9 and No. 15 was a mistake, so No. 21 should not be far behind.

"No. 21 wanted to escape, but was captured and was pressed into a source force group as a reward. Now only No. 3 and No. 33 are left in the party."

Bian Mu said: "Do you want No. 33 to admit defeat directly? Then the game will be over."

In this case, there is only one winner, No. 3, which is in line with its expectations.

Before Xia Qimiao could say anything, Erha spoke first: "Isn't it possible? Didn't the master say that he wants to save this world?"

Listening to its words, Xia Qimiao's heart dropped, especially after she saw Noel Fels nodded with deep understanding, she felt a little bad.

Do you really think of her as a Bodhisattva who saves people from suffering? Do you really think that she can do such a difficult thing?

She didn't have any hope herself, so why did both of them seem to trust her more than she did?

However, she really wasn't ready to end it like this, so she just went on with what they said.

"If we don't end the game yet, there are still many things that we haven't figured out yet, and we still have one thing we haven't done yet."

Regardless of anything else, a certain skeleton immortal's human skin and bone formation has not been activated yet.

She asked Noelfels to be brought here just to conduct this experiment in a place far away from the real world and the mysterious building, so as not to cause harm to others.

There are still living people on Scholar Island, so it is not suitable.

"You and Berry stay and take care of these children," Xia Qimiao first told Detective X, then turned to Noel Fels, "Let's go to Steel Island."

I don’t know if those players are still there. If they are, we can meet up and exchange information. The communication through the liaison device is too unstable.


As soon as Xia Qimiao stepped onto the Iron Island, she felt a wave of heat hitting her face.

The heat even distorted the air, and she smelled a heavy smell of dust.

An eye appeared on the ground in front of her without any warning.

Xia Qimiao subconsciously took out the hammer, swung it down, and smashed it.

She had wanted to do this for a long time, ever since she first saw those eyes. She now got her wish, and she actually felt a sense of pleasure when she looked at the exploding "grapes".

"It seems that Jiuer is here." She put away the hammer like a normal person and looked around, but saw no familiar figure.

"Let me see how many people you killed?"

A crazy female voice sounded in Xia Qimiao's ears, and a woman with disheveled hair appeared in her field of vision.

The woman visibly stiffened when she saw Noel Fels, and said in disbelief: "Why is it you again?"

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