I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 178 Start with 1 island

Before Xia Qimiao left, he also took away the few remaining crystal nuclei from the Dawn Base.

Qi Lixing used it to do some experiments: "The crystal core will not be digested by an animal after it is accidentally eaten. Instead, it will occupy its brain, stimulate brain development, and enhance intelligence. This is the source of the strange beast."

"Furthermore, alien beasts can pass on part of their crystal nuclei to their offspring through reproduction. I guess the same is true for humans."

"The state of the pure crystal nucleus is relatively stable. Not only will it not actively absorb the brain as nutrients, but it will emit energy to protect it. The main nutrient is source power."

"The energy that pollutes the crystal core is polluting and can be spread through the blood. The reason why people turn into zombies is that when they are bitten by zombies, the crystal core is affected, and the brain is affected again, losing their sanity and craving for more energy."

"As for what this pollution is, we can't analyze it with the current props." He leaned on the console and looked at his teammates.

As an intelligence officer, An Hao was passively triggered. The clue he got intuitively this time was: "It is not a substance that contaminates the crystal core."

"Consciousness is the opposite of matter?" Xia Qimiao guessed.

If you connect the strange objects and the source of power, it may be related to memory and emotions.

If the pure crystal nucleus in the human brain is contaminated, emotional impurities and additional chaotic memories that do not belong to one may appear?

In this case, it can correspond to Zhao Tianyun's statement that people with superpowers will go crazy if they eat contaminated crystal nuclei. Anyone with other people's memories and emotions in their mind will go crazy.

Anyway, waiting is just waiting. The rent collection team sat together to review this copy.

Xia Qimiao has completed the three tasks of "carving up at least one poster" and "preventing other posters from discovering his true identity". He can just end the game after filling in the passages.

She and Qi Lixing didn't say anything, so they asked Xiao Bai to go over it from beginning to end and point out where there were still problems.

"That's probably it," An Hao synthesized all the information. "There are two unresolved issues. How did the crystal core appear here? Why on earth did the boss start a project to work for the monster?"

"Captain, do you think that...sister," she found a suitable title, "can bring that boss back?"

"Her mission is to 'catch the culprit and hand it over to any base commander'. If she wants to live a good life, she should take it seriously."

"It's amazing. She didn't seem to have any will to survive at first, but after tidying up, she started to be active again."

It was probably Li Mu who said something to her.

"Captain, are you planning to let her join the team?"

"With this in mind, we lack a strong output, and I would like to hear your opinions." Xia Qimiao chose to be a nanny, so the team lacked a pure combatant.

Moreover, she always felt that the game was divided into teams, which must be unkind, and there must be backup plans waiting for them, so she still wanted to form a team as soon as possible.

"There are certain risks," Qi Lixing said, "but risks often come with benefits."

An Hao continued: "I have no objection, I just don't know what she thinks. She didn't even tell us her player code. It doesn't look like she wants to continue to contact us."

"I have a way to convince her."

For example, tell her, your mother is in my hands.

Merit -1.

Xia Qimiao made jokes in her heart that only she could hear. In front of the team members, she still had to act like a captain.

"Oh, by the way, Captain, I collected a lot of information about a strange organization called 'Happy Home' at the party."

An Hao's eyes were bright, as if he was begging for praise.

"Well done," said Xia Qimiao, a member of the organization, without changing his expression. "After all, this is the place for games and monsters. We will talk about it when we return to reality."

"Okay!" With just enough time, she could organize it more perfectly.

"I am saving people! You are pushing us to death! You madman!"

"Uh-huh, oh-oh, oh-oh." Li Xude pulled the rope and dragged a zombie over, dealing with it as he walked. When she saw a few people, she quickly ran over and shouted affectionately: "Godmother——"

Li Xide's face became much cleaner, and his facial features could be seen clearly, which made people feel very heroic. It's just that her exaggerated expression ruined her handsomeness and made her appear nondescript.

Xia Qimiao took the rope from her hand and handed it to An Hao, and then Li Sansui hugged his leg.

"Godmother, I'm so hungry. This zombie is screaming, howling, and unpalatable."

"Did you eat zombies?"

"I took a bite, but it tasted too bad, so I spit it out." Li Xunde let go of his hand after getting the coconut, hugged it and squatted aside, drinking and watching the show.

Xia Qimiao finally lived the life she had fantasized about when she recruited An Hao - she would sit next to him without speaking, just listen to Xiao Bai's interrogation.

"I am saving everyone and the world. What Alkania and what questionnaire will kill everyone!"

The boss claims that he is a "reborn person" and has been reborn from the end of the world.

If An Hao hadn't fed her truth serum, she would have thought he was lying.

Let's just listen to what she said based on this.

In her previous life, Alkania was first greeted by heavy rain, then extreme heat, then extreme cold...

After experiencing various natural disasters, humans finally "evolved" into zombies and survived.

That's right, the boss believes that people becoming zombies is a kind of evolution. They can survive without eating, drinking, or relying on the natural environment.

After her "rebirth", she accelerated this process. She just didn't know why there were no crystal nuclei in the human brain at this time. She went through a lot of hard work on the "bonsai" project to find the existence of crystal nuclei.

"Evidence? My memory is the evidence! I can clearly remember everything that happened at that time, and my powers are exactly the same as in my previous life!"

Li Xide saw her appearance and said that he was willing to go crazy, but this zombie was more crazy.

An Hao was obviously shocked by her self-contained logic and didn't know how to continue asking.

Xia Qimiao received her pleading look and said, "Where did the money for your project come from? Did it come from your family, or did you earn it after you were reborn?"

No matter how you think about it, there is no scientific research funding for this kind of human experiment. It is most likely that she funded it privately. So is she so rich herself, or has she become rich based on the memory of her "previous life"?

If it is the latter, then her words are somewhat true, because this is a correspondence between memory and reality; if it is the former, then it is somewhat interesting.

"What happens if I spend the family inheritance?"

OK, the case is solved.

Since she couldn't produce any real evidence, Xia Qimiao was inclined to think that her memory had been modified, and the other party wanted her to be the "boss" because she had an average brain and a lot of money.

"Since your memory is so strong and you can clearly remember the events of your 'last life', what happened the day before you remembered that you were reborn?"

"I was sorting out the relics...and found a cube. After I was reborn, I discovered that there were fluctuations similar to crystal nuclei."

"This kind?" Xia Qimiao took out a square box that was the same as the core found on the uninhabited island.

"Ah, I have one too." Li Xide also picked up a piece when he killed the strange thing on Emerald Island.

She thought it wasn't a prop at the time so she didn't take it out, but now it looked like it was, so she handed it over. She said she would give it all, and she would give it all.

However, the boss only stared at the piece in Xia Qimiao's hand: "Help me!"

No response.

There is another update to end this copy.

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