I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 172 Start with 1 island

"What deal?"

Xia Qimiao held the handle of the hammer with one hand, and the corner of her mouth curved into a half-smile: "You only appeared in front of me because you were worried that your daughter would offend me?"

"As expected, I can't hide it from you," the shadow curved, "I also want to ask you to help me get out of here. In exchange, I am willing to do anything for you except hurt my daughter."

"You can't leave?"

"I've been stuck here because I died in this realm."

The black-faced woman is a player, which means she should be a person in the real world. According to this reasoning, her mother should be too. A person in the real world died in Alkania. Doesn't that mean...

Xia Qimiao's expression became serious: "You were also a player before, but you died in this dungeon and turned into a monster?"

"Yes, I died on the experimental island in 554 after my mission failed."

In 554, Xia Qimiao recalled, it was the time when the second phase of the "Bonsai" project was shut down. According to Detective

"My daughter completed her mission and left last time. I don't know how she came back this time."

It was probably an invitation letter, Xia Qimiao thought, it sounds like there really was a game last time.

"I can't let her know that I turned into a monster after death. If she knew, she would definitely seek death and come to me."

"But even I don't know why I turned into a monster. There were three dead players at that time, and they were all really dead. I can't let her risk her own life. I just want her to live well."

There was a hint of pleading in her words, and Xia Qimiao understood what she meant, which was just to ask her not to tell the black-faced woman about this matter.

"Why do you want to leave here?"

Since she is so afraid that she will leak the news and cause her daughter to seek death, it means that what she wants to do is to some extent more important in her heart than her daughter's safety.

"If I am still here, then she will always be attracted here, which is a destiny. I want her to stay away from here, get out of here, and live her new life, so I want to leave here." Shenshen The nagging words of fate.

Speaking of which, the player turns into a monster after death. How did he become a monster? The components of a monster are nothing more than memory, emotion, and power... She suddenly discovered a blind spot: "How did you survive being a monster?"

She has stayed here for ten years and still maintains her sanity and body. Where does her power come from?

Shadow didn't understand why her topic spanned so much, but she still told the truth: "Absorb the energy of the crystal core."

Is crystal core energy the source of power? Combined with what Detective X said, this idea becomes more credible.

Xia Qimiao's breathing quickened. She originally thought that helping people from this continent dig crystal cores was a thankless job, but now she felt that it was like digging for gold mines.

Hurry up and add a backup plan.

"I can help you get out of here. In exchange, you need to tell me all your experiences here. It's a win-win situation. Are you willing?"

Xia Qimiao had already made up her mind to sign a rental contract with this shadow when her strength returned.

In this way, she can not only complete the task of recruiting new people in the mysterious building, but also obtain information. How can winning twice not be considered a win-win?

Shadow nodded quickly: "I do."

"I'll let you know when I can leave. Now you can tell me what happened at that time."

After a rough calculation, I owed about eight or nine updates in total. I collected interest to repay twelve updates, 2000 for each update. I suddenly experienced the feeling of seeing a huge debt after a serious illness (an exaggerated version).

The debt repayment progress is 0/12. Normal two updates and monthly bills and extra updates will be calculated separately and are not included in the debt repayment. If February is not postponed to March, the fourth update will be announced on 2/20.

Whenever I feel uncomfortable, I tend to have nightmares. When I have nightmares, I accumulate materials. After excluding the sensitive ones that are difficult to write, I was able to scrape together three small copies. I coded and coded (crazy version).

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