I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 171 Start with 1 island

"Thank you, Mom."

The black-faced woman continued her words, and blue light emerged from her fingers, but it quickly stopped.

"Mom, you don't have enough anymore, so you have to save some flowers."

The dark-faced woman retracted her hand, sighed, and then her eyes wandered around, finally focusing on Xia Qimiao.

"Godmother, do you have any extra energy?"

Xia Qimiao met her gaze and couldn't turn a blind eye this time: "You called me?"

"Yeah, didn't you see? My mother nodded to you and agreed to let me accept you as your godmother. Do you want me to kowtow to you before you are willing to accept me as your goddaughter?"

"Where is your mother?" Jiuer asked, his voice becoming even rougher.

"Isn't it right behind you?"

Xia Qimiao resisted the desire to look back. She was really afraid that she would see something she shouldn't see.

"Crazy talk," Jiuer sneered, "It has been located, but now its territory is closed and cannot be entered."

Its hand never stretched out, and it showed no sign of handing over the bone. Despite Neufels's hostile eyes, it still stood there unswervingly.

"It's good to have it positioned."

It doesn't matter if you can't enter now. If you can escape, the monk can't escape the temple.

"Godmother——, my mother is watching you from behind." The black-faced woman shouted while holding her throat.

"There are no signs of other strange things here." Noelfels stared at the woman with a bad tone.

"Sorry, my daughter is more willful. She talks to herself, so you don't need to pay attention to her."

Xia Qimiao:...?

No, she really heard a female voice, which sounded like a gentle middle-aged woman.

She subconsciously took two steps back to the side, holding the hammer handle tightly in her hand.


"Stop talking," Xia Qimiao interrupted Noah Fels' questioning voice, "Don't talk, either of you."

She looked around and saw no other special figures present: "Are you still there?"

"I'm here," the gentle female voice sounded again, "I'm only talking to you, no other person or monster can hear it."

"How can I confirm that you are not a sound or an illusion created by that woman using props or skills?"

"I am a weird creature, and I have a certain understanding of the weird world. For example, you are the owner of the weird building in Happy Home."

Well, she was really targeted by something strange. The last trace of luck was gone. Xia Qimiao let out a long sigh.

"Don't follow me."

She picked up the hammer and left.

The black-faced woman was originally going to perform a big show, but the audience was gone before the show started. She was a little discouraged: "Why did she suddenly start chatting with nothing?"

She wanted to follow them to have a look, but unfortunately she was stopped. She was unwilling to give up, but she didn't want to fight with the two monsters.

Xia Qimiao only spoke after walking far enough: "How do you know my identity?"

"Hello, I would like to apologize to you in advance." An illusory shadow appeared in front of her eyes. This shadow was too close to transparent, and it was easy to miss it if you didn't look carefully. "The monster on the Emerald Island revealed some things about the poster's party game before it died, and dropped the core of this realm after its death."

"I saw that those two people also carried cores and were respectful to you. I guessed that you should be the host."

Shadow wasn't sure at first, but he was sure after seeing her reaction after saying it.

At that time, Xia Qimiao thought she was being targeted by a ghost and was too nervous, so she did not think about it carefully. Her identity could not be exposed among the players yet: "Your daughter also knows about this?"

Shadow felt a sense of danger: "No, she doesn't know."

"You didn't tell her?"

"She doesn't know I really exist."

What does this mean... The few times the black-faced woman called "Mom" just now were so real and true. Could it be that she was acting?

"I never thought about letting her know that I was alive in this form, so I always followed her secretly and never let her see or hear me."

Neither Neufels nor Jiuer could detect the existence of this mother, which shows that she has strong invisibility and hiding abilities. From this perspective, her statement has a certain degree of credibility.

Xia Qimiao looked at her: "You didn't even tell your daughter, then why did you appear in front of me?"

"Because what she said just now is so out of tune, I'm worried that she will offend you. You and those two are powerful, and you seem to be very generous and don't care, but your two subordinates..."

She didn't finish her words, but Xia Qimiao could hear her hidden meaning, her love for her son, but she couldn't help but focus on the first few words.

"Do you think her performance is just 'out of tune'?"

"Her mind is normal, she just can't accept the reality that I'm dead for a moment, so she behaves like this."


Xia Qimiao tried to find logic from the black-faced woman that normal people could understand.

She said that this world is a sieve, and when the formation took effect and a certain skeleton immortal wanted to break through the sky and descend, she said "another hole", which means that there is a high probability that this field has been "pricked through holes" by many coming forces.

If what she said is true, and considering this as a premise, does that mean that the 21st and this party game are not the first time Alkania has faced being invaded by strange creatures?

Thinking about it this way, there are traces to follow before.

"Fairy Ball" said that the owner of No. 21 chose the field of Alkania and said that this field is very interesting. Is it possible that "Fairy Ball" actually had some knowledge of it before this choice?

Perhaps it has long known the true situation in the Alkanian realm, and more boldly, the happy home it represents has long been involved in it.

The host No. 21 plays a game in Happy Home. Will the field he chooses be provided by Happy Home?

Its footprints on this continent are traceable, and that is "Doctor". If it develops other believers, it should integrate its power instead of letting "Doctor" fight alone.

The action of the "doctor" was reversed to the action on the 21st, and it was not until the third phase of the "Bonsai" project that it appeared.

Xia Qimiao fell into a misunderstanding before, thinking that all the crystal core incidents were the work of the owner of No. 21. If she jumped from this idea and looked again, she would find that there was no trace of its involvement before the third period.

Could it be that the first, second, and third phases are all games initiated by independent monsters, and Alkania is not the only one facing the current gathering of monsters?

Therefore, No. 21 said before he died that destroying the crystal core was not the final solution.

Perhaps this method can solve the current zombie crisis and eliminate the war between humans and zombies, but it cannot solve the root cause of the problem faced by Alkania - external monsters can "open holes" and come here.

The problem now is that these are just Xia Qimiao's conjectures, and she has no real evidence to prove it is true.

Xia Qimiao smiled: "Are you interested in making a deal?"

The last time I had trouble was in junior high school, and I recalled the fear of being controlled by a little bit. I should be almost better tomorrow (make a wish), and I’ll start paying more when I feel better.

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