I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 170 Start with 1 island

When Xia Qimiao heard what the disheveled woman said, she knew that she must be the "madman" that Team Namo and Noel Fels called her.

This man was wearing blue and white striped clothes, as if he had just escaped from a mental hospital and had not had time to take off his hospital clothes.

Under her long and dirty messy hair, there is a face covered in black and gray. It is difficult to distinguish the specific facial features. Only her eyes are more conspicuous and extremely bright.

When she saw Noel Fels, she turned around and walked away. She stopped halfway, then leaned back, put her hands on the ground, and looked at Xia Qimiao from below.

"Don't you want to say anything to me?"

"The flexibility is pretty good."

This compliment was sincere, but the other person didn't appreciate it. He muttered "crazy", straightened his back, and walked away with his hands behind his back.

This was not the first time that Xia Qimiao was called a madman by a madman, so he didn't feel anything at all. He stopped Noel Fels, who was about to charge forward, but business was more important.

"Are there any other living creatures on this island?"

"No more." The black-faced woman slid back, "Those two players have gone back, and I have burned this island to the ground. No more."

Go back... Is Team Namo's mission over? Probably not. Their communicator was still with her and they had not taken it away. They must have returned to the base.

The black-faced woman continued: "I feel a little disgusted with you."

"Thank you." Xia Qimiao responded calmly. She didn't even care whether normal people liked her, let alone one who didn't look normal.

"Don't you ask why?"

"Do not ask."

The woman laughed twice: "Then I kind of like you now."

"Thank you."

"I would like to give you a piece of information," she reached out to lift her hair, her arms were long and smooth, and she said in an exaggerated tone, "You know, this world is a sieve!"

Xia Qimiao chewed these two words over and over: sieve. What are the characteristics of sieve?

There are many holes and you can filter out specific things.

There are many holes in this world. If Xia Qimiao follows this line of thought, does it mean that it has been invaded by many external forces and dug holes one after another, so it was turned into a sieve?

Or is the world itself cultivating and selecting specific groups of people in order to achieve a certain goal?

Xia Qimiao didn't intend to ask. The most taboo thing when facing a madman is to follow the other person's thoughts: "Be careful, it's best to stay away."

"what are you up to?"

"Doing dangerous things."

The black-faced woman wanted to complain, but it was as if she hadn't said anything. The other party obviously didn't want to talk to her, so she didn't want to listen to her either, so she just stayed here.

Xia Qimiao was so benevolent that he didn't care about her. He first laid out a variety of formations purchased from the store and buried the trap, then turned to Noëfils and said.

"Bone Array"

The latter understood and took out all the human skins and bones.

"Huh? You haven't killed anyone. Where did you get the six human skeletons from?" Even though the bones were mixed together, the black-faced woman could accurately classify them. "There are two more that were just killed." not long."

Noel Fels has never killed anyone? This was beyond Xia Qimiao's expectation, but she was only surprised for a moment before she retracted her thoughts and waited for him to put together the human skin and bone formation.

While he was fighting, he carefully observed the poster's expression, and found that he still looked calm, which made him sigh in relief.

"Blood mist." The black-faced woman pointed at the top of the skeleton, but Xia Qimiao saw nothing where she pointed.

She looked back and saw that the woman had picked up a bone and was about to put it in her mouth to gnaw, but she quickly grabbed it back with quick eyes and hands.

"Hungry." The dark-faced woman relaxed her bones obediently without using much effort. She just shouted pitifully, and then she was stuffed with two large coconuts.

"Go play over there."

Hearing this sentence, the black-faced woman felt that she had been fooled by being treated like a child. She felt novel and obediently walked away with the coconut in her arms this time.

The moment the human skin and bone formation was completed, the space seemed to be distorted.

A sudden line of black appeared above the formation, as if the complete curtain had been scratched, and something was trying to get out of it.

"Hee, there's another hole." The black-faced woman said with a smile. She hid the coconut and took out a long knife covered in blood.

She likes to hunch over, so she looks short. Now that she stands upright, she is actually quite tall. Visually, her height should be above 1,750.

Xia Qimiao observed her and found that she had no intention of attacking him with a knife, so he put it aside for now.

The obscure and incomprehensible sounds came out of the dark cracks and penetrated into the ears of those present and Qi.

The black-faced woman followed closely: "I'm finally here."

Xia Qimiao asked: "Do you understand?"

The other person shook his head: "I don't understand."

Then why do you still say it so well?

Xia Qimiao was rarely speechless. After changing her mood, she prepared herself with a huge bone claw sticking out of it.

Although her first thought was a bit inappropriate, she couldn't help but feel that this claw was a bit like a chicken claw that was enlarged many times and had more joints.

She was not the only one at the scene who thought so. She heard the woman next to her swallow her saliva: "Is it made of bones from boneless chicken feet?"

Just as Xia Qimiao was about to trigger the formation, the black-faced woman reached out and grabbed it, trying hard to pull it out.

Her muscles bulged beautifully.

As a result, the black-faced woman only grabbed a bone claw and said in a very innocent tone: "Ah, it's broken."

The bone-cutting claw was pulled off by her force, not twisted from the joint, so the bone crack at the end was extremely obvious.

The half of the claw that was not pulled off quickly retracted, but Noefels had already attached his blood to it.

"This is a teleportation formation. The other party wants to use this formation to tear apart the domain and descend," he analyzed. "It is moving quickly after being discovered. I am tracking it."

The black-faced woman said that she didn't understand, but what she said turned out to be right. I wonder if she was a blind cat who met a dead mouse, or what happened.

"Give me."

Jiuer appeared out of nowhere and stretched out his hand towards the black-faced woman.

The woman obviously knew it, and handed it the half-bone claw: "Why are you still alive? Shouldn't you be dead?"

Jiuer didn't say anything. He turned his eyes to the bone claw and put it into his robe.

Noelfels looked very bad because he used the blood to cut off contact with him. The feeling was exactly the same as the earrings. The culprit was found.

The black-faced woman bent over again and reached out to touch the crack. Blue light emerged from her fingertips. Under its influence, a lot of black sutures were closed.

She stopped suddenly and looked to her side: "Mom, I have no energy left."

Xia Qimiao, who was inexplicably targeted by her, asked: Who are you calling mom?

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