I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 179: Start with 1 Island

"If you're looking for the dumpling with arms and legs all over it, it's dead."

Xia Qimiao discovered that Li Xide and his boss had changed their expressions.

The mother knew that the boss had summoned the meat ball to kill her. She probably didn't know that the daughter was the mastermind behind it. No wonder she could hold back and didn't take action.

[Alkania said that he recognized this block, it was something that broke the defense of the field. They originally carried source power, but now it has almost dissipated and is no longer useful. 】

The core not only has the simple function of "breaking defense", Xia Qimiao speculated that it should also have the ability to affect the environment, such as creating natural disasters such as "heavy rain" and "hail" corresponding to the dice.

Moreover, this should be a tool for the boss to communicate with the monsters, and the transaction target of the second phase of the bonsai project is also obvious.

From the perspective of the monsters, they use this core to break Alkania's defense.

At the beginning, the monsters should not be able to stay here for a long time, so you need to choose an object that can be driven by them, that is, the boss.

They pretended to help her, but in fact they used her hands to create more "core anchor points" and open channels to accurately locate Alkania.

Although I don’t know what they will do after they are positioned, it is definitely not a good thing.

"I have nothing more to ask." Xia Qimiao looked at Li Xide, who was about to make a move, and raised his hand to stop her.

The other person glared over: "What are you doing? You're not trying to persuade me not to kill her by saying, 'This is a human life,' or something like that, are you?"

"That's not true," Xia Qimiao smiled, "I just want to advise you to maximize your gains and complete the mission before killing her."

Seeing this smile, Li Xun's hair stood up inexplicably. She had a strange feeling that the person in front of her was very dangerous.

She felt unhappy and even spoke in a bad tone: "Killing her is the biggest gain for me."

"Aren't you going to continue the game?" Xia Qimiao looked into her eyes and then asked, "You don't think that killing her and the sly will be the end of revenge, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"Who killed your mother? Was it just the monster and this person? Who made you have to face this danger?"

"Haven't you ever thought about it, haven't you ever complained, haven't you ever hated it?"

The other party didn't point it out clearly, but Li Xude understood clearly. The more he listened, the more frightened he became. This person was talking about a game.

"So what if you hate it?" She snorted coldly. Players who want to fight against the game are just trying to shake the tree with their hands, and use the mantis' arm as a cart.

"Are you interested in joining my blasting game team?" Xia Qimiao's smile deepened, "You should have heard of my code name."

Demolition game? madman.

Li Xide sneered: "What a loud tone. Do you think you are the first to speak in front of all the players? Any player will have heard of your code name?"

She found that the smile on the other side was not diminishing, as if he was confirming what she said, so she tentatively asked: "...Charter?"

"it's me."

Li Xude looked at her from head to toe, and from foot to head in disbelief. How could this person have such a tacky name? It felt that it had nothing to do with her own temperament.

She was actually a little moved, but she still kept her mouth shut: "So what if the top spot is on top, it's just a bigger ant."

Xia Qimiao looked at her: "If you want to hand in a mission, I recommend going to Shuguang Base to find Zhao Tianyun. God No. 3 asked you to come, and she will meet you after hearing about it."

Li Xude grabbed the rope that tied the boss and dragged the struggling zombie away. Before leaving, he said one sentence: "My game code name is Lizilizilizi."

She thought a lot along the way, and the first thing she remembered was her mother who suddenly appeared and said "see you again" and told her many things. She knew that this was an illusion caused by the debuff. However, it was more real than any previous hallucination. Whether it was the tone of voice or the helpless and indulgent feeling, it made her feel as if her mother had resurrected and appeared before her eyes.

She knew it was false, but she wanted to take it as real, and she did so. She wanted to live until the time of "goodbye".

It's not like she hasn't thought that games were the culprit of her mother's death, but what can she do? There was absolutely nothing she could do.

Overthrow the game and talk nonsense.

She doesn't think the charter woman can do this. Even if this person is currently the number one player, it doesn't mean that she has the power to fight against the game.

However, Li Xide wanted to give it a try. Anyway, she would die sooner or later. There was no difference to her between dying in the game and dying on the road against the game.

She handed the boss over to Zhao Tianyun and heard the prompt to complete the task.

This person is very busy, and everyone in the base is busy, working in an orderly manner.

One month is slow, one month is fast.

Whether they are humans or zombies, they are all waiting for the final judgment.

"The statistics are over. The number of willing votes is greater than the number of unwilling votes. The 'return plan' is officially launched, with a countdown of 24 hours."

"After completing the plan, Alkania will continue to fall into a deep sleep. I cannot see your tomorrow, but you can see your own tomorrow."

This is what Xia Qimiao asked Alkania to add. What she said at that time was——

"Anyway, you won't interfere in their affairs, you will only watch, so it doesn't matter if you pretend to be asleep. Otherwise, they will call you when something happens, and they will resent you if it doesn't work."

Alkania didn't quite understand, but it was willing to listen to her and did so.

[Alkania has given you 20 million point source power. Will you accept it? 】

"Only 20 million?" Xia Qimiao repeated. It was less than she calculated. It shouldn't be a loss.

[Arcania expresses doubts. It tells you that there are clearly more than 100 million, but I don’t know why there are only 20 million left. 】

[The system tells you that the total amount is too large and a handling fee will be charged for the transfer. 】

Who charges 80 million in handling fees?

Xia Qimiao took a deep breath and added another credit to it in her mind. As long as she was alive, she would definitely blow up the game.


"Yes, landlord."

They have already practiced fast teleportation between channels, but the state is too expensive and they have not yet practiced it.

Xia Qimiao threw away all the miscellaneous thoughts and only focused on the matter in front of her, with a calm expression: "King of the King of Deceptions, open."

For the first time, Noefels saw the strength of the poster. Everything in the world should surrender to her. No, this should not be all, after all, part of her power was taken back.

After all the passages were filled, daylight broke.

He looked at the host and said sincerely: "The sunrise is beautiful."

Dawn comes to Alcania.

There is another update before two o'clock.

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