I work as a housekeeper in Guilou

Chapter 180 He is indeed dead

Dark clouds cover the moon and a cold wind blows.

There were no flower shops open in the middle of the night, and it was difficult to find traces of wild flowers on the roadside in winter. Xia Qimiao folded two flowers with paper and placed them in front of the tomb with the words "Xia Weilou" written on them.

She folded two more flowers and threw them in front of another monument not far away.

That was the tomb of "Xia Qimiao". Xia Qimiao always felt that their names were destined, so she would also give her flowers when she came over.

She doesn't walk over now, not because she doesn't respect that person, but because her legs and feet are a little weak now and she can't walk at all.

You can't blame her for being timid.

It's a dark and windy night, and the unguarded cemetery is the beginning of a horror story.

What's more, she will do something even more terrifying next.

This is the real world, not a game, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, Xia Qimiao repeated in her heart.

She breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the monument carved by herself and said, "Don't scare me by pretending to be a dead body later. If you really scare me, I will really knock your skull off with my backhand."

The wind picked up the smell of earth and blew it past her, farther down the road.

Qi Lixing was so stimulated by the wind that he sneezed. He leaned against the car and stood guard at the intersection, pulling the zipper from bottom to top to keep it warm but not cool.

After all, he was doing something that couldn't be seen in the light, so he didn't turn on the light. Fortunately, his night vision is very good, so there is no hindrance without lights.

This place is too remote. Instead of worrying about people showing up, it is better to worry about things like snakes, insects, rats, and ants.

When he saw the well-packed captain coming back, he got into the car and turned on the air conditioner first, then looked at the person sitting in the passenger seat: "Good news or bad news?"


The process was uneventful, and nothing that Xia Qimiao was afraid of happened. The tomb is not empty, the body is still there, and the old scars can be found, it is indeed Xia Weilou's.

He was dead.

Qi Lixing drove away: "It's so rare to hear the word 'uncertain' from your mouth. I thought there was nothing in this world that could make you uncertain."

"What gave you this illusion?" Xia Qimiao put on her seat belt, took off her mask, and sighed softly.

"Your performance? For example, when the boss said that he was reborn, you were very sure that it was a lie."

Qi Lixing had to admit that he was shaken when he heard those words, and for a moment he thought she was really reborn.

"Because she has no evidence, only her own memories, which don't count in my eyes."

"But she described it very well and the details were complete."

"I'll tell you a story about my friend's parents. After thinking about it, I'll use the words man and woman to refer to these two people."

"They were childhood sweethearts. The man has always been able to hear the woman's voice. He knows that the woman seems to hate him, but she actually likes him in her heart."

"For example, when a man hears a woman say, 'I'm so annoyed, can you please stay away from me?', he can also hear her voice saying, 'Don't be too far away from me, it's better to be closer.'"

"The man also liked the woman and pursued her hard. The woman was a little hesitant at first, but finally agreed and married the man."

"Soon after, their child was born."

"The man can still hear the woman's voice, but the situation has become wrong. He hears the woman's voice saying that she doesn't love him and that she finds him annoying."

"One day, the man heard the woman's voice saying that she had cheated on her, and he lost control of his emotions and killed her."

"What do you think after hearing this story?" Xia Qimiao looked over.

Qi Lixing pursed his lips, and then said, "I don't dare to think about it."

"Captain, don't tease me, just tell me the truth." "The above is what the man said in court. The real situation is that he is delusional."

"There is no such thing as mind reading. It's all his imagination."

"The woman said she hated him, but she really hated him. She didn't marry him because she fell in love with him, but she got pregnant after being raped."

"At that time, the woman's family was very thoughtful and felt that it was her fault. She did not dare to report it to the police because she was afraid of being criticized by others."

"The man looks like a bitch and swears that they are in love. Others believe him, so the woman can only pretend that this is the case."

"She pretended for so long that she even believed it. Just when she was about to let go of the past and live a good life, she was killed and she didn't have a clean slate after her death."

Qi Lixing took a deep breath. He was driving and he had to calm down. There were people sitting in his car and he couldn't be carried away by anger: "Is that man dead?"

"Dead, suicide."

Xia Qimiao pinched the seat belt: "So, for me, only one side of the story cannot be used as evidence."

Qi Lixing kept this matter in mind and endured it again and again, but still couldn't hold it back: "Captain, you just said that this is your friend's business, right?"

"I know what you want to say." She knew what he was worried about without him having to point it out.

Most likely she wanted to say that there is a certain genetic risk for mental illness and that she should be careful about this friend.

"Don't worry, my friend is already dead, and the grave I just dug is his."

"……Feel sorry."

"No problem, thank you."

Xia Qimiao returned to the rented house, turned around and entered the Guilou.

The building was extremely quiet, and there wasn't a strange thing wandering outside - she had said hello in advance that she was not allowed to go out for these two days, otherwise she would not be responsible for any accidents.

After winning the party game, Xia Qimiao got back the ability to have a happy home and signed a rental contract with Li Mu.

Jiuer also wanted to sign it, but before she could write her name on it, she took the contract and asked it to come to Building 33.

It arrived as promised, still wrapped in that black robe.

Xia Qimiao opened the door to the exclusive area of ​​the original poster: "Please come in."

Jiuer looked at the door, obviously hesitant.

She smiled: "Don't you want to listen to me and come in?"

Not only did it hesitate this time, it even took a step back, as if it was frightened. However, it eventually went in.

"Why don't you go inside? Is the floor here hot for your feet?"

Xia Qimiao stood in the center of the living room, looking at Jiuer who was still standing in the entrance hall, and then looked around. This area indeed looked like the home in her dreams, the way she had described it to him.

It came closer, but still kept a certain distance.

"I just went to dig your grave."

"You know, I am most afraid of this kind of environment. The dean's second option to punish me is to lock me in a room full of memorial tablets. The first option is to let me go to the back mountain cemetery to stay at night. When will you admit your mistake and when will you return to the hospital?"

"It was dark and cold and I was shivering while I was digging, but I couldn't find any evidence."

"You know I can't find any evidence. You dare to come because even if you sign a contract with me, you can't see the words 'Xia Wei Building' on it, right?"

Revise, revise, revise, revise, revised several times, revised until now, good night... guaranteed to be updated tomorrow

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