I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 173 Start with 1 island

"My name is Li Mu, and the identity I got when I entered the dungeon was 'Experimental Island Researcher'."

"The plan for the experimental project carried out on this island is to 'exploit human potential' on the surface. In fact..." She was obviously stuck and didn't know how to summarize the true intention of the project, so she elaborated.

"Researchers implanted crystal nuclei into the brains of experimental subjects and labeled them as N-type and S-type experimental subjects according to different uses."

"N-type experimental subjects, also known as 'human implants'."

"Researchers will use special energy, that is, source power, to accelerate the development of the brain nuclei of N-type experimental subjects. When the threshold is exceeded, the crystal nuclei will induce plants to grow from the brains of the experimental subjects."

"I later learned that the 'boss', the initiator of this project, would trade qualified plants to monsters in exchange for source power, and then use the exchanged source power to stimulate the growth of crystal nuclei."

Li Mu couldn't accept using humans to grow plants, but her colleagues accepted it well.

The boss concealed the information about the strange things and announced internally that these "bonsais" would be put up for auction. The higher the auction price, the more reward they will receive.

If a bonsai is sold and the researcher can only get 10,000 yuan, he may still refuse; when he can get 100,000 yuan, his conscience begins to waver; when he can get more than 1 million yuan, He would think about how to get the bonsai to sell for a higher price.

They don't need to take risks, or go through various communication links. In the name of "researcher", the source of money is compliant, and they can make money almost effortlessly.

What's more, there is not just one bonsai, but hundreds or thousands.

They even prepared a set of self-comforting rhetoric: "These are people who voluntarily signed up to participate in the experiment. They are defective products of the experiment and experimental waste. We just recycled them."

These researchers were also the first group of people to become zombies. They thought they were researchers, but in fact they were also experimental subjects.

Li Mu sighed inwardly, pulled his thoughts back, and continued: "Researchers will not interfere with the growth progress of S-type experimental objects. They are only observing the changes in this type of experimental objects, mainly observing the changes in the crystal nuclei."

"My daughter received the status of 'S-type experimental subject'."

"The players are divided into two camps. The researcher's task is to 'prevent the experimental subject from escaping', and the experimental subject's task is to 'escape from the island'."

"The six players were split in half, with three people in each camp. The two researcher players invariably concealed their missions and pretended to assist the experimental subjects in escaping."

She didn't say what she was doing, but Xia Qimiao understood instantly that she regarded her daughter's mission as her own to complete.

"When the experimental subject was about to escape successfully, the 'boss' activated some kind of weapon, and she opened a hole, which is similar to the gap you just made."

"A... dumpling came out of the hole, a dumpling covered with arms and legs."

Hearing this familiar description, Xia Qimiao labeled it as the strange thing hosting the party.

"I sent my daughter away before she was killed by it. I thought that was the end. I didn't expect that it would turn into a monster."

"After I turned into a monster, I learned that there is a saying in the weird world that the fate of people connected by blood is related."

"If I am here, my daughter will be drawn here; if I die here, my daughter may die here."

"I originally dismissed it, but when I saw her reappear, I felt fate coming."

"Do you really believe this statement?" Xia Qimiao raised his eyebrows slightly. If this theory is true and she has become a monster now, wouldn't it be possible for her daughter to also become a monster and die earlier and be reunited earlier?

She wisely kept her mouth shut and did not say this thought out loud. She still remembered the lesson of missing a tenant in the castle last time and could not repeat the same mistake.

"I would rather believe it." Li Mu said firmly.

"I was confused for a while after turning into a monster. When I woke up again, I found myself at the bottom of the sea."

Perhaps because her only thought before her death was to prevent her daughter from seeing her death, her talent after becoming a monster was "invisibility". As long as she did not show up actively, it would be difficult to be discovered.

"I spent a lot of energy ashore and spent a long time finding traces of the 'boss'. Then I found out that she was trading with strange things. She has been using this method to exchange for power from the strange world."

"At first, the crystal nuclei needed to be planted, but when I found her, the crystal nuclei were already appearing in the human brain out of thin air."

"At this time, the 'boss' was researching things related to supernatural powers, and after the research made progress, he single-handedly planned the 'zombie crisis'."

"Humans whose brain nuclei are contaminated will turn into zombies. She became the first zombie and is now entrenched in the north."

The north is where the doctor mentioned that a large number of B-level and above zombies gather. It sounds like it is her lair.

"That's all I know."

Xia Qimiao nodded: "That's enough. Don't worry, I will take you away later."

When she returned to her original position, the black-faced woman, no, Li Xide was throwing sand into the gap out of boredom.

The sand she threw in seemed to be swallowed up by the gap, leaving no trace.

"Godmother - you came back so late," Li Xide noticed her return and cast his gaze into the air behind her, "Mom, have you made an agreement with your godmother? Has your godmother agreed to lend me your power?" ah?"

This tone was very natural. If Xia Qimiao didn't know the inside story, she might really think that she could see her mother.

She ignored her cheap goddaughter and walked up to Noah Fels: "Has your prop been repaired?"

"It's fixed." He glanced at Jiu Er very quickly, and then took out the earrings, which glowed red in the sun.

"Can it be made two-way?" Xia Qimiao had something to say to him alone, and no one else could hear it.

"Yes, yes, but I need your... hair."

In fact, what is needed is blood, and blood is the best, but how could he let the poster settle for the second best because he was injured?

"You can take as much as you want." She didn't care about her hair. It would recover automatically when she returned to reality. No matter how much she wanted, it would be fine.

As a result, Noelfels only carefully shaved off a little bit of the ends of his hair. He didn't dare to breathe out during this period, for fear that his hands would slip and lose one more strands.

Xia Qimiao didn't care about this, her hand had already touched the black gap.

【Do you want to use 5000 points of source power to do this? 】

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